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    Hetrochromic Kerbonaut

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  1. Hi, thanks for the craft file.

    Here's mine:


    It's tuned, so I suggest replace the AI flight computer for a neutral fight.

    I have to go to sleep now, I will do some simulations tomorrow and keep you posted.

    1. Triop


      Edit: It's a gun fighter (2x Vulcan) with no flares/chaff, but there is a chance it can evade missiles....we will see...

    2. Triop


      Wow, your fighter is pretty bad ass. took down a lot of my jets.

      Handles great too.

      Note: Pressing "1" only switches the left engine.

      This fighter might be thougher :



      It has the steering tuned...I'm going to try to build a new fighter not using any change on the flight computer.


    3. Kuansenhama


      Wow, your fighter is pretty bad ass. took down a lot of my jets.

      Handles great too.

      Good to know that I can make a decent fighter jet. Probably just my beginner's luck though...

      Note: Pressing "1" only switches the left engine.

      I noticed that. I was flying one around earlier today.

      This fighter might be tougher :



      It has the steering tuned...I'm going to try to build a new fighter not using any change on the flight computer.

      That fighter looks pretty legit. I might sim a couple battles too.

      *Le Download*

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