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Posts posted by Ghostexx7

  1. In a nutshell.

    If you were at a standstill (travelling 0m/s) in a vacuum and your vessel had 10m/s dV in it's tanks. By the time you have exhausted your propellant you will be travelling 10m/s.

    The only complicated bit is figuring out how much dV your vessel has. There are various mods to automatically do this for you.

    so technically if i get into orbit, i just use mechjeb to check how much my dV is and check how much dV i need for Duna in the wiki?

  2. This is a how-to kind of question, even if it was asked just out of curiosity, so, moved to the how-to section. :)

    Thanks! it was just a curiosity one, but then i went curious and i made a how-to question :P

    i still think dV its too advanced to me

    and the problem is that i CANT reach duna, so i cant record myself orbiting Duna.

  3. Whoa, never heard of Oberth effect

    and no, i never tried to orbit to go to something (like a moon), that is why the discussion.

    edit pd: so sad i delta-v is too advanced for me, making "get a delta-v of xxx to reach stable orbit around Duna or blah blah blah" chinese.

  4. You're not wasting fuel by achieving orbit first. Once you're in orbit you're no longer fighting gravity.

    You can test it yourself very easily. Build the biggest rocket you can...... point it directly at the mun, and see how far your rocket gets before it runs out of fuel and loses the battle with gravity.

    the maneuver to get to orbit wastes fuel, included with the maneuver to reach Planet1 from Orbit that also wastes fuel, how can you be sure that it benefits yourself?

  5. So i never heard of these easter eggs, i dont even know what "SSTV" means, but i saw an image, and i was like "lolwut how they got that image", are they in a rock or what? or its obtained by clicking on something? or what? D:

    Im really interested

  6. Can't really see what's going on in the little image, but it looks like maybe your NavBall is not in target mode, which would help in determining if your orientation is correct. Also, are you sure the docking ports are installed with the correct side facing out? (It's easy to put them on upside-down if you don't know what to look for.) You could try imgur to upload a bigger image. It's what most folks seem to use here.



  7. Hello again, now with my Rendezvous problem fixed (sorta) i managed to get close to a ship, but it was a p*in in the ass to get to a docking position and do the speed maneuvers, the point is, i finally reached a "stable" position and i have the two docking ports "hugging" each other, but they WONT connect

    i used mechjeb for circularize (cant be bothered)

    If you need any other info tell me


    sorry for the little photo, the bigger one wont upload.

  8. Once you're within ~60km or so of your target, the Navball should automatically switch over to Target Mode, which shows your velocity relative to your target. (If it doesn't, you can manually toggle it by clicking on the velocity indicator to cycle between "Target," "Orbit," and "Surface" modes.) Once you're in Target mode, you can burn in the retrograde direction (the closed yellow marker on the Navball) to slow down relative to your target so you can fly your way over. It's not the most efficient way to do it, but it's the way I'd recommend to a beginner at docking until you get a better feel for how performing certain burns in certain directions can affect your velocity vector.

    While you're at it, feel free to check out some of the Rendezvous and Docking tutorials I've listed in the Drawing Board, which is conveniently linked in my signature. Feel free to ask further questions if you're still encountering problems.

    Hope this helps! :)

    You just solved my problem... without math... related to rendezvous.... :D

    I will reach Duna!!! Thank you very much!!!

  9. So hello

    I have a problem with rendezvous, i eventually CAN reach 0.1 to 0.0 km, but either the Ship/Asteroid its going too fast (like 3 times faster than me), so i can't get into a docking position, i dont know what plane matching is or those stuff :/ :(

    not planning on going to grab a Asteroid if i cant Rendezvous..

  10. Short version: first, get into orbit and match inclination, and set the station as a target. Don't worry about height yet.

    Then, look at the target: is it in front of you or behind you? If it's in front, you need to lower your orbit to catch up (but not so low that you hit atmosphere). If it's behind, you need to raise your orbit to slow down. Don't bother about circularising, elliptical is fine.

    Orbit until you get a close intercept (anything <10km will do), then circularise your orbit to match the target. You'll probably still be a touch off; add a small manoeuvre node (prograde if you're in front, retrograde if you're behind) that gets you a <1,000m intercept. Wait until just before closest approach, burn target retrograde to kill your relative velocity, then point at the target and gently approach. Watch the target/prograde indicators as you approach and burn or RCS to keep them aligned. Flip and kill velocity so that you come to a stop about 40m from the target and then dock.


  11. So, i have a Kerbin Space Station (The Storer station) up there in Kerbin orbit, and since it would be TOO big, i decided to make it mothership-like, it has a Hubmax point connector, and im planning to attach in every zone 2 jumbo tanks (yes, too big, but i have that planned)


    -Either the craft is TOOOOO fast that i only get 596M close then it flees out

    -I have no idea how to increase/lower speed/velocity

    -When i got close and the same velocity/speed (Hyperedit, not anything else, that is why the other problem its still there), i cant attach, i face the attacher but i either pass or push it or something strange like that, i dont know how to keep quiet.

    -I am a dummy (a.k.a dont say anything about maths)

    -Never docked in orbit before

    Someone knows how to explain this? i do not find any tutorial useful :/ ;.;

    when i learn to orbit this i will just go to use it in other upcoming bases (other moons/planets):cool:

  12. Hello, i see a lot of videos that people move their parts, but without using W, A, S, D (they can move it more in that way, like making a X, i can only make a T for example)

    My question is

    what are those buttons? (they can angle more):wink:

    Sorry if you dont understand anything

    i didnt sleeped


  13. I have a problem, i cant get fuel stations, or asteroids, or debris, or something else that doesnt have a atmosphere (or something to orbit)

    i dont know how to catch it....

    and when Intersection 1 is close to Target Position 1, the Inter. 1 arrow goes crazy doing something like zigzaging, making everything harder

    i really want a asteroid... ;.;

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