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Everything posted by everchanging02

  1. Hi, everyone. Started a new KSP game using USI. I'm slowly learning how things work, but I'm currently running into an issue with attaching Ranger and Duna landing modules together with Flex Tubes. My base is on Minmus, if that makes a difference (low gravity). Whenever I attach a Flex Tube from one module to another, the linkage instantly breaks and launches one of the modules into space. I've tried various combinations of tethering and not, as well as changing from which module I originate the connection. I had it succeed once, but the next connection I made to a module launched that new module and I foolishly did not quick save. I do have most of a base together, but the site is in a specific location where three biomes meet, so I have to make three separate bases out of the dozen modules I landed. The modules I am trying to connect are the start of the second base. Below are examples of a connection and it failing. I'm trying to link the Duna Module to the Storage modules and the Mining modules.
  2. Not.. sure if I should say this... but I recently started playing with planet mod cfg files. I have been able to adjust the GPP_OPM.cfg file to include the stock system with the OPM planets around Grannus. I pulled everything in to a 66% orbit distance (default was scaled from 100% to 70%), renamed the stock planets backwards (i.e. "Nibrek"; except Eve, which I called "Mada"), put 'Oolee' where OPM likes it, and even modded the DistantObjectEnhancement to accommodate. Some day, when my relay network is at an acceptable state, I will visit these foreign yet familiar bodies... I even added another planet mod in at a further distance than Grannus, but the 400+ years it is taking my sandbox test ship to get there tells me I will never make it there in the game I am actively playing... >.> But, adding all this to my existing game required me to go in and edit my save game, as many of the planets I had already visited had reference number changes (I had to do this when I upgraded from 1.3.0 dev version to the full 1.3.0 version for GPP, as well). Namely, Iota, Tellumo, Lili, and all the "inner planets" (compared to Gael) had to be adjusted (as Tellumo was the furthest I had ever sent a vessel at the time of the addition). Contracts also had to be adjusted (playing Career).
  3. Interesting. Didn't know that. I did not seem to suffer that with 1.1.3, but that could have been because I was using stock and only added OPM there. I'll tinker, but thank you for the heads-up!
  4. @Galileo and @Sigma88 I stumbled upon the above mention of Galactic Neighborhood. Awesome-looking mod. However, I'm presently playing a GPP game that I'd like to add it to... I did a light scan of the GN forum and did not seem to spot an answer. I'm also not that terribly knowledgeable about the mod settings (though I could probably invest some time to figure it out, eventually). Assuming either of you might have thought of the same idea, do either of you know how to achieve the end goal of effectively starting on Gael (around Ciro) and having Kerbol/Sun accessible as a secondary system with GN? <.<;;
  5. I might give DeepFreeze a try. I have noticed some challenges when one gets over six Kerbals with TAC. I designed all my vessels to support three, and they do that well. However, when they combine, certain resources take a dive for some reason. And it's inconsistent between similar situations...
  6. So, thought it over and decided to post links to some albums of game photos.

    GLaDOS (KSP v.0.23.5)

    Picard (KSP v.1.0.5 - v.1.1.3)

