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  1. Yeah, PFairings works for me until I resize the base, then everything shows up as unshielded
  2. Yeah, FAR isn't recognizing procedural fairings as shielding after resizing the base
  3. True enough NK, and if that's what's going on it's perfectly reasonable, but the thrust frame is so vehicle specific - number of engines, gimballing, whether any boosters are bottom-pushers or top-pullers. Example: take the thrust structure for the N1, divide by 30 and multiply by 2, would the mass be comparable to the Antares thrust structure?
  4. Hey Red: The KW LE-7A in-game has no throttle capacity; the engine should be throttleable to 72% http://www.astronautix.com/engines/le7a.htm and http://www.mhi.co.jp/technology/review/pdf/355/355344.pdf (in Japanese) The KW Vulcain 2 has a weight of 3.1t, but http://www.astronautix.com/engines/vulcain2.htm has it at 1.8t and http://www.esa.int/esapub/bulletin/bullet102/Coulon102.pdf 1.935t The KW HM-7B has a mass of .2475t, http://www.snecma.com/IMG/files/fiche_hm7b_ang_2011_modulvoir_file_fr.pdf has it as .165t and http://www.astronautix.com/engines/hm7b.htm at .155t (also ASL Isp of 310s instead of 156s, but no idea where they got that number) The KW AJ-10 137 has a mass of .65t, http://www.dtic.mil/dtic/tr/fulltext/u2/850062.pdf has it as 850lbs (ugh), 0.386t The KW RS-27A has a mass of 1.7t, http://www.astronautix.com/engines/rs27a.htm has 1.1t The Castor 120 has a fueled/dry mass of 58t/9t, http://www.astronautix.com/engines/casor120.htm has 53t/4t
  5. Hey Red: The Squad H-1 has an Isp of 262-306, while http://www.astronautix.com/engines/h1.htm gives Isp as 255-289 for H-1 and http://www.astronautix.com/engines/h1b.htm 262-296 for the H-1b
  6. @Red I'll be more specific in my nitpicking in the future Just re-downloaded the Squad tanks, props for the Pyrios design
  7. @3, yes, but they hit ~80 or 90 % almost instantly, the same as the GEM-40s (http://www.ltas-vis.ulg.ac.be/cmsms/uploads/File/DataSheetSolidATK.pdf), while in game they deliver ~150kn thrust for several seconds (releasing clamps at the same time as igniting solids results in a dramatic fall to the pad, unlike say a DIV launch where they are lit at t-0 and certainly develop appreciable thrust in a fraction of a second) ie in your configs the GEM40s start at 0.721 thrust while the GEM46 and GEM60 start at 0.147 and 0.019 respectively @4, yup, that's my problem, deleted all the stock tanks in favor of PP @5 thanks, NK
  8. Hey Red, just a few little things - the AIES RS-68A weighs 9.9t in game, while every source I've found gives a weight of 6.7t (http://www.ulalaunch.com/products_deltaiv.aspx) the NASA pack 4xSSME engine has both ASL and vacuum Isp of 453 the thrust curve on the KW GEM-46 and GEM-60 builds up very slowly, taking about 3 seconds to hit 90%ish the attach nodes for the NASA pack Pyrios booster base are floating ~20m above the booster (unless I messed something up updating to most recent RO; they were working previously) And just as a flavor thing, the RLA RS-2200 seems pretty overpowered, with throttling, low weight, great Isp etc. Since it was never built maybe replace with the XRS-2200? (http://www.astronautix.com/engines/xrs2200.htm) And since we've got plenty of CECE/RL-10s, maybe a CE-20 and LE-5 for some variety? Great work and thanks
  9. 24 hours is a solar day, you want it to equal one sidereal day which is 23hr 56m 4.1s. The approx altitude for this is 35,750 km
  10. Its in the settings file: RangeModelType = Additive
  11. Jackpot: thrust curves for every ATK SRM http://www.ltas-vis.ulg.ac.be/cmsms/uploads/File/DataSheetSolidATK.pdf
  12. Yup, these are all at the highest quality I could find them All my comsats look like sea urchins
  13. If you put more than one antenna on your craft, the range adds up
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