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Everything posted by micha

  1. Installed Win10 on two virtual machines; funnily enough it worked significantly better and faster on the slower, AMD-based, hardware. Then again, the slower hardware was running Linux as the host OS instead of Windows 7. Win10 still looks like a toy OS, with a lot of GUI design principles learned over the years tossed out by a new group of visual design artists. And takes 10GB to install. 10GB!! Ok, that may not be much when compared to the size of modern hard-drives, but SSD's are -still- expensive-ish. I seriously don't see why a brand-new OS install should take that much space which I would much rather use for applications and data. Especially given the incredibly primitive (and surprisingly slow) graphical interface. How bleeding hard is it to render flat shaded rectangles? So yeah, thanks but no thanks; they will prise Win7 (for when I do have to use Windows) out of my cold dead hands, unless MS wakes up and releases an OS worthy of the name of "upgrade".
  2. Just found this thread yesterday - great story so far! Loving it and looking forward to the next installments. Have a great holiday, Kuzzter.
  3. Launched a Stayputnik on a Flea booster straight up. No parachutes or anything. It came straight down once fuel and momentum ran out; as expected. Somewhat unexpectedly there was no explosion on impact. Rather it simply stopped on the ground and sat there, looking smug.
  4. I -always- take a copy of my game before I let Steam update. In fact, I don't let Steam update - I always make sure it downloads a complete fresh copy. Typically: 1. Rename the "Kerbal Space Program" folder to "Kerbal Space Program vX.YZ" 2. Let Steam download the new version 3. Zip up the new version "KSP_VX.YZ_(Windows|Linux).zip" - this gives me a vanilla copy of the new version for archiving 4. Copy save-games/mods/settings/etc from the old copy to the new copy (unless planning to start afresh) 5. Run the new copy; if anything breaks majorly, continue to play the old copy until workarounds/patches/etc have been found for the issues. Yes, it's a bit more effort, but it means I have complete fresh copies of every version of the game and can revert if necessary, as well as having a copy of my last good game just in case the new version goes titsup. </offtopic, well, somewhat>
  5. Hmm, are you running the latest alpha builds (mw3)? Thought I had these fixed.. If you could attach detailed repro-steps and a log of when this happens that'd be great. - - - Updated - - - That'd be great! Although I did add the bulkheadProfiles parameter to some of the parts; probably not all of them though. Furthermore, I must apologise, but I'm also going to be away for the next 2 weeks (motorbike tour around Europe, mostly Poland - never been there before), so hopefully the mod is (mostly) playable as is. In the meantime, any further bug reports / improvements, please do add them to this thread, where either myself or Nehemia will pick them up, whoever is back first! Cheers!
  6. I really don't know too much about how KIS works yet - experimenting as I go While there is some documentation, it's not comprehensive, and I haven't followed the KIS development, so a lot of what's in the documentation may appear obvious to people who know what it means, but for someone who hasn't been able to invest much time so far it's a learning curve. I know how you did it, but I wanted to restrict Kerbals to carry only one KEES item at a time, as was the case before with KAS. I achieved this by using the VolumeOverride (as carriable caused too many issues, and didn't actually restrict a Kerbal from carrying multiple items anyway), and this way it also restricts the KEES PC to only being able to carry 2 KEES parts (and a couple of minor things such as a wrench or so), while not making it unrealistically small compared to other KIS containers.
  7. I think I figured it out and made a new release; appears to work (but I should have gone to bed 3.5 hours ago... so it's not tested exhaustively!). KEES experiments -should- now be able to be returned inside any ModuleKISInventory container, including the KEES PC. - - - Updated - - - Ok, I just made a new release, and the KEES items are now standard KIS inventory items - too many issues with KIS "carry" items (most of what you reported I had also encountered). KIS currently does not support non-tool surface attachment. However, this is in the works. As soon as KIS allows this, I will change it to not require tools. Whether or not Nehemia will require an Engineer to mount the PEC or not is up to him in his official release. OTOH, you don't need a Scientist to run these experiments, you can just use an Engineer, so a 1-Kerbal pod is still doable. Also, I recommend using the K2 pod in conjunction with this mod, and moving it to "Flight Control" (it's in "Advanced Flight Control" by default).
