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Everything posted by njmksr

  1. 4.2/10 thanks for all the fish
  2. njmksr

    Dance Party!

    20) Repeat step 19 on the x axis, and put a dab on it.
  3. So now it's just "Let's make a KSP movie" I guess why the hell not?
  4. I'm considering turning what @Adelaar and I have thrown together into a challenge: the Airborne Heavy Weapons Platform challenge-- to make a BDA VTOL that can dish out and receive a lot of damage.
  5. K. I will attempt texturing, but I'll get it in game for you, at least.
  6. Sure, I could run it through Unity. Could you send me the files?
  7. You are now invisible, because you don't exist. I wish my phone had a longer batt
  8. The Fat and the Furious: a long, drawn out, and thoughtless series of action movies focusing on a group of obese criminals. The Angry Bids Movie: a fight breaks out at a charity auction.
  9. This thread is now basically "discussion on a live-action KSP movie"
  10. Let's see... SM Marine, Maritime Pack, Search and Rescue, Carrier Vessel Expansion... There are many boat mods.
  11. Hello! I'm currently working on a mk2 fighter-oriented parts and weapons expansion, but modeling the mk2 parts has thrown me off and I could use some help. If anybody here wants to work on this with me who is good at modeling parts, I could use your help. Thanks!
  12. IDK about building alien craft, but I do know a thing or two about destroying them...
  13. Thank you for your service. And it's no big deal, we all say weird things from time to time. Welcome back.
  14. 9/10 seen you a lot! Now I want a sandwich. Crap.
  15. I start kicking puppies I ram the SS Omegagoldfish into the next poster
  16. I've played KSP for so long, I remember: >The old KSC >SpaceTech mods >The introduction of combined cycle engines >The whole 0.90 naming kerfuffle
  17. Do not allow the magic boulder to become intoxicated
  18. Oh, hell no. This is Hollywood we're talking about... They could pull it off. It would be by no standards good, but they could do it. And I mean not just voice acting, but like James Cameron's Avatar-esque CGI.
  19. That plan (literally) blows up in your face. I wish for a better phone
  20. Hey guys! I didn't think this fit in in Forum Games, but I was just wondering... In a live action KSP movie, (which is not a good idea) who would you cast as: Jedediah Kerman Bill Kerman Bob Kerman Valentina Kerman Wernher von Kerman (R&D) Gene Kerman (Mission Control) Mortimer Kerman (Finance) Linus Kerman (Science) Walt Kerman (PR) Gus Kerman (Operations) I would cast: Jeb- Matt Damon Bill- Robert Downey, Jr. Bob- Tom Cruise (Before the Scientology stuff) Val- Jessica Chastain Wernher: ? Gene: Tom Hanks Mortimer: Jeff Daniels (cameo) Linus: Dr. Neil DeGrasse Tyson (cameo) Walt: ? Gus: Stan Lee (cameo) Leave your answers in the thread below!
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