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Posts posted by OvenProofMars

  1. The atmosphere + ring bug is problematic, its caused by the atmosphere shader "covering" the texture, and seems to be related to "adding" an atmosphere to a non-atmospheric planet. I will see if I can force the atmosphere mesh to scale down to the planet's level. As for making changes permanent: It should be able to load any changes. However, many people seem to be having trouble with it. I will do what I can to ensure compatibility.

    If I remember your code correctly, you're saving changes to a .cfg by using confignode.save(path, header). I noticed myself that that methode gives an inaccessible error often. I ended up using confignode.save(path+filename+.cfg) so as one string. That seemed to work better for me.

  2. I updated this plugin to allow basic sun shader editing, Huge thanks and credit to OvenProofMars!

    But starfix is still creating odd bugs... While they are not game breaking, they are annoying for me. I will try my best to fix it. And get my github page for it up to date.

    Have you considered using my methode of starlight handling? Its a lot simpler, has the same results and works like a charm :P

  3. You know what would be the most awesome thing ever?

    Once you have multiple working star systems in place, allowing the player to pick in which of them he wants to start. Each system would have one life-supporting planet with a space centre. Even without multiplayer that would be very convenient for players looking for a different starter experience than Kerbin, but in multiplayer it could be used to simulate multiple competing species trying to make contact and/or colonize each other!

    Of course, this suggestion probably won't even be relevant until at least 2015, as far as I expect, but hey - a player can dream :)

    I like the idea :D I'll look into the possibilities

  4. If you get that planet editor done will you still need me to make planets? I can't at the moment due to an endless stream of bugs.

    The bugs might be related due to the timing at which the planets are created and the way each script searches for reference bodies. What I could do is write a temporary plugin that would move the planets created by PF:CE to a new star (I understood that spawning them around the sun/black hole worked right). That way you can all enjoy planets until we find a good way to make them. I will then take all planet ideas in consideration and add them in our mod. Do you like that idea?

  5. how do these stars respond to the more in-depth features of KSPI? i mean, do solar sails and antimatter harvesters work around the new stars?

    I have yet to test all features. I suspect solar sails will work, and I believe someone said that antimatter collectors don't work.

  6. Yep, the suns don't have the emissive properties. Don't expect light spectrum to match the star color.

    Blue and red stars still give off mostly white light as far as I know, although slightly shifted towards their respective color spectrum. The reason I chose not to change thelight color is that in real life our eyes would adapt very quickly and persieve this shifted light as white.

  7. What we need is an open licensed alternative to Planet Factory.

    An alternative made by someone with at least two neurons and that does not have an ego bigger than this forum.

    I've started collaborating with fastwings. He's already modularized the code and made it more object based. We're going to start working on a non ram intensive way of creating planets, and make it more procedural compared to PF:CE.

  8. Pfff....finally managed to load a large save without losing any vessels (or even debris). The game really didn't like me moving the original planets to a new referencebody. This fix did introduce a small bug that when you immediately try to launch a vehicle after loading a save it shoots up into the air, but just reloading or going to the tracking station before you launch makes anything launch just fine again. I'll do some more testing and if everything works I will have a new version up tomorrow.

  9. I would say the transfer windows happen about every 100 Kerbal years or so. But they're very wide, and you can always transfer outside of the windows, just using more delta-v.

    I'm not sure if the scale will remain the same on the final version of this mod, but the way it is now is pretty much the smallest possible distance between the stars. Kerbol's SOI ends barely beyond Eeloo's orbit, so if you made the entire system smaller Eeloo would fall outside Kerbol's SOI.

    The current scale is merely chosen as a balance between distance, time and SOIs for testing. Feel free to mess with the scale. The SOI of a star is calculated by the mass of the star, the mass of the black hole and the SMA.

  10. i expect this is a huge thing to ask, but would it be possible to give the black hole a lensing effect?

    It is on my to do list to create a nice gravitational lenzing shader. However since it's merely for looks it's low on my list for now (unless someone can supply me with a working shaderlab shader, as implementing it is not that hard).

  11. Yes. If you have many ships, say good a bye to some of them.

    I'd say most of them since I removed the vessel fix which was giving problems. In 0.23.5 I managed to solve this bug by having the game load a vessel once you go to the space center for the first time (and immideately loading the space center after the vessel had been loaded). Unfortunately in 0.24 the standard functions to load a vessel ,or even a scene for that matter, seem to be completely broken.

  12. This is so amazing my brain hurts. Perhaps that's exaggerating, but really, it's very impressive.

    This might not be entirely related to this, so apologies if it's not, but does anyone know of a half-decent warp drive mod? I'd use interstellar, but it would take forever to get to the warp drive and I don't intend on using any of the other parts. So a mod with just a warp drive in it would be cool. Anyone know of one?

    If there isn't... well I guess Jeb will be spending lots of time away from home :P

    Also, will this work with a previous savegame? Haven't downloaded this yet, but equally I'm really attach to my save.

    I wouldn't use this with your existing savegames currenlty. A couple of fixes were giving some problems so I removed them. Now the game eats any ship in close orbit around a planet.

  13. I just downloaded this, and it is amazing. Interstellar mod is finally interstellar. I just want to report a few bugs so that you can work them out:

    1) At least one mod is incompatible with this: RasterPropMonitor


    2) Orbits close to the black hole are extremely unstable. They start to lose stability at around 3000000 meters.

    3) I hyperedited a probe to about this distance. There were some camera angles where the probe would be illuminated like it was close to a sun.

    4) The aforementioned probe was immediately shot out by the black hole at insane speeds. It was easily going 100c, far faster than the fastest speed on the Alcubierre Drive.