  7. Thank you! I know! I have about 14 crewed 'structures' with recycling life support in that game. I figured out that recycling didn't happen off camera, so I have to cycle through them all every 150 days. The data I have collected from doing so is intriguing in how my various designs measured up to the theoretical specifications. I had sent a lone scientist to Dres for several years, and when she got back, I vowed she could retire with a view of Sarnus's rings. Her three-Kerbal ship/station just got there. I opted to give myself more freedom with the GPP 1.3 game and not install life support (since I wasn't sure how well I would do in Career mode).
  8. Ah~ That is from my 1.1.3 OPM Science Sandbox game that I still have yet to finish (the 1.3 GPP game is the first I've focused on a v.0.24+ Career mode). It is the Virrigh Express, taking my most decorated Kerbal to Neidon. I use TAC Life Support (amongst other mods) for that game, so she has a few years to spare to visit and get home (I think it was somewhere on the order of 64 years of supplies, thanks to the recycling available through K&K and TAC). Ion-propulsion, fission reactor -powered. It's honestly about mid-sized for things I've built, but probably included within the largest launched as one unit. Here's one that took a total of 12 'units' when it was done (this just shows 9 of them; v.0.23.5 game). I can look at uploading some additional ship designs from games, if you're interested. Love to share.
  9. Preliminary testing hints this may have been the issue, but I will have to test further, as the bug was very random in its appearance. Again, thank you very much for your time and the suggestions!
  10. I /knew/ there was a third reason I felt guilty about bringing up the issue. v.v I do not see KerbalRenamer amongst my mods in GameData. I am using Kopernicus 1.3.0-4, it seems. Thank you very kindly for your time. UPDATE: Found GPP_Renamer in GPP, so removing that for a try...
  11. I.. do not like to complain, especially when it comes to free things. And I'm not 100% confident that the mod itself is the issue... I've been having what I think is an issue with GPP 1.4 since I converted my save game from the Dev version for KSP 1.3.0... I have been experiencing an issue where, after an arbitrary period of time, the game gets stuck and will not let me leave the ship I am focused on. I cannot (quick) save, I cannot exit to space center or tracking station, and I can't even exit to main menu. All I can do is the dreaded Alt+F4 and hope that the RNG of Autosave fell relatively close to where I noticed the game getting stuck. It doesn't happen on every ship (specifically has happened on four ships of note), and has even happened in the Tracking Station. There is little to no similarity between these vessels (one is an early science probe with a Terrier engine, one is a Nerv-powered carrier, one is an ion probe with the Nerv launcher still attached, and one was a rover landing pod that had a set of four Nervs powering it; were it not for the first, I would guess the Nervs were to blame, but as they are standard Squad parts, it makes it hard to think that...) I am making an educated guess that GPP 1.4 is the cause because I had not experienced this in the Dev version and the only mod I have added after conversion was PlayYourWay. I ruled out PYW when it happened despite removal of that mod. I also have a 1.3 game of Extrasolar that runs the same mods (with PYW) that I was not experiencing the issues with, so that, again, leans me towards the change from Dev to 1.4 of GPP.... Has anyone else seen this issue or the like? I can list my.. long list of mods, if need be, if that will help. On a slight tangent, this vaguely reminds me of the stuck-docked docking ports issue I had back in 0.23.5, but this one is a bit more.. game-breaking...
  12. Congrats on the update! I've been playing the Dev version of GPP 1.3 for the past couple months (as I didn't have a copy of 1.2.2 KSP to use because Steam), and am excited to have switched it over to the fully-compatible version. I did read the notes that the numbers for planets/bodies changed and was able to figure out the changes that were pertinent to my save except for one (Tellumo), but was still able to save the majority of my work. Here's hoping the Kopernicus update to fix scatterer will soon follow!
  13. Oh, hey, look at that! <.<;; So, for any that may not know: In the KSP folder, there is a file named "settings.cfg" In this, it has the line "SHOW_PWARP_WARNING = [True/False]" Yup. That's it. *feels like a goof* Sorry for the bother. v.v
  14. Posting here because the game I am playing is technically modded, even if the issue is likely independent of that. I have been a cautious little Kerbal in my game and have regularly retained the warning when time accelerating beyond x2 Physical Time Acceleration. However, this evening, I accidentally ticked the mark in a mix-up of actions and now the warning is gone, but hopefully not forever? Is there a way to bring that back? I'd rather get warned about it and need to dismiss it for my individual flights than accidentally accelerate when I don't want to. Thanks much-ly~ P.S. This is a 1.1.3 game, if that makes any difference. (I have not updated to 1.2.X because one of the mods' part declarations is errored in some way and destroys half my vessels. o.o;; )
  15. It means "wonderful", etc. Google Translate is usually my go-to to get a general idea of words in languages I do not understand, but it is best to keep in mind it can be wrong. https://translate.google.com/#fr/en/formidable
  16. After ~3 years on mission, following the crippling disaster that struck Duna Explorer, Virrigh, Detrix, Ravy, Tenica, and Lofurt return to Kerbin Station from the first-launched interplanetary mission to Duna, with most mission objectives still met. ^_^

  17. My rover was a simple RoveMate-based unmanned rover, so I couldn't toggle controls anywhere. I have yet to ship a manned rover out anywhere, since I deal with a life support mod... >.> Currently sporting a modified 1.1.3 and adjusting it's parts categories/sorting to Pre-1.2. I won't move to 1.2 until all the mods I want catch up, as I like the extra challenge they provide. Was stuck on 1.0.5 until a couple months ago, since one of my mods had not be updated to work with 1.1.3. Broke some of my ships in the upgrade (some sort of Kraken, likely related to how I hid parts within other parts), but at least it doesn't take hours to dock with space stations anymore (yay, 64-bit)!
  18. Not my issue. The navball was always in the correct direction. My theory is that I had the probe core for the lander selected as "Control from Here" before deploying my inline-decoupleable rover, and so it changed it to thinking it had been made in VAB instead of SPH. When I launched the third lander, I made sure not to select "Control from Here" on the lander's probe core (letting control just transfer via staging), and it worked out just fine after I decoupled the rover and switched to it.
  19. I'm having similar issues. Have a simple rover I made. Launched it the first time, had no problems. Landed on Mun, scouted about, ended up hitting a crater it couldn't handle. Launched rover #2 - exact same design as saved in the VAB from the first launch. Get to Mun, start driving it, and the right side of the rover is going the opposite direction of the left side (net forward/reverse motion of 0 - I end up just spinning in circles, depending on the level of traction I can get). Could I independently control the directions of the four wheels, I would be set, but since I made the rover in the SPH with mirroring, it thinks I want the same action on the left side as I do on the right. Going to try to edit the persistent file to make the change to the independent wheels. Hopefully it will hold. After editing the Left Front and Right Rear wheels to be "Inverted: False" and the Left Rear and Right Front wheels to be "Inverted: True", it works as expected/desired. Will not even try to click on the wheels, now, for fear the orientation may get messed up, again.
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