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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. In what way is USI Kolonization incompatible with this? Can I have both of them installed at the same time or do they mess each other up?
  2. The clouds are still blinking. I'll use the V3 beta instead. Thanks for trying to help me.
  3. Aren't a lot of mods disabled on 64-bit? EDIT: Just read that they are. Running DX11 fixed the FPS decrease and GPU memory problem when looking at the sun, but it still runs out of RAM after about 10 minutes. Blinking clouds is not solved. NOTE: I never had these problems in 0.90.
  4. I am running 1.0.4 and OpenGL. I don't know which DX I used, I'll try it again. No lens flare. My CPU is 64-bit. This happens with and without ATM. My RAM is 8 GB.
  5. CPU: AMD Phenom II X4 B35 GPU: GeForce GTX 465 Mods: Active Texture Management - Aggressive AVP Interstellar Atmospheric scattering Auroras 4K Clouds Medium Distant Object Enhancement and AVP config CLouds for Eve and Jool 4K LIghtning Planetshine and AVP config Sandstorms and Surface dust Snow Surface glow Environmental Visual Enhancements 7-4 This does not happen on the V3 beta. My display driver stopped responding too while viewing KSC. EDIT: Driver stopped responding again. I have the latest updates. Just tried DirectX, which made me run out of memory.
  6. The clouds are blinking for me and whenever I look into the direction of the sun my FPS decreases significantly and I almost always run out of GPU memory. Just me? Any fix?
  7. Yeah I have ATM installed. It takes like 1 hour to load one file. I can't wait over 50 hours just to play the game.
  8. I have installed all the mods that are required but whenever I install this I get a huge FPS drop when at LKO. It goes down to like 5 FPS. The more I go out into space from Kerbin, the better performance I get which is around 30 FPS. Without this I get the normal 30 FPS.
  9. I have followed the instructions but I'm having a weird problem. Kerbin is still the normal size but all the Space Centers are floating in space.
  10. How do I get the White Kerbol? Nevermind, I'm stupid and didn't read...
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