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Everything posted by TeeJaye85

  1. Wow, what a blast from the past; I can't believe this is still going! I can so clearly remember the excitement arout @inigma's original version of this thread a million years ago, and am so glad to see it continuing and evolving. I haven't dipped a toe in KSP in probably a couple of years at this point, but I try to jump into the forum/reddit from time to time to see what the community is up to. Can't believe I missed this continuation until now. Bookmarking for later, so I can go through when I have some time on my hands. That's all; thanks for humouring my journey down nostalgia lane.
  2. I'm not finding a whole lot of time lately to do much beyond just a quick functionality check when new game versions come out. If you're interested, you're more than welcome to spinoff a version with more size options, especially if you'd be willing/able to address some of the great improvement suggestions by other posters. Our license allows you to remix and recreate as much as you like as long as you give us credit, don't try to get rich from it (ha! good luck!), and pay the freedom forward. Here's a link to the details.
  3. I believe we should be back up and running on CKAN, but am away from my machine for the next few days. Chaosratt, would you be willing to test and report back?
  4. Yeah, it's behaving the same way for me. Not sure why. I've posted a cry for help over on the CKAN thread. I'll get it resolved as soon as I can. Thanks again for pointing out the issue.
  5. My part mod is updated for 1.0.2 on KerbalStuff, but not showing in CKAN against a 1.0.2 install. It worked for 0.90 (and still does if I select a 0.90 install). I think I set up my netkan entry to auto-update from KerbalStuff, but I'm a huge noob. Can somebody lend a hand and help me determine where I went wrong?
  6. I'll take a look at this. When you say manually staging works, you mean with Spacebar, or with right-click/decouple (or both?). Hmmm...I was under the impression that CKAN automatically scraped KerbalStuff for updates. I'm new to CKAN so I'll have to look into this. Thanks for the heads-up. I don't know the answer to this either (hmmm...sensing a pattern here). I'll try and get a few tests in tonight.
  7. So far so good. But they have not been exhaustively tested in the new aero, so please report back any odd behaviors.
  8. Do you have all of the ET segments full with an empty (or light) cargo bay? That would likely pull the CoM over enough to result in the behaviour you're describing. [EDIT] Sorry, I see inigma already suggested looking at the fuel balance in a previous response. Ignore me.
  9. Yikes! I am back to say: Well done, Aphobius. You're a magician with that 400km fuel pod mission. I tried to beat you with a bit of margin at 415 and didn't even come close to making it home afterwards. Looks like I have some ascent profile tweaking to do. Well played
  10. Oh no! I thought I could take a day or two of rest. But with a challenge like that on the table....I'm coming for you Aphobius
  11. I vote yes. I Price-is-Right-ed you for second place. Only fair that you should get a chance to do the same! [EDIT] Since I suspect that things are about to get competitive (in the most fun way!), and scores might start getting close, I should point out in the spirit of good sportsmanship, inigma, that you gave me credit for my apoapsis in the leaderboard, when the rules state periapsis. Those 40 meters might end up counting one day
  12. Wow, I love this shuttle. And I love the idea of these Challenges. Thanks for putting all this work in inigma. I started playing around with Intrepid over on the Reddit Challenge thread while trying to build my own (thanks so much for all your help over there, by the way inigma). I got so obsessed with playing around with this one, though, that I never even finished mine! (maybe that was your evil plan all along ) Below is an album from the maiden voyage of the Space Shuttle Fortunate. I believe this qualifies me for Pilot I and the Hall of Fame, but I'm not great with instructions so I'll need a judge's ruling. Final fuel pod orbit 303,640/303,600. A couple of notes on the mission: (1) I'm thoroughly embarrassed to have brought home a whopping 499 units of monoprop. I was not sure how much I would need for the return burn, and my head was still in no-mods-Reddit-Challenge mode, so it didn't occur to me to check my dV with KER (which was only a button-click away!). Anybody know how much more altitude I would have gotten had I used that monoprop? Wait, maybe I don't want to know.... (2) I didn't encounter the random-wing-explosion bug that seems to be going around, but take a look at the shot towards the end as I taxi off the runway. Not sure what's going on there.... [EDIT - Add RTLS Abort] Here's the almost-immediate, and slightly-less-successful, follow-up mission to the Fortunate, the Space Shuttle Hubris. Hopefully it's not KSP blasphemy to create a story in which Jeb makes a piloting mistake. I didn't actually realize until I launched the Hubris that it hadn't been Jeb piloting the Fortunate. Good thing in the end...not sure anyone else could have brought this thing home in one piece. [RE-EDIT] Re-adding my question about how to post an album so Deutherius doesn't look like a crazy person inventing quotes: "How is everybody embedding imgur albums right into their posts?"
