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Everything posted by Sigma88

  1. I'm really not that kind of scientist I understand chemistry and If you explain physics stuff I think I can follow you, but I've absolutely no Idea of what is or isn't unrealistic/cheaty.... I thought H2 could be used as liquid fuel (http://www.nasa.gov/topics/technology/hydrogen/hydrogen_fuel_of_choice.html) I am always open to suggestions
  2. seems to me that this plugin is still working well now in 0.24.2 are there any news about it being still under development? -edit- something I forgot to say before: I've modified the cfg of the greenhouses to have the exact efficiency 90% or 100% for 100% for 90% when TACLS changes the consumption rates of resources you need to change the values of the greenhouses as well...
  3. I will definitely try that. I suppose with ore/metal/rocketparts you can build just the parts without fuel right? the fuel has to be added after creation? So I will need some way to make fuel... I was leaning towards using karbonite, but I'd rather use water to produce liquid fuel (H2) and oxidant (O2) rather than using a karbonite/kethane powered engine.... For the other kinds of fuel I have no idea.... After the first trials to get comfortable with this mod I'd say my fist big goal will be making a big mun base, completely self sustainable (life support included) with at least 20 Kerbals all named "Sambell Kerman"
  4. It's impressive seeing how little deltav you need to force your way somewhere without an optimal launch window http://alexmoon.github.io/ksp/
  5. Thank you to both, in the end I think I'll use either Kethane or Karbonite... I will give both a try to check which I like the most.
  6. ok, I still don't get how you are supposed to get those parts... I mean, If I plan to put a launchpad in orbit around kerbin I guess I could just ship the parts from the planet. But I wanted to put the pad somewhere a little more out, like jool or maybe even another star. I find it hard to find a simple explanation on how to get those parts, and this is surprising given that is one of the key features of this mod. I also searched the thread but with no results, and looking 150 pages isn't that easy
  7. ok, so if I understand it correctly "RocketParts" is a resource right? like liquidfuel or electriccharge... I would like to make a self sustainable base, extracting resource from the planet/moon, processing it and turning it into this new resource. is that possible with KSPi alone? or is it better to use Kethane? sometimes mods that have all that stuff can become overwhelming, too much parts and stuff... lately I started using Scansat and that could be what gives me the final push to reinstalling kethane
  8. I was thinking to installing this mod, after reading some pages of thread I have a couple of questions left unanswered. I'll put them out here hoping there is someone kind enough to give me a couple of tips. thanks in advance I would rather not using kethane, I could be persuaded if it was worth it, but I would like to know if there is an interesting alternative (i'm currently using KSPI don't know if that helps) I've seen you suggest either kethane or karbonite, which one would be the least disrupting to use? I had kethane installed and I decided to remove it because of the green grid annoyed me (maybe was a dumb move but i wasn't using it so that saved me some mod memory)
  9. I wanted to use the radar to get a map of duna in its real colors, is there a way to do that? congrats on the mod, it's awesome!
  10. I was still using the tacls that did not use liters and stuff... so instead of downloading the plugin to change tacls to liters I sticked with the 1 conventional unit. I have been busy and I didn't play in a while, maybe now I'll look into it, to check if the new mods for 0.24 are out
  11. I had issues like that too. I solved it by going back to the original measure system: CelssInputResources = CarbonDioxide, 1, WasteWater, 1, Waste, 1, ElectricCharge, 1900800 CelssOutputResources = Oxygen, 1, true, Water, 1, true, Food, 1, true I would suggest you to at least increase the Power consumption compared to the 90% efficiency greenhouses, that way it feels a little bit less like cheating
  12. is the link on the first page the most up-to-date?
  13. I had problems with the tacLS-KSPI plugin that switch resources to liters and stuff... I had to go back to 0.9s and 1s you should give that a try
  14. I was messing around with this mod the other day and I thought the different greenhouses could use a touch of color. So I came up with this: (click for bigger pic)
  15. hi everyone, can anyone tell me where I can find the "KPSI/TAC-LS compatibility mod that recalibrates TAC-LS in liters." I can't find it anywhere and in the 0.2 release info it sais that it is required. https://github.com/cerebrate/celss-greenhouse/releases I think it's still a requirement because I checked my TAC-LS and consider water and lqdwater 2 different resources thank you for your time
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