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Everything posted by JaffaFediration

  1. The Polar Exploration Institute of Shiba Inu is proud to present the most advanced Polar vehicle ever produced, The PolarRollar 1. Room for 9 Polarologists, Tourists and Isolationists, a vast range of Scientific Equipment and eco-friendly Solar panels, The PolarRollar is the transport of choice for any budding explorer! this isn't working... http://imgur.com/a/BsEbF#0 Features of The PolarRollar 1: •Bright Spotlights •Working Brake Lights •Durable Tires •6 Wheel Drive •Several Different Science Experiments •Communitron •Inbuilt Flare Gun •30mm Railgun "A Railgun," I hear you ask, "what on Kerbin would you need a Railgun on a CIVILIAN vehicle?!" Well thats obvious, it's to fight off huge Antarctic Yetis you silly fool! For an added Price you can even purchase an Airborne variant of The PolarRollar 1 called The PolarRollar 1 FliteMite! Downloads: http://www./download/t1a7f74ktavla8x/PolarRollar+1.craft http://www./download/geqodss2hdh02cn/PolarRollar+1+FliteMite.craft
  2. hmm, Val really likes cucumbers...
  3. So this will make kerbals into Martians? You sir, are a genius!
  4. Why does it use the flag of imperial Japan.
  5. can there be a North korean flag on the Sun, just for laughs?
  6. I have retextured some of the parts, don't expect the Mona Lisa or something the textures are more WIP than the mod itself! DOWNLOAD:https://www./folder/eaf3vn8xq7476/NuclearWarfare
  7. Hey, what version of KSP do you use? I have the problem and I am running OS X. Also there doesn't appear to be any animations for the Jet engine exhaust.
  8. Alsoy version doesn't seem to have the jet exhaust animation - - - Updated - - - No, only mirror.
  9. There appears to be something wrong with the RCS blister, its collision mesh or something is too big and causes it to stick out away from the plane...
  10. Hey, was just testing the base parts in the old Mk4 parts and was able to make a interesting transporter.
  11. dude we have more powerful nukes than you might think, if you want to see how powerful then use this online sim http://nuclearsecrecy.com/nukemap/.
  12. Well BDarmory does add in custom explosion animations for some of its bombs, so I guess that a mushroom cloud could be possible.
  13. Welp, I keep on getting the message "Handshake failure: Client already connected" when I try to connect to a server.
  14. If you could add a sort of rounded underside part that could make them better for sstos.
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