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Everything posted by PixelClef

  1. Dear Ted, Thank you. I'm super happy for you, man! I trust that your future holds much more that will bring you joy. I don't think too much can be said in thanks for your leadership in this project. Please stay in touch, sir. - M
  2. Gonna need some help.

    Got the new iMac, and things seem great! But my connection information is incomplete. Specifically, I can log in to the forum here, but not the bug tracker or associated wiki. Accordingly, I don't have information about the IRC or the other keys.

    1. PixelClef


      I think I may have figured this out. I'll let ya know tonight when I return home.

    2. PixelClef


      Got it tooken care of. Ran outta time to join IRC tonight. P'haps in the AM.

  3. Steam: - FPS display - Counts hours - Social achievements - Summer/Winter sales Squad Store: - No automatic updates For some people (myself included), the automatic updates provided by Steam are a benefit. However, most people play KSP with mods. Having the game autoupdate with mods is apparently a recipe for pain and frustration, breaking mods at unexpected times and possibly even trashing saves in the process. My recommendation, having been exposed to both, is to lean toward purchasing directly from Squad. If you purchase from Steam, it's not generally clear that you can launch KSP without Steam, but you can. This can help you mitigate the issues associated with autoupdates.
  4. As a fellow Mac user also looking to acquire a new computer in the near future, I'm also interested in getting real world feedback on iMac performance and how its options affect KSP. So, let's hear it!
  5. I haven't jumped on the mod bandwagon myself. I also like to play from within Steam because it provides an FPS overlay. (This really needs to be available in game.) Since I'm not modding, it doesn't bother me much to keep KSP on the update fast track. I also have had to disable the Steam screen shot F key so that bringing up the debug menu doesn't make a screen shot. A quick read of Steam's "Do No Automatically Update" setting seems to indicate that it is fraught with inconsistency and downright bugginess, unless you want to keep your game up to date. That has got to be frustrating. Toward that end, I think you're best off copying KSP out of the Steam structure so that your copy has your mods and you know that things won't be getting changed.
  6. Happy to report that I installed Chatterer today on my Mac (first mod ever!) with easy success.
  7. From the wiki: I'm glad I looked it up. My first thought was that Duna had no atmosphere. Turns out it does, but very much thinner.
  8. Love that idea, PDCWolf. Totally agree that a well written, step-by-step documented process would be a fantastic resource. My first step, however, would be developing those processes! My apologies if that wasn't clear.
  9. Ahh. That was an entertaining thread. Thanks montyben101!
  10. Thanks, nli2work! At work currently, so reading is in, watching videos is out. Even at home, I vastly prefer to read than watch video. I'm just getting an overview. From my skimming so far, it sounds like there's some hope. Hoping for patience and pointers.
  11. Hello, RoverDude! Thought I'd pick up the conversation (about helping out) on this thread. I have started reading the following articles: http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Tutorial:Making_an_asset_from_start_to_finish http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Part_Modelling_Guidelines Right now, I'm just skimming and trying to get the big picture first. Eventually, I'll ask for a functioning example to see if I can provide anything useful.
  12. Would love to … if I knew what CSS was. Apologies for the ignorance!
  13. Greetings. I've recently been introduced to KSP and am interested in providing help toward a mod project. If you have a project that could benefit, I'd be interested in opening a discussion with you. Any interest in my offer is certainly going to generate a raft of questions - I completely expect this. Due to my lack of experience, I have no idea what those questions might be, or I'd try to offer answers up front. For now, I present a brief skill list: 3D modeling and texturing Typography and production art Programming My goals in this offer are to discover if I have any possibility myself of developing a mod for KSP. Toward that end, I am willing to provide help so that, through the course of providing assistance, I might learn enough to find out.
  14. Eagerly awaiting the Munshine stock LT series for .24! I've already started to adapt as I progress up the tech tree. Still, my greatest appreciated property of these lifters is the testing and limit documentation. How heavy is my payload? OK, which lifter do I need? Please accept this request as encouragement, sirs.
  15. Less to do with .24, but since it happened there ... First Minmus flyby. Gathered high orbit science (let's hear it for the "science bomb!"). Ready for your EVA, Jeb? As soon as he exited, he let go. Dude! Why? I spend 30 frustrating minutes learning to use suit RCS. Never got really proficient, but managed to get him plenty close, yet he wouldn't get back in. I never get the bleeping [F] Grab prompt, even though he's hugging the hatch. Mashed F anyway, no joy. Turns out that a light over the hatch will not obstruct an EVA, but will shove your little Kerbal off immediately. Additionally, the position of the light will prevent your little green friend from getting close enough to the hatch. I suspected the first part, then confirmed it with a pad launch. Always test your EVA from the pad when trying new part configuration on the capsule.
  16. Right. Kerbucks is a koffee house.
  17. I think the simplest contract build I've made was for testing the BACC booster on the ground. Command pod on the bottom, oriented upward as usual. BACC booster on the top, oriented downward. Of course, Jeb wasn't even remotely concerned when I lit that candle, trying to push his capsule through the launch pad.
  18. So it did, in fact, work. I've manned the lab and sent the rover off For Science!
  19. Nice! Figuring out how to rendezvous consistently. Grats! I'm still too chicken to try.
  20. I can't recall if my landing was on a slope or not. Would a rover roll with busted wheels? Hemm, I suppose I could fix them first and make that question moot.
  21. Oafman, That's the original idea that I had, but the very thought sent me into a spasm of terror! I'm still very much the beginner, and it was hard enough for me to land that monster. Landing one-kerbal vessels was cake compared to these larger monsters. I strongly suspect that my technology is a bit behind my ambition. I have been getting the sneaking suspicion that another ASAS would help, as well as RCS. Additionally, I need to practice Munar landing so that I have more confidence and it's commonplace. And therefore no longer the mouse-rending, white-knuckle experience I currently go through.
  22. It was indeed. I have a save, so I will just load it up tonight and try that out. For science! Delightfully, I was aware that our little green friends could fix tires (that Goodyear degree in action). But I couldn't get the rover out. Boarding was out of the question, since the seat was obstructed. I even had a little fella trying to push it out. No joy. I think it's worth a shot to deboard two (so I can [ between them easily) and try to gently thrust the Mun Lab up off the rover while trying to reboard, pushing, or locking suspension. Hmm. May have to put one in the lab in order to hide him from the [ sequence?
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