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Everything posted by Sky_walker

  1. Don't try to make it personal when noone does. I don't care who the guy that made it is or how much good or bad he made to the community. It's about this one very specific mod (and the other mods that attach it), not the author if it. Collects data on a 3rd party server with no clear notification to the user nor in-game option to either: opt-in or opt-out. Every half-decent company ASKS you if you'd allow them to gather data like that. This guy isn't a company, never the less: decency should still be applicable.
  2. I build a rockets twice the size of yours with significantly more asymmetry - and didn't have any problems. You're playing with mods? If not then I don't know what you are doing wrong, sorry. For me it works fine with every spaceship I've build so far. And I even hauled an asteroid on Kerbin orbit (took a bit too few RCS for that, so turning took a while, but still: I made it).
  3. He is not bypassing it, he is showing yet another problem with contracts and budget system.
  4. 6k? OMG.... and I thought I'm good in building small and cheap crafts. 44k here, excluding science equipment (my last trip was 80k with all the equipment loaded). Only my ship can do 2 Mun landings without a problem - seeing how much fuel I have left I suppose a third landing would be possible too, but I prefer to be safe with my return back home. Mr. Stock says that Duna got just one biome, so there is no point. (I hoped for new biomes in 0.24, but... no positive surprises, sadly)
  5. Now that's a good question. It makes exactly zero sense - there are many other equally, if not more, valuable topics - no clue why this one is sticky. Someone wants to promote something he likes? Mods forgot about NPOV principle?
  6. We already have a 3-pages long suggestion topic about that: [suggestion] Contract Parts Pictures Please, use the search function next time before posting.
  7. It says: Not "Kerbals in proximity" or anything that would suggest that it will work. At least - not from a perspective of a new player.
  8. This. I refuse to install any mod that got anything to deal with ModStatistics. What they are doing is outrageous.
  9. I don't know, title of your topic clearly states that you were a space program: Polish space program, it's not a joke, I really was once such a thing, So... how was it to be a space program? And I don't know why anyone would think about it as a joke - Poland had his own astronaut, is an ESA member, and for many years cooperated with both: ESA and NASA on development of various components for the space crafts (even Rosetta got one of it's instruments designed and build in Poland). Nothing to joke about, really.
  10. Nah, I'm sure ministry of propaganda would cover any additional expenses.
  11. You really were a space program? This makes no sense. BTW: Install spellchecker, cause it looks like not only you have problems with basic grammar, but also spelling.
  12. It's quite common question: https://space.stackexchange.com/questions/744/effect-of-atmospheric-drag-on-rocket-launches-and-benefits-of-high-altitude-laun http://www.reddit.com/r/askscience/comments/1xl7iv/escaping_earths_gravity_takes_29810_n_of_thrust/ TL;DR: Mt Everest sux for a launch pad.
  13. Ok. Count me in to the newbie club - I didn't even think it's possible in KSP o_O I also don't know what's the spaghetti rocket. You make me feel like a total newbie, lol
  14. As he pointed out already - devs don't want to show numbers to the player. Don't ask me why - it doesn't make any sense for me either. Numbers would really help new players understand how different engines / fuel tanks affect Dv, what the Dv is, how to use your resources efficiently instead of building some obscure mega-rockets for stuff that can be done with a simple, tiny probe, etc.
  15. Alt + . doesn't work? (it's the force-time-warp command, sorry, never used Ions, so I can't tell if it works or not)
  16. I had 300k in Day 2. Agreed. Founds are somewhat a factor until you are past first 4 techs in a tree. After that? You can completely forget that they exist. IMHO: 1) Penalties for failing the contract should be serve. 2) Deadlines should be a thing. I'm yet to miss a deadline and I already explored over a half of research tree and got plenty of contracts done - never felt like a "deadline" is a deadline. Introduce tighter (and more logical) deadlines along with count-down timer on a contracts list. 3) Research tree should be vastly re-scaled. Techs after first 4 should have their science requirement AT LEAST DOUBLED, if not: quadrupled in case of some late-game techs (basically: everything in a last branches). With all the science points that contracts give - game became pointlessly easy. Do I count? Started the game 2 days before registering on a forum, never fully completed a whole campaign (but it looks like with 0.24 - it will happen). I don't even know what the "grand tour" is. I did however go through the engineering studies, so I'm not really a random guy who doesn't know that reentry should be very dangerous or that KSP aerodynamics model sux hard.
  17. Cerro Armazones mountain, Chile. [edit] some images to make it easier: And that's how it looks like: It's going to be one of the largest projects in 21 century located in one of the world's most remote areas.
  18. Video update on the world's largest optical telescope - construction has just begun last month, you can see an update and some more info about E-ELT below:
  19. Really? So now it'll be not only OP-powerful, but also tiny, so you'd have easier time spamming it? o_O omg... Yes, they changed SAS to introduce a logical progression and make SAS little bit less be-all-end-all of stability. I mentioned that change in a first post of this topic. Use RCS and/or Vernors, perhaps with small addition of control surfaces near a bottom of a rocket - like a real rockets do to keep stable.
  20. Sounds like a good idea. Though theoretically - you can pinpoint the location - no need for ellipse, as atmosphere is a perfect gradient, there are no turbulences that could push you off the course.
  21. Sounds great, and very much in style of the game. Yes, please Make it happen!
  22. Yes, please. It'd make it easier for a new players to figure out that the money return rate depends on a landing location, and what's the exact correlation.
  23. Nothing new here. I moved few of my rockets from 0.23.5 to 0.24 and these that did not wobbled - do not wobble now, and those that wobbled in 0.23.5 - wobble identically in 0.24 (not more). That's what "64 bit version" means It's not an issue. They made it in line with other engines. It doesn't look like an RCS thruster but rather a proper engine - which it is.
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