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Everything posted by Th3Cap3

  1. Good Afternoon mod geniuses! I had a thought today about a mod that I think would be awesome if possible (I may be crazy). I've noticed a number of people on reddit and with friends of mine that they sometimes want to install mods and play with them but also have a stock save/career. As it stands right now, if you load up that stock save once you have mods installed, all those mods will be applied to the save that was stock. So I thought, what if there was a plugin or a mod that would pop up and ask you which mods you wanted to play with when you start a new game? It could be a check the box type list that lists all the detected mods in the game data folder, but would allow you to select the ones you wanted to show up in the game, so if you didn't want to play with mods, just uncheck all of them and go on your way. I am not sure what all would be involved, I'm a noob when it comes to programming (otherwise I would attempt to make this plugin myself...I wouldn't even know where to begin), but I thought I would put it up for the great mod minds in these forums :-) Thanks for your time!
  2. I am sure Stimpy will reply soon, from what I understand is you can have one of the achievements a flight and only once, the only achievements you can get more then once is the landing one and the keo-sync orbit one, but the landing one only applies to powered landings (no parachutes). I know Stimpy is going to be working on updating the rules since Squad released .17 and I am currently working on building an external Java application to help keep track of the campaign mode stuff easier...which is coming along slowly, it seems I forgot a lot of what I learned....lol, go figure.
  3. I got it :-) And now that I am out of the hospital from further injuries sustained while mountain biking, I have grabbed the Java dev stuff and I will start working on a standalone app. I am not a Java guru or even proficient :-) But I like a challenge, it will basically just keep you from having to calculate all this stuff by hand and hopefully save it to a file so you can have multiple "campaigns". I will post something up when I get a working program that I am somewhat satisfied with :-) @Nova - That sounds like it could be interesting, maybe I can learn how those would affect/removed the need for the program, I wonder how they will do the campaign mode once it's supported in game, should be interesting :-)
  4. I believe you are right, but that plugin hasn't been updated in a while. I would like to see costs for the rockets as well until we get a proper campaign mode. Besides, I like the model and the information available in this plugin much better :-)
  5. I was going to try my hand at building a Java app for it, I sent a message to Lord_Stimpy to see wat he thinks about it. I am still recovering from surgery so t will take a bit to get working, but I am hoping I goes smoothly.
  6. I forgot to mention, if you want to email me, adanen84@gmail.com is my email addy.

  7. Hey Stimpy, I wanted to ask you if I could try and build a stand alone KSP campaign Java app using your rules. It will take me some time since I am recovering from surgery still and don't have use of my right arm, I am also new to Java programming, but I like a challenge. I just wanted to work with you since you are the creator of the rules. I look forward to your future videos and your reply, hope you have a good day!


