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Posts posted by OvenProofMars

  1. I've installed several mods into KSP 0.24.2 x64 bit but I've been having a problem where upon launching a vessel onto the runway or launchpad, it launches it several 100 km into orbit. It still says at KSC launchpad in map mode though but it's in space. I've narrowed it down to this mod that's causing this issue.


    More info can be provided if needed.

    Yeah, i'm aware of this bug. Its some sort of side effect from my savegame fixer. It can be avoided by going to the tracking station before launching your first vessel after loading a save game.

  2. This is "sorta" correct. In fact, by this definition, our Sun is a green star. However, stars are nearly perfect "black bodies"--so they never really look green due to the way black body radiation works. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black-body_radiation

    /just a pedantic drive-by post


    ///love this mod

    Black body radiation merely describes the wavelengths of emr a heated object emits. And in that sense our sun would be considered yellow-green, as its intensity peaks at the wavelengths associated with yellow and green. Color however, in the more metaphysical sense of the word, is in the eye of the beholder (no pun untended), and is merely the interpretation of electrical signals created by our eyes. Our eyes are incapable of properly measuring light, and we therefore experience the sun to be white/yellow......well long story short....colours are weird...

  3. Green stars are awesome! I always wanted a green star to exist, though they don't because of the black body effect...Either way, really excited to see even more star colors.

    I've been thinking; green stars do exist, but are not experienced as green stars due to how our eyes process colours. A star which has most of its emitted light being in the green part of the spectrum will still be viewed as white because our eyes also pick up the blue and red parts it emits. HOWEVER, KSP is a game experienced through the eyes of the Kerbal race, it is not unreasonable to assume their eyes work different than our own, and could possibly distinguish the color intensities far better, thus being able to actually perceive green stars as green :P


    - - - Updated - - -

    Wait, I'm confused. Are you saying you can get it to work properly with PFCE or...?

    Well, I think I can avoid using the list that PF:CE corrupts on the 64bit client, thus preventing my script from stopping halfway. This should in theory allow both my mod and PF:CE to fully load. Whether or not there would be any other issues I can't say for now.

  5. Thanks! Brown dwarf stars do not actually have any coronas, as they are technically just gas giants with the ability to fuse deuterium that generally do not orbit a star. They do however emit a low amount of light. Would you like any help with designing the textures?

    I'm indeed still using the stock sun texture for the shader. This texture is basically a noise pattern in different colors. If you know how to extract the original from the assets you could make a few variations for me if you want.

  6. I also would really appreciate some sort of anti-corruption thing that allows compatibility with PF, as it seems that the new planet creators won't be finished for a while.

    Although I can't prevent PF:CE from corrupting the list, I think I can access the information through different means. I'll make sure to include this (if possible) in the next update.

  7. I just looked at the source code, and it is surprisingly easy to add new star colors. I'd like to see Oven make white stars, brown dwarfs (Actually magneta-ish), orange stars, red-brown dwarfs (actually scarlet), dark brown dwarfs (actually purple-ish), blue-white stars, yellow-white stars, and GREEN stars. Yes, I know there are no green stars IRL but IRL there are probably no green gas giants either, so why not?

    Nebulae, protostars, and the ability for stars to orbit black holes and the ability to make black holes would be cool too! (These black holes would have a limited SOI though)

    Although the methode of changing the star's color is indeed quite simple, actually getting a desirable and good looking star takes quite some fiddling. As there are 6 color parameters that need to be precisely balanced as each color influences the other ones. But I'll add some more colours on the next release. I've been quite swamped at work this week, so I've barely had time to work on the mod. I should have a new version, implementing the new creation methode, star colors and orbit colors somewhere next week.

  8. Do you have any plans on dealing with the kraken? I remember when PF was made - and same for RSS - they both have methods to stop the "deep space kraken." Did .23.5 fix the deep space kraken or is this still a problem?

    I do notice some weird behaviour from time to time, and ikerbals reported his ship exploding a few days back. Not sure what exactly is causing it yet. My new star generation methods is solving quite some other bugs I was experiencing so it might also help these issues.

  9. We're currently working on a replacement for Planet Factory, as Krag seems to be missing. It's under the LGPL license, so when/if there is a time it needs fixed and we don't have time, the community can help. We've even making many technical improvements upon PlanetFactory (many tested already). It functions by rewriting the prefab the solar system is spawned from so there are no issues because of live tree modification.


    Can't wait tot see what you guys make out of this. We're actually working on star/planet generation using the same method. Have you guys found a proper way to make the scaledversion gameobject yourself yet? Or are you still instantiating it?

