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Posts posted by DasValdez

  1. Angel, thanks for stopping by KSPTV! I was seriously stoked when I saw you had updated for .90

    I had been putting the balloon pellet tank inside the hollow truss from NFC, but it was slightly too big and clipped out a bit. Sizing that thing down to fit in the 2.5m form factor might be a good thing.

    My big thing is heat generation and radiation. Having big radiators that dispose of wasteheat but are included in the WildBlue pack would save me from having to install a huge mod just to get rid of the heat. If the radiators matched the NASA paper visually that would be a bonus goal heh. http://ntrs.nasa.gov/archive/nasa/casi.ntrs.nasa.gov/20050160960.pdf

    I played with the aerospike, but I think at the time it was broken and I never went back to it.

    Thanks again! It'll be another couple weeks before I get the ISRU refineries in place. I stream the DiscII Mission every Thursday starting at 10 PM EST, and would love to have you any time you can make it.


  2. I typically don't clip parts... maybe it's superstition, but I have a *gut* feeling that clipping causes more kraken attacks, unintended motion, and exploding ships on physics load. The KSA Majesties' cupola torpedo was resolved by removing clipped cosmetic parts near the connection points...

    Will removing the clipping detection, without modifying the simulation code, cause more frustrating issues during flight? I hope I can turn it back on as an added build precaution against wonky physics sim...

  3. Your mod is awesome, and you should feel awesome. Did an entire stream tonight trying it out on twitch. It's going on the Academy must have mod list.

    Here's a highlight of a rather accurate landing made possible by the mod. I also do a bit of explanation on how it works and how to use it. I plan to do an entire 2 hour Academy session this week highlighting this.


    WELL. DONE. SIR. Hats off.

  4. For the record, I'd much rather introduce my daughter to a game where she could use real-life expectations of how things work, in a casual manner, to spark interest than some broken caricature of a simulation. KSP has the potential to do that, but not right now.

    So far, the only thing that didn't happen in KSP we were expecting was reentry heat, and even then, at least we got a cool animation. In my personal experience, KSP has been very successful in sparking interest in kids, who are not physicists and use the term "awesome game" instead of "broken caricature".

    Just a few weeks ago, I was walking out of the grocery store when I heard someone saying "Excuse me sir!". I turned around to see a 10-12 year old kid addressing me... at first I thought I had dropped my keys or something. He goes on to tell me he thinks my t-shirt is awesome, and KSP is one of his favorite games. I was wearing my Bob, Jeb, & Bill KSP shirt.

    Everything else aside, the fact that this single admittedly anecdotal event occurred should be reason for the KSP team to beam with pride.

  5. This thread makes me sad. Everyone going into excruciating detail on how it could be more real or meet their own expectations more perfectly seems to forget they are not the only audience for KSP.

    My kid is always asking how the Kerbals are doing. She wants to put together rockets, launch rockets, and crash rockets. We're still working on the whole orbiting and landing concept. Her favorite thing to do is drive a rover around whatever planet it's been delivered to... and she cares not for the wacky rover wheel physics or control. It helps her get interested and excited about science and space, and it gives me more opportunities for relevant discussions on more detailed topics like basic physics concepts, gravity, and brainstorming what you would need to live in space. I fully support anything that creates interest in science.

    Sure, there's a few improvements missing from stock I needed to add to teach a few specific lessons (female kerbals and reentry heating would be my prime examples) but on the whole, you can teach a lot using the game... even though in some cases it only provides a rough approximation of real world concepts. When you teach, you generally start with rough approximations, anyways, and the game is almost perfect for getting the conversation started.

    If changes must be made, there should be a *casual* mode and *realistic* mode. Of course, we already have that courtesy of the awesome, intelligent, detail oriented modding community. :wink:

    Making the game *too* realistic, with no casual alternative, would make it less accessible to the general audience. I'd rather the game spark genuine interest in an 8-year-old kid than pass an in-depth review by an world renowned astrophysicist.