  8. Hey Stimpy, love your KSP videos, I will be sending you a PM shortly with a question for you. Also, I hope we get more solar panels for version 16. Keep up the awesome work, it's helping me with my recovery from surgery :-)
  9. Thats an interesting idea, I will have to give it a go next time I am modelling...work and school have been crazy recently....and then there\'s the wife :-P
  10. LOL, that\'s a good tidbit to know, that part would have taken, close to literally, forever :-) Luckily I accidently messed up the model and deleted it all so I could start over....I really need to stop doing that.
  11. I have found a few keyboard shortcuts in blender to be very handy. A = Select or Deselect all (Faces, vertices, or edges depending on selection mode) S = scale E = Extrude G = Grab (like you are going to move whatever it is you have selected) When you are using E, S, or G, pressing Z, X, or Y will limit your movement/extruding/scaling to that axis which I have found to be quite helpful :-) Also, if you are adding detail on your model and you want it to be mirrored on the other 3 sides, you can select the faces for everything you wish to mirror, go to your modifers tab (the one with the blue wrench icon on the right hand pane) and select the Mirror Modifier. Once you have that, you can check the options to mirror both the x and y, then switch to object mode and apply it, you will then be able to mod each of those areas differently if you wish :-)
  12. How did you get those support tubes? I have been trying to figure that out for a while now and haven\'t been able to put my finger on it just yet. Of course, it didn\'t help that I had to format my PC this weekend :-(
  13. Thanks for making this tutorial Ben, it gave me the basics to start failing on my own :-P Looking forward to some more advanced tutorials in the future. A tip to some of you, something I learned in my course of failing, the part won\'t load properly in partlab if you don\'t have your attach points close to being right (as in, inside the model). This may or may not be entirely true, but it has happened to me, and then the part would load properly once I moved the connection points farther out.
  14. Thank you, my part was pretty close, the one I just modeled and then deleted because it wouldn\'t work properly :-P It would have been a nice model too :-( had 118k polygons or so. For some reason it kept applying the texture to the collision mesh so it looked like a big cylinder with some whacked out texture LOL.
  15. Another quick question, is there a polygon limit for the parts? Obviously the more poly\'s the longer it takes to load/more it can slow the game down, but I was just curious :-)
  16. Excellent, thank you for your input, I will work on getting those fixed up. As far as the model itself goes, any pointers? I know I need to texture it, did you try it out in game? Thanks again for all the help :-)
  17. LOL, after a gratuitous amount of coffee it finally clicked what you were saying there...my engine has concave faces on it :-P Good to know, I am going to start working on cooking up another model, need the practice anyway :-)
  18. Ah, makes sense to me, the model I have right now actually started working, it seems a played with the top and bottom mount points and magically my temp texture loaded and everything was right with the world. As far as handling, I am not sure how it will handle, it seems to be stable in the test flights, I just need to texture it better. Have you guys had an issue where faces seem to be missing? I have put a material on every surface but it still seems to be missing. I am going to load up the part that I currently have if anyone wants to take a look at it and give some pointers to a noob :-) I present Kerbanigans Incorporated first liquid fuel engine (WIP), the KILFE.
  19. Awesome tip Sarkun, I will remember that. My biggest problem right now is my model is clipping in partlab, like I left some faces untextured or something or it is using the UV map from the collider node, its quite frustrating, I will keep at it till I get it though :-) I do have a question about the models in blender though, when I do the collision mesh, is it better to fit it to the part or can you use a generic shape like a cylinder or box? Just curious.
  20. Awesome, thank you for the info, I have it setup as a trial and error sort of thing now, I wish the KSP partlab showed mount points so you could trial and error without going in and out of the game. My problem now is my fail texture isn\'t loading...so I am messing with that :-)
  21. Hello Everyone, I am just getting started diving into the modelling and texturing of parts for KSP. I have dl\'d and installed blender 2.6 and started goofing around with it. I made a part and was able to build the collision mesh, add materials, and sort of shape my part, but when it came to the config I noticed that the stack/attach nodes are added via coordinates. I have read in other threads that these coordinates need to be exact as possible to help reduce wobble and such, is there a way that blender can help you find the coordinates you would need to put into your cfg file? Thanks for the help in advance :-)
  22. I am with you on that one Caesar, I just installed blender and started playing around with it, my first attempt looked nifty but had WAY to many faces and would have been a nightmare to texture, taken forever to load, and would have destroyed my FPS in game :-P, even if I was a good at textures (which I am not, have never modeled or textured in my life).
  23. Nevermind the naysayers You have to start somewhere and from the useful posts in the threads you have posted, you have an idea that the community likes and some people who are willing to lend a helping hand to an up and comer I can\'t wait to see your future work, keep it up!
  24. LOL, yeah, I saw firefox mentioned in another thread as the cause to that particular sillyness, I just downloaded with IE and was about to update my post :-) Thank you for replying with a fix so quickly though! Love the pack as well OP! Very Very useful for all my catastrophic rocket builds
  25. The download link seems to be broken, keeps wanting to dl the index.php :-) Hope I can get hold of this pack soon, thank you!
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