  10. Black hole mass is the "Root" one measured in SolarMasses. I don't know if it's Kerbol masses or Sol though.

    For SOI, you need to rearrange the equation here, but you will need to know if those SolarMasses are Kerbol or Sol before that works. You can plug the original numbers in to get the SOI reported in-game to find what solar mass it is actually.

    The solarmasses mentioned are indeed Kerbol masses, since for the game that is the sun.

  11. I got it working again. I don't know what the problem is. Anyone know how to increase the mass of Kerbol???

    PF:CE will crash my script on 64bit by corrupting a list like 8 out of 10 times, even why I only load a single planet anywhere. So I gave up on PF:CE on 64bit (it seems to work fine on 32bit though). As for the mass of Kerbol; it is hardcoded. But if you want to increase it's SOI just decrease the mass off the black hole, the SOIs of the stars are calculated by the mass of the two bodies and their semi mayor axis.

  12. Before creating terrestrial planets, why not make gas giants? They are probably easier to code.

    Yeah, I'll probably start testing with those. They are pretty much the same as stars. Still trying to figure out how the entire PQS system works. I sincery hope that the game adds all the nesicary pqs mods by itself if I set the initial conditions right.

    Lol, its just a preview for testing purposes. As for mod compatibility, I don't know boulderco, kethane seemed to work on 0.23.5 for me and PF:CE corrupts stuff on 0.24 x64 which has been mentioned numerous times. To use PF:CE use the 32 bit executable.

  13. Does this mod work with career mode? Like does it break the archives like planet factory?

    I don't know it's current effect on career mode, but since it uses the same methode for star creation as PF my guess would be that the archives break. I'm working on a new way to create stars and planets that should fix all issues associated with duplicate IDs and references that the PF methods has.

  14. I've been quite busy at work the last few days, and haven't had much time to work on the mod. I did however manage to recreate Kerbol from scratch only cloning the game object that holds the mesh and the materials. Although this doesn't seem like much it's a vastly different way of creating planets/stars that in theory should work much better with the game. Once i've tested it a bit more (there are still some classes that you need to manually create of which I'm not sure if I'm creating them correctly) I'll release a new version with the new methode and bug fixes. After which it'll be time for planets. Planets however are quite complex and literally have over 250 variables, parameters and classes you have to set properly, not counting the pqs_mods.

  15. this mod should have a pack with a binary system... with each star in a eliptical orbit... orbting a concentric invisible point... :P

    I've been thinking about how to correctly implement binary stars, as the current game mechanics will only allow for a reconably realistic binary system when both stars have the same mass. When there's two stars with different masses the central point of gravity would also be moving around. Binary stars, especially those with different masses, would also vastly influence the orbit of orbiting bodies, which also cannot be simulated. Then there is the issue of the SOIs, which would be complex. I won't completely abandon the idea, but until I think of a realistic way of handling them I feel like there is is better stuff to implement.

  16. Don't know if it's a problem with this mod, but after time warping from kerbin to the moon in a new game, my ship was suddenly on a kerbol orbit.

    Also while making manoeuvres it shows the leaving Kerbin SOI thingy far before the mun, so i think the Kerbin SOI is for some reason WAY to small.

    Edit: The ingame map says the SOI is 2347km :/

    Other SOIs also seem to be to small:

    Eve 2373

    Duna 1336

    Jool 68490

    This might be an unintentional side effect of my latest fix. Thanks for mentioning it, I'll take a look at it.

  17. @OvenProofMars I have some more bugs to report:

    1) Radiators from Interstellar act weird. They seem to line up with the black hole rather than the closest star.


    2) There are some weird illumination effects and phantom forces in orbits near the black hole.


    3) (Dolas-specific) There is an issue where warp drives can't be deactivated near Dolas. I think this is because the game sets the atmosphere boundary where a normal sized star should be. In other words, Dolas has an atmosphere as big as Kerbol's, so space-specific stuff won't work close to Dolas.


    Thanks for testing :D regarding your findings:

    1) good point, the radiators are most likely a custom class, and thus not reset by my script. I'll have to look into interstellar's code for that.

    2) You are under constant acceleration/g-forces when close to the black hole, this is how the game reacts to these insane masses :P don't forget...it's still a black hole, you're not supposed to get close to them cos gravity and such . As for the lighting, there shouldn't be any. Can you describe it?

    3) I'm currently working on a new way to create stars and planets, which in theory should fix all size related problems.

  18. Quick update for those interested. Yesterday I made quite some headway in creating stars/planets from scratch instead of instantiating (cloning) them. I managed to get stuff to actually show in game, without errors and without cloning a thing. Still needs a lot of work, but I'm fairly certain it can be pulled off.

