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Everything posted by Switchblade88

  1. Alright, I won't bother with benchmarking at the moment then - I'll sit tight until we have progress!
  2. Any fresh news on this thread? I've just bought myself an Alienware Alpha for AUD$600 and whilst it has an i3, it's a 4130T so I'm interested in the Haswell performance despite the lower speed. Am I safe in assuming the most recent craft file is still valid for testing? Were there any significant changes affecting 1.0 that might skew results?
  3. He is here. Feels like he always has been... http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/member.php/763-illectro But I'm sure he just hasn't seen this thread buried underneath the rest of them, and simply needs an invitation, hey?
  4. I highly recommend the Starling variants from polecatEZ's 'Kerbalife' collection http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/30747-Kerbalife-Organic-Designs-Master-Catalogue#post379788 After many attempts, that was the first one I ENJOYED flying to orbit, and with dV to spare, no less!
  5. Oh. My. Gosh. I nearly cried, that Starling flew so well! I vainly attempted building my own SSTO for ages. The KR-X Sparrow from Zombiephylax seemed to be my best hope, but I could never reach orbit with enough fuel to 120km for timewarping... I nearly gave up completely. Until Now! Kicking the NERVAs in at 2/3rds throttle does the trick - right through the 'danger zone' above 25,000km. I could probably milk the jet to get me to 30,000kms but that's really jumpy on the throttle, and then I would end up losing altitude before gaining enough speed (that was always my problem in the Sparrow). Good sir, I salute thee!
  6. I remember the days when side-attachment was an 'exclusive' right of SRBs. So people would use them as 'Structural' components and then stick liquid tanks underneath to create a side-mounted liquid booster. Very Jeb-like
  7. So KSP was again 'reviewed' - or perhaps 'overviewed' is the better term to use - on Good Game Spawn Point tonight. Junior players (going by the grammar standards and skill level) ask the hosts questions, and they answer in an unfortunately protracted method. But hey, any publicity is good publicity! After all, it was my son watching GGSP in the afternoon that gave me my first glimpse at a certain game with awesome potential Here's the online section of the episode for anyone wanting to watch: http://www.abc.net.au/abc3/goodgamesp/transcripts/s3761480.htm
  8. I've only got 0.17, since 64Gb of SSD storage is too valuable to keep deprecated versions on hand! Although I have been rocketing (and crashing ) since 0.11. Never had a 35km atmosphere to enjoy from previous versions!
  9. My net connection's been crap all night, so the patcher wasn't even connecting to the server... Now it just packed it in AGAIN about halfway through. Gah! Another half hour and 50mb bandwidth wasted
  10. But; the extra fuel would help with inertia... the mass... why?? D: Or at least burning in on your approach to raise your apogee to use the fuel for something towards the mission (this is allowed, right? I'm not clear on this scenario) Anyhow, this challenge looks a blast. Actually reminds me of 'Farscape' (speak up if you're familiar!) Perhaps we shall thwart the Krakensbane's good activities with our presumptuous planet-buzzing!
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