  8. Ok, it's definitely to do with KIS containers while trying to verify the experiments on recovery. I did make some changes to the code, but couldn't get it to work yet; bear with me.
  9. Hi Sudragon, it's possible that the contract-completion logic relied on KAS. I'll take a look at the code tonight and see if it needs tweaking to work with KIS containers.
  10. Nehemia designed these mods so that you have to return the actual experiments. For KEES you have to analyse the exposed samples in a lab, so perhaps a suggestion to Nehemia is to be able to process them in a lab module (for partial science, say 80%) instead of having to return them to Kerbin. I'm limiting myself here with just making it work for 1.0x, and not making any functional/design changes until/unless Nehemia abandons these mods (he hasn't; he's just away temporarily). You should be able to return the samples though if you perform an easy re-entry and have a heatshield. Perhaps the KEES Payload Carrier will need to have its temperature raised slightly if people are having trouble with this. The other thing is if the KIS definition for the experiments is changed, they could be stored in a capsule seat instead; I'm undecided about this as they are quite large, and in KAS you could only carry one at a time, but you can easily make this change yourself. - - - Updated - - - Cool! Do you have your version on Github? I'd like to see how you fixed it and how you decided to configure everything. Also, I did initially think about limiting the KEES Payload Carrier KIS definition to match the original KAS definition, but then I thought that: 1) it would make it a very large KIS container with very limited storage compared the others. Until/unless a KIS container can be limited to a type of item, that didn't make sense to me from a KIS perspective. 2) It makes the point of needing a carrier and separate experiments a bit pointless, if you can only carry a single experiment anyway. But again, this is a balance issue and I'm certainly happy to consider improvement suggestions. Eventually Nehemia will decide anyway. One other way it might work better is by overriding the size of the KEES items and make them larger than what KIS calculates. That way the KIS container can stay large, but still only fit 2 KEES items.
  11. Hi Svm420; I can't duplicate (presumably others haven't seen this either?). Can you please check to ensure there isn't another copy of Nehemia's mods somewhere in your GameData? Also, did you install the mods individually, or did you use the Science Pack? For other readers, the following is only for Linux users: I don't know if it's still required with 1.0.x, but do you ensure LANG=C when starting KSP? KSP (used to) sometimes lock up on launch or otherwise exhibit weird behaviour when not having the locale set to C. My Steam launch options are:
  12. Hi Jiraiyah, Thanks, I stuffed up the links when I made the second release; they should work properly now. In either case, if you click on the "Releases" link on Github it will take you to the releases page which contains the download links for the release zip files. You can either download the individual mods, or the Science pack (recommended) which contains all the mods in one download.
  13. Since these are surface-attached I'd guess the node updates won't affect this mod. It does need updating for costs etc. though. And now that physic-less parts add their mass to the parent part, I'd suggest making them all physicsless (if they aren't already) to reduce CPU overheads.
  14. It's (IMHO) also silly that Engineers need to fly to Jool and plant a flag in order to learn how to repair landing legs. Basically the core idea of Kerbal Experience and Roles is great, but the implementation needs a serious rethink. Experience should be gained per mission, with multipliers depending on the mission complexity. So for example, you could either grind 100 missions to LKO, or do a single Jool flyby. Scientists would get mission multipliers for doing science - reading and resetting instruments, running experiments in labs, etc. Pilots get mission multipliers for flying (duh). Engineers get mission multipliers for mining and repairing stuff. Also, it should be possible to train (or hire pre-trained) Kerbals without them needing to fly a mission. Perhaps by having a higher-skilled Kerbal mentor - that way you can only train up to a certain level, the rest would need to be gained through experience. Finally, Kerbals need to be able to learn multiple roles, such as a Pilot-Scientist. The current early game is very difficult because you only have a single-Kerbal pod for a very long time, which means either very difficult flying, or Pilots-only. IRL every astronaut is multi-skilled, with rudimentary knowledge in everything and then specialised. Kerbals with multiple roles would gain levels slower and roles would be capped below the maximum. This way there's still incentives to keep Jeb as a hot-shot Pilot and there'd always be a trade-off between sending a single jack-of-all-trades or a couple of specialists.
