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Everything posted by Ar_Taq

  1. Could this be a 64-bit error? No, I'm just an idiot. The part that I was testing it with is the same. Sorry!
  2. This is purely curiosity, why do you run both? Either one or the other is sufficient. Since you are probably using MechJeb for some of the autopilot features, and Engineer for the info windows, why not drop engineer and make custom windows in Mechjeb that only display the information that you want visible? I'm not trying to tell you how to play, but I am trying to help you out since running both of them is really just a waste of memory.
  3. Yes, the docking module needs docking ports. Yes, I am able to get them to dock together with no problems. Just make sure that they are the same size docking port, because you can't dock a 1.25m to a 2.5m port. (Exception: The KW Rocketry Docking Port)
  4. All of them. There are anomalies spread throughout the Kerbol system. They could be called Easter Eggs as well. The easiest anomaly you can find is KSC itself. Good luck finding them all! (If you really struggle finding them, get SCANsat)
  5. When you are building your rocket, there is a part in the control tab that you need to place on the outside out your rocket/plane. Not all the modules are unlocked when in career mode at the start. They are always unlocked in Sandbox. Start a new game in Sandbox mode and see if the AR202 shows up in the controls tab. If it is not in that tab, you did not install the mod correctly. Once you place the the part on your craft, a tab will show up on the right hand side of the screen and you click it and all available modules for that screen will be displayed. Click on the little square on the left of the name of the module you wish to use.
  6. Yes, I know many people are going to think, 'It's his first post, what does he know!', but I'll save you the trouble and tell you not much. I've got a quite extensive list of mods that were all working rather well but I've just started having a little trouble after adding Tweakscale. I added it with the Infernal Robotics update to .16 but I've removed both and went back to .15d on the Infernal Robotics. Mod list: Active Texture Management, B9, Quantum Struts Continued, EVE, Better Atmospheres, Deadly Reentry, Dmagic Orbital Science, Editor Extensions, Fusebox, Fustek Station Parts, Improved Chase Camera, KAS, Kethane, KW Rocketry, Infernal Robotics .15d, Mechjeb, Modular Fuel Tanks, Docking Port Alignment, 6s Tubes, PandaJagerLaboratories, Part Catalog, Probitronics, Realchute, SCANSAT, Science Alert, SDHI Service Module, Ship Manifest, Texture Replacer, TAC LS and Fuel Balancer, Kerbal Alarm Clock, Universal Storage, Toolbar and Module Manager 2.1.5 Not in the list are all the little dependencies. Ones that I've had crashing with, either solo or not playing well with others: NovaPunch 2 (Not sure why... My computer just doesn't like it in 64-bit taking over 20 minutes to load it or crashing in the loading screen and no I don't have any logs that show anything that could help you figure it out. No, it isn't memory.) Tweakscale (I could possibly get a log for this one...) Infernal Robotics .16 (Tweakscale dependency) Interstellar (I think this is an OpenResource, Kethane, and SCANsat conflict of some kind. Best guess, since I only have problems with all three when they are all on at the same time) MKS (This could be a SCANsat conflict, but it seems to be more of a Kethane conflict. It won't always map out resources, even when I used the Kethane Debug menu.) Anyways, everything is the latest version unless otherwise noted. I run a Windows 8.1 64-bit pro (I know I'm so terrible!) and my computer's insides are truly irrelevant. While the internals are trivial, I think it does matter it you are running Win 7, 8, 8.1, or other 64-bit OS. Please post what your OS
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