Wow. Both my planets made it into the pack. There are no words to express how amazed I am. Thank you. Thank you, sir. Also, two other quick things. First, I'd like to suggest an idea for a solution to the RAM problem, which is that people can just drag planets they don't want out of the mod and leave in the planets they want in the system. That way if someone wanted to land on Rubee but had no particular desire to land on Amie-Thistle, for example, they could drag Amie-Thistle out of the file to free up RAM. Plus I'm running about seven different planet systems and have not encountered problems (although as I say that my potato-powered computer can't actually run KSP itself without lagging, forcing me to simply look at planets from the Control Center, but more star systems doesn't seem to make the problem worse for me). Second, I had one more quick planet to suggest, and feel free to shoot me down on this one: Peynight, based on the extremely rare mineral painite. It would be a dark reddish brown, have an elliptical orbit that would take it from beyond Amie-Thistle to skimming the clouds of Sa-Fire, and be only about ten kilometers in diameter.