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Box of Stardust

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Everything posted by Box of Stardust

  1. Persistent Rotation is already its own mod. And I'm sure the mechanics associated with the rotation is different from what Kerbalism modifies.
  2. ... I mean, loss of control if out of range is nice too, but if I can't transmit data, I think it pretty much has the same overall effect. If I happen to send the probe/whatever back, I can pretend that all my 'control actions' were 'programmed' into the probe to gather science. Anyways, cool, looking forward to the update.
  3. I think that's what I'm asking for actually. Just never lose control of the craft, but still have data transmission mechanics require line-of-sight/relay. Unless data transmission is linked with the control mechanics requiring line-of-sight.
  4. As I understand it, the signal mechanic encompasses everything you've added in the mod (including ranges and relay requirements, etc.). I'd like to have it so that the line-of-sight (or relay) requirement is still required for data transmission; so just disable the mechanic dictating that the probe can/can't be controlled depending on line-of-sight. Is that possible to do in the configs?
  5. I've been out on vacation for the past few weeks, and I see the mod has gone along really well! Are spacecraft (still) uncontrollable behind planets/no line of sight to Kerbin? Because that was a concern I had, and I haven't seen anything in the patch notes about it.
  6. I went for a Berkut because my Hornet and MiG-29/Su-33 weren't maneuverable enough. And my EA-18's 4 ECM pods didn't do a thing against the AMRAAM spam.
  7. Man, are AMRAAMs even worth it with all the supermaneuverability going around? And does ECM even have any noticeable effect?
  8. Well, I think I missed a decent chunk of the rail conversation. Not really agreeable to it. I'd already designed my craft to use the stock hardpoints to make up for it, and I've managed to put my plane at what is conceiveably actually a realistic max number of missiles, if a fighter was completely outfittted for air combat. It's sitting at 4 Sidewinders and 6 AMRAAMs. And I'd also have to go with rotaty rails counting as one part. It's an idea with real roots. The design challenge kinda got a bit un-fun. :/ I thought the part count limit was good enough.
  9. So I did further testing and, although I know my aircraft design wasn't the best, fixed Oerlikon Millenniums are still pretty useless. Bit disappointing. Actually, the Millenniums seem pretty useless overall, at least mounted on aircraft. The AI couldn't even down a target drone with them unlocked. I think the air bursts fall too short of the target. GAU-8s are probably better, but that still requires for the AI to be able to get into position to use them.
  10. As your earlier analysis said, the AI is highly simplistic and doesn't allow for too much leeway. The general meta will always be a long range first-strike, then whoever survives, usually ends up in close, then stuff starts happening. And unfortunately, your craft's possible advantages (usually high TWR) will never actually be used. Maneuverability is key. Well, either that, or a first-hit kill alpha strike.
  11. That's because, in the first place, the PAC-3 (or more commonly known, the Patriot) is a SAM, not an aircraft-launched weapon....
  12. Does the Goalkeeper function as CIWS as it actually should? It would help. Besides, if it's a ship, it can probably take an AMRAAM or two. Maybe. An interesting thought for ASC-A, which I think this idea would fit.
  13. That seems less of a fighter and more of a gunship. On that thought, one could technically win ASC by building a literal ship as a SAM platform. Probably.
  14. I'm personally questioning the '20 BDA' parts, but AI and WM are included in that part count. It just seems... weird to state an allowance by a certain number, but in reality, is less. 20 BDA parts excluding AI and WM would make more sense, IMO, from a round number perspective. In my experience, fixed guns kinda suck. But maybe my quad Millennium Cannon drone just wasn't agile enough. The 4 ECM pods sure didn't seem to do much to help it...
  15. I've already referred to that, and I've kind of spent the last few hours trying to refine a design, but to no luck. I've also disabled all engine gimbaling other than pitch, which probably helped a bit. Or not. Because ASC-II is looking to be modern dogfighting, I decided to go for a modern style aircraft, meaning the main wing's trailing edge is just a giant flap (just for the heck of it). And it turns out that the plane actually flies very nicely, wing-length flap functionality included, despite initially going for aesthetics. The AI just... kinda sucks at flying it, since there's no way to tell it 'full range allowed for pitch, but only 50% allowed for roll'.
  16. Regretfully, a locked Millennium Cannon turret does not seem to work that great in my testing. Shame. It was such a good concept. Fly a drone armed with quad flak cannons, even if locked forward. Related to this, does anyone have any tips on how to get a good pilot AI working? Or are modern-fighter tailerons just not a great idea for the limited programming available? I can't seem to find a good setting where it turns hard, but doesn't have a chance to over-roll.
  17. Man, those Fiestas are monsters. That Solarius fight was fantastic. Are locked turrets still go for ASC-II?
  18. There's still resetting the experiments though. But other adjustments are welcome anyways.
  19. Wait, it doesn't? I think I got screwed up a bit, since I also have ETT installed. Whoops. It does move around the science stuff though, I think.
  20. Ah. Well, this mod doesn't affect the tech tree progression too much; it does move around some science parts and switches from manned start to unmanned start. It's not really as hardcore to start off in Kerbalism as it is in BTSM (though I've never played it; only know things about it). It's actually a decent mix between stock and some realism. I'd put it... probably between stock and BTSM in terms of progression. After all, Kerbalism isn't just about the progression, but also the mission gameplay, whereas BTSM has some gameplay altering things, but I think is more focused on the progression.
  21. Doesn't look like it. Try it yourself. I imagine it would be pretty decent, but I'd be more worried about mod conflicts.
  22. Well, at least my KSP isn't working, so I guess I can wait for the new tree.
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