  6. Hrmm, I may be overspending a bit.

    The Epic5 Automated Fuel Drone (left) rolls out to the pad for √1,090,179, delivering 4x full Kerbodyne BATs to orbit. Between DebRecovery, RealChutes, and a lot of work... only √342,000 is actually spent, everything else is recovered. Even the Epic5 itself makes it home with landing gear (still working on a runway landing, have gotten close). Most of the expense comes from the orbital insertion stage, which lands on the backside of Kerbin and only gets 40% return rate. Have to work on that, since I need to fly a lot of these missions... because...

    The Orbital Fuel Rotary (right) cost √1,658,414 to go up. Still working on the math for unrecovered cost, but you only need one of these in the sky ;). It reuses the same lifter as the Epic5 AFD, and self inserts with 6 mainsails that are jettisoned (and recovered) just before she makes orbit. Fully fueled it stores over 640,000 units of LF&O. That's 44 Kerbodyne BATs.


    If you want to see what dumping √1.6m into the sea looks like, I've got a video. Heh.

    (Yes, the video starts with a small prayer to the Kraken :D )

  7. An idea I thought of while watching DebRefund messages pop up... a reputation penalty for letting things crash.

    More specifically, stuff that red-zone crashes gives a moderate reputation penalty, stuff that yellow-zone crash-lands gives a minor penalty, and green-zone landed stuff gives no penalty. Should also be balanced against the mass (or price) of the parts... dropping a set of SRBs should pose less of a problem than dropping orange-tank asparagus stages.

    Posted a feature to github like this... with the addition of "populated areas". Crash into a populated area, and get a big fine and rep hit. May be good to add comments there, link in OP.

  8. Downloaded!

    I like the idea of keeping this an orbital only function. I would even say you should go so far as to prevent activation too close to a planetary mass. You could make it similar to the minimum altitude time warp restrictions for each planet. Makes it more like the Asimov jump drive from Foundation.

    This ++. No jumping too close to a gravity well, or you get Eaten by Things that live in hyperspace. :)

  9. My only peeve is users who don't read the documentation provided for them, and ask the same questions over and over again.

    I've been involved with support, training, and user documentation for a long time... you're never going to fix that problem. "Click here to upgrade your wetware with instructions on installing [modname]!" Man, we'll be rich, and then everyone will die.

    :confused:KSP Plug-in Installation has caused a General Protection Fault in module [Heartbeat]. We are sorry for the inconvenience.

    In all seriousness, mod users voluntarily "returning the favor" to mod makers by providing some front-line thread assistance is probably the best bet. Until they start teaching "Installing Mods" in primary school, right along side "How to do your Taxes" and "Boarding Public Transit", there will always be newcomers who trip on what we consider to be the most basic steps.

  10. Yea, time to get back on topic


    But, how formal does it need to be in order to get any of the advantages of being formal at all?

    It shouldn't be formal at all.

    • An email/post for modders telling them they can do this (if they want) is all it needs to be (which has already happened, above).
    • People can hop into threads and try to help out (which is already happening).
    • If the modder thinks certain people being particularly helpful, he/she can add their name to the OP (which is also already happening).
    • If a modder wants, they can use bug trackers, wikis, whatever (which is already happening).

    If you try to make it complicated (wiki templates and bug trackers and official lists and formats and recommendations) no one is going to do it. Better to let a couple respected modders lead by example, if they think they'll benefit from it.

    Your work here is done. :)

  11. The water in your tank may slosh unpredictably, throwing off your COM. In the tank, you're going to need room for air to compress which leaves room for slosh. Getting the control and gimballed nozzle to work without this variable will be hard enough... you may first need to test drops with just the chute and tank to determine how it plays out.

    Baffles are the first thought, but I'm not sure how you'd install them in a home built reinforced bottle. Stuff a loofah in there, maybe? Maybe a separate tank up top for air, feeding into the water tank, and let gravity do the rest? Again, a chore to set up safely on a home built bottle.

    Good luck!

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