  19. So, I'm running into some Interesting bugs in x64. With just StarSystems loaded, everything seems to work (I haven't extensively tested it) but when I add KU2 into the mix, things get messed up in a hurry. First and foremost, zooming out from Kerbin reveals that the Kerbin system is smack in the middle of Dolas, Corbo, and Kerbol, all which are just regular yellow stars. Zooming out further shows that Verion is orbiting the Sun (distinct from Kerbol) at approximately Eeloo's average distance. Abaddon and Manai are also orbiting the Sun, but at an altitude of about 6.19E11 and 7.57E11m (as compared to Eeloo's 1.13E11m apohelion). Their speeds also flick back and forth between a normal (for that altitude) velocity and 0.0m/s. I saw that Kerbin-in-stars was mentioned back on page 11, and the advice was to disable all PF:CE systems; I've outright deleted all the PF:CE planets and systems from my Gamedata folder and continue to disable the Sentar expansion on gamelaunch.

    Even more interestingly, if I open StarSystem's system.cfg file and replace every instance of the word Kerbol with (let's say) Sol, the three stars are no longer centered around Kerbin. In fact, they're gone entirely. Where the Sun was, is...the Sun. There's no black hole for the stars to orbit around still, either. There are asteroids, some just beyond Kerbin's orbit, and some escaping from twice Manai's orbit.

    Seperately, I'm getting some missing textures. Specifically: Abaddon, Fierbinte, Ceti, Manai, _map and _normal .pngs are missing, as are Cyssor, Jamona, Pershina, Verion _normal.pngs are also missing. In their stead is the defaultTexture. Were they pulling textures from the PF:CE files?

    This is on a fresh install with no mods installed except StarSystems, and KU2 in the form of PlanetFactory.

    Edit: Huh. Setting Manai's referenceBody to be Billy-Hadrick instead of Sun resulted in it and Verion disappearing and Abaddon to pop up centered around Kerbin again; http://i.imgur.com/7tdQywS.png Also, if I forget to disable the Sentar system, they keep popping up anyway even without their data files. Where's it getting that information from, the dll? Also, if I zoom out far enough, the skybox begins to shake. I don't remember it doing that in stock, but I also don't think I could zoom out as far.

    Edit 2: Doing another fresh install. Out of the box, StarSystems works fine, so I'll make a post in the KU2 thread in a bit. If I open the system.cfg file in notepad and replace every instance of "Kerbol" with "Sol," then once again Dolas, Corbo, and "Blacky Karman" disappear entirely. Replacing each "Sol" with "Kerbol" brings them back. Also, I'm noticing that that turns "SolarMasses" into "KerbolarMasses," which still somehow works. I restored the system.cfg file from the zip, noted that it said "SolarMasses," and re-adjusted the Sun's name; the other bodies disappeared. Setting it back to Kerbol brought them back, and put the asteroids into orbit around Blacky. Why is "Kerbol" hardcoded into the plugin?

    PF doesnt seem to work propperly with the ksp 64bit version. it corrupts an in game list I need, therefore killing my script halfway. As for my config file, there are some hardcoded fallbacks in place, thus changing certain node names will either result in a fallback or will result in the script not passing the checks that are in place and shutting down itself.

  20. Hey I am experiencing something strange with this mod + PF:CE, the star systems posted by Westi29, as well as any other planet pack, work in the game when it is run from KSP.exe. However, when the game is run from KSP_x64 the game puts a star right on top of Kerbin, and the black hole doesn't seem to be there anymore, with the custom stars orbiting the sun instead. I've tried re-installing the game with only StarSystems + Westi29's file, yet the same thing happens. Now the strangest of all is that every once in a while when I start up the game in 64bit this doesn't happen, although it is rare and seems to be random. I am just so confused I needed to ask, does anyone know what might be going on? I thought running in 64bit just allowed you to use more ram, I don't understand how it could cause this issue.


    Yes, I'm pretty sure that PC:CE is corrupting a certain list with transforms (that my mod needs) when run in 64bit.

  21. I think I fixed the flicker issue on the stars. If you add this override code to your Active Texture Management Configs file it should stop the flicker. EDIT: It DOESN'T.





    compress = true

    mipmaps = true

    scale = 1

    filter_mode = Bilinear

    make_not_readable = true




    compress = true

    mipmaps = true

    scale = 1

    filter_mode = Bilinear

    make_not_readable = true




    compress = true

    mipmaps = true

    scale = 1

    filter_mode = Bilinear

    make_not_readable = true



    I'm pretty sure the flicker issue is either my rudamentry way of scaling the mesh, or due to the encoding of the corono texture.

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