  13. This is amazing. I'm having so much fun with this shuttle. I am running into one small problem consistently though (and I am fully prepared to learn that I am doing something asinine): I can't seem to get the RCS systems on the MMUs to work (the ones included in the Operations Module). I load a kerbal into the seat and decouple from the shuttle, and nothing. I can control my attitude via the reaction wheel in the probe core (at least I assume that's how I'm doing it), but the RCS is doing nothing. Things I know or have tried: (1) RCS is on (I'm dumb, but not that dumb) (2) Plenty of monopropellant (haven't been able to use any!) (3) Both MMUs with multiple kerbals (4) Refocused on multiple vessels (worth a shot) (5) Returned to space center and then back to ship (also worth a shot) (6) Load a new ship and launch all over again -- same result Also potentially worth noting is that the right-click menu for the kerbal seems to still be the EVA one (e.g. has "EVA Report" as an option) while he is sitting in the MMU seat. I don't have enough experience with the command seat to know if this is out of the ordinary. any idea what I could be doing wrong?
  14. Probably not any time in the very near future. I'll take another look to see if I can find the post I remembered the last time you mentioned them. I swear I saw a screenshot of exactly what you're describing in one of the reddit threads that spawned this mod. [EDIT] Aha! Found it. Is this along the lines of what you're looking for?
  15. There's no in-game tweak right now. However, there's a couple of ways you can do this on your own install if you're interested. If you open up the part.cfg files in each of the part folders, you'll see a line about halfway down (under //----standard part parameters---) that reads "fuelCrossFeed = True". Change that value to False and save the .cfg file and you should be good to go. If you use the method above, any time you install a new version of the parts you'll have to do it again. If you have Module Manager installed, a slightly more "permanent" solution would be to create a new .cfg file containing the lines: @PART[basicRadialEngineMount]:Final { @fuelCrossFeed = False } @PART[doubleRadialEngineMount]:Final { @fuelCrossFeed = False } If you do it this way it should be update-proof. Unless I change the names of the parts on you, which I'll try not to do If you want to have both crossfeed and non-crossfeed versions available in the game simultaneously, there are a couple more steps. If that's what you're looking for let me know and I can elaborate. [P.S. DISCLAIMER: I haven't actually tested either of these and I'm still pretty new to this whole mod thing, so don't hold it against me if this doesn't work . Report back if you have any issues and I can try to help further.]
  16. Thanks for testing! I'll officially update for 0.25 in the next few days.
  17. I haven't had a chance to test, but I'm not aware of a reason it wouldn't be. If you don't mind, give it a try and see if you can break it. I won't likely be in front of my computer for a few days so that would be a big help.
  18. Sorry I disappeared for a few days there. I was all set to come back and let you know that I had tested it out and you're not crazy. I found it interesting, too, that the behaviour was the same for all decouplers, not just mine. Of course, in my absence, you've gone ahead and gotten the answer straight from the source! Thanks for clearing that one up...that could have kept me confused for a while. As always, ferram4 comes through and makes us all just a tiny bit smarter.
  19. Thanks for the screenshots. And great idea too. After seeing this, I'm going to be playing around with some thrust vectoring in my own game for sure! Back to your problem: Unfortunately I think it may be beyond my level of expertise to solve. I ran a quick test myself (the right test this time ), and it works for me in this configuration as well: Rotatron Test Another user was having trouble seeing gfycat, so just in case here is a link to download the .avi I can only think of one possibility: are you using an old version of IR? Maybe something was tweaked in a more recent release that corrected this behaviour... Otherwise, can you spot anything in my clip that I'm doing differently from what you're doing which might explain the difference in results? If you want to upload a video of all of the steps you take including construction I'd be happy to take a look and see if I spot anything. Sorry I haven't been of more help!
  20. Can you post a screenshot of the configuration that isn't working for you? When I try to reproduce it works fine for me, but I suspect I am misunderstanding what you're trying to build (I am just spinning an engine around on its axis which doesn't seem to serve a purpose )
  21. I think you're on the right track. I did a quick mockup along the same lines as yours, and mine worked ok: AnchoredDecouplerTest My guess is you're right about one of your objects being oriented differently than the other. It's tough to tell much more from your screenshot. You only have one of the two models selected; do the object axes on the other one match, or are they off by 90deg? The two models are also at mismatched levels in the hierarchy. I'm honestly not well-versed enough in this stuff to know if it's an issue, but rdecoupler appears to be on the same level as explonode, not ejected-part. You may want to reorganize them (or even export both models from your modeling software in a single file...that way at least you can trust the axes to be consistent!) Sorry if I'm no help at all. Still learning [EDIT] Thanks to the awesome mod Time Control for allowing me to pause time and step forward for tests like this!
  22. No, the parts will remain decouplers by default. The last few posts were just a discussion on removing that function from individual installs for people who don't want the feature. If, however, I misunderstood your question and you were asking "will they just become radial attachments if I create the craft file with the code above?" then the answer is yes (assuming you have Module Manager installed)
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