  15. Is this on the launchpad, or while flying? My rockets have been falling over (on the launchpad) a lot more in 1.0.2 as well (never got far enough in 1.0 and 1.0.1 to have noticed) - to the point that I use the poor-mans launcher until I get the launch clamp. (Stack-separator with a couple of trusses attached) I can't recall this ever being an issue with 0.90.
  16. I could not find any information about ModuleKISItemEvaTweaker on the Wiki - I found its use in another mod (UniversalStorage, the wedges) which seemed to do what I wanted (force a part to be carried by a Kerbal rather than being in its inventory). The last time I checked the Wiki, "carriable" was not an option on ModuleKISItem; I see it is as of 3 days ago so will have a play with that. I'm trying to convert Nehemia's "KEES" mod from using KAS to KIS - and wanted to keep the same mechanics. It didn't seem right that Kerbals can carry one (or more) large items around in their pockets. When Nehemia is back he can decide how he wants the new mechanics to work; I'm just experimenting with options.
  17. This was re: ModuleKISItemEvaTweaker Another issue is when multiple items are added to a Seat in the VAB. On launch, the Kerbal assigned to that seat starts "carrying" all the items. However, when that Kerbal goes on EVA, the parts aren't actually attached to the Kerbal. Suggestion: Have the Seats separate from the Kerbal. If a Kerbal attempts to board a vessel while already carrying items, generate an error and prevent the Kerbal from boarding - force the player to move the items first. When going on EVA, don't auto-add items in the Seat to the Kerbal. Let the player pick-and-choose which items to take on EVA. Although I can see that that would add tediousness to the game. Alternatively, prevent adding ModuleKISItemEvaTweaker items to seats in the VAB. KIS already prevents such a part from being added to a seat if a Kerbal tries boarding while carrying one by leaving the part outside the pod.
  18. I actually am playtesting having moved the KIS Wedge (and spanner) to "General Construction", and the empty Science Wedge to "Engineering 101". "Basic Science" was already getting pretty full, and KIS makes more sense in the Construction nodes IMHO. That wasn't me.
  19. <OT> Yes - see here. Testing and feedback very welcome. </OT>
  20. Hi; just a question about the KIS wedge - it's pretty far up the tech tree in "Advanced Construction" (Tier 5) for a pretty simple wedge. Just wondering whether it might make sense to move it to "Basic Science" (Tier 4) which is when the KIS wrench also becomes available? In fact, I'd even advocate moving both (I know you're not responsible for the wrench..) to Engineering 101 (Tier 2). Ditto with the Science Wedge - it's in "Science Tech" (Tier 7) whereas the stock-equivalent part (Service Bay) is in "Survivability" (Tier 3). Thanks for an awesome mod btw
  21. Heya, Love this mod - especially useful with Nehemia's KEES experiments which require an Engineer. Just a suggestion - perhaps move the pod one tier down to "Flight Control"? In its current node "Advanced Flight Control" means it's only 1 tier away from the Mk1-2 pod, but 4 away from the initial Mk1 pod. Seems like the early game has too much of a gap until you can fly with multiple Kerbals, and now that Kerbal Roles are important as well as Rescue and Tourist contracts are available very early on this pod could fill the gap very nicely. In fact, to put it right in the middle, it would need to be two tiers lower, but there doesn't seem to be a relevant node for it.
  22. Lol, glad I'm not the only one! Just got this - the goo has constant speed wrt it's current environment. But switching the Navball from "orbit" to "surface" mode shows a rapidly increasing velocity. Guess it's just trying to escape from the Kerbals who keep putting it into weird situations and poking it!
  23. The carrier plate and initial experiments in Basic Science are for KEES (Kerbal Environmental Effects Studies). KEES uses KIS (previously KAS), so just standard KIS containers are used to transport these parts. The ESC(x) parts cannot carry KEES experiments. The ESC(x) parts carry the station experiments for KLS (Kerbal Life Sciences) and OMS (Orbital Material Sciences), which don't unlock until much later as they require the station lab modules as well. KEES is an early and low-tech version of the later MEP-825 Material Exposure Platform and its experiments. One thing I _did_ just find though is that the KEES Payload Carrier is now not unlocked until MUCH later - Science Tech (300). I'll move that into Basic Science, but possibly it'll be deprecated since there are standard KIS containers available.
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