    5) The probe's orbital velocity dropped to 0m/s and was eaten by the Kraken at around 20,000 Tm, which turned the whole screen black. I had to restart the game because the graphics were heavily messed up.

    6) Asteroids spawn around the black hole instead of around Kerbol.

    7) In KSC view, the time of day very rapidly changed from day to night, even though I didn't have time warp on and it was still daytime when I launched my ship. I think the game treated the black hole like the sun, and it was below the horizon.

    8) When launching a ship, sometimes Kerbol has a blue color like Dolas, even in map mode. Reloading seemed to fix that.






    9) (Maybe a bug) With Distant Object Enhancement, when you are in interstellar space and look at Kerbol, the sky still dims as if Kerbol was bright from that perspective. This doesn't happen with the other stars. You should probably look into that.

    These aren't bugs, but they are suggestions:

    1) Brighten the ambient lighting. Real interstellar space isn't completely devoid of light. To the human eye, there is enough light to illuminate the hand as long as you are in a galaxy. I suggest brightening it enough so that you can at least dimly see your ship.

    2) The black hole is really hard to see unless you are at a glitch-inducing distance. Maybe make it more visible by giving it a dust disk...?

    3) The light from Corbos and Dolas is white. Maybe look into a way of changing the hues.

    Thanks for testing :D

    for some points I have some immediate anwsers:

    2) I'm amazed you even got that close. The black Hole is currently 7700 solar masses and is very small in size. In 0.23 it destroyed my vessels once I got so close, i'll test it in 0.24.

    6) yes, I removed a dirty fix since it caused problems. I'll find a better way to fix it.

    7) I've noticed it quickly changing form day to night or vice versa, but on my end it just happens once, which is probably because I change what is considered as the sun when you go to the space center. Does your game keep cycling day and night?

    8) yes, I think I might have forgetten to add a line of code to change it's flare color when you go back to the space center.

    I'll look into the rest of your points.

  14. This looks incredible :) I have been trying to do something similar for months (and ATM I just put a real sized version of this type of idea to store in Dropbox having given up). And I have to say that based on what I see, it is very impressive! I have to congratulate you, I didn't think it was possible to make something like this stable enough to use.

    Also I am getting really quick at making Pf:CE planets. If you want some example systems built to add to your stars, I can make you some quickly if you ask :)

    I was going to make some myself soon, but the vessel destruction bug is being really annoying. If you could make me some nice planets I would really appreciate it.

  15. Awesome! I'm using PFCE and Interstellar to make other systems, but PFCE's star was not that good(no light, no solar panel, etc) and mod author's gone.. Now I have this mod!

    Also, I'm looking forward to planet creating feature! (Even I know it will take long time)

    Anyway, here's a minor imcompatibility report:

    I'm running KSP 0.23.5, and this mod seems to be compatible with 0.23.5. But It seems it's not compatible with Real Solar System. If I put RSS and this mod together, the gravity of Kerbin seems to disappear(all objects in orbit go straight), and new-launched vehicles are not spawned on launchpad but on somewhere in space (everytime I launch, spawning area differs) with light speed.

    RSS 0.24 is not released so it's not certain if it will be incompatible in 0.24 version too... so I wish you to take a look at this problem only if you're not busy.

    (I'm not an English speaker, so ignore grammar please)

    Yeah, RSS migth cause some problems as its messing with the same parameters as I am :P

  16. just got the new version and I think it's safe to say that there is a 50% chance that whenever I go to warp the universe dies.

    So i'd say there is still a conflict between the mod and KSPI

    Would you care to elaborate? what happened, version etc.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Done it, the planet is effectively a clone from my planet pack.


    Nice :D and good looking planet I might add.

  17. That's not really true as most galaxies are actually irregular in shape. Though irregular is really just a big sphere of stars so I suppose it sticks to the round universe idea. Anyway, this mod is really made for KSPI so inclination doesn't matter much. You say within one degree of the galaxy core but think how much one degree means thousands of light years away, it adds up to at least a few light years difference up/down relative to our sun. Now in my opinion that doesn't really matter compared to the advantage of actually having more stars with their own planets rather than add a ridiculous amount of planets and moons to poor old Kerbol. It would be nice if you manage to make this supersede PF:CE since that isn't being maintained anymore.

    Apart from ancient galaxies and colliding galaxies all known galaxies are perfectly flat spirals as far as I know. But yeah, even a few percent of a degree on cosmic scaled distances will result in ludacrus numbers. I really would've like to be able to place the stars even further apart from the black hole but unfortunately the core game mechanics seem to break down if I increase the distances much further. As for PF:CE, I think I could make some custom planets myself, but giving people the amount of customization options PF:CE has will be very hard.

  18. I hope, there will be more colors, or custom colors,and shape :I .

    I will add more colours, but custom colors might be a bit hard, as you need to balance like 6 color parameters very carefully to even make it look half decent. As for shape...did you have anything else but spherical in mind?

  19. I've been trying the mod out and it appears that there is a problem with the SOIs of certain objects, namely Kerbol. even in hairs distance of Dolas or Corbo it still says the craft is in the SOI of Kerbol

    Weirdest of all is that I have the Kethane mod installed and I can actually scan these new stars... at the corona

    Yes the current version apparantly has some problems. I tried disabling the dirty savegamefix and vesselfix and it seems to work fine again....apart form the fact that it now eats ships like crazy again :P without the fixes even PF:CE planets seem to load, allthough I did notice some odd behaviour, not sure if its PF:CE on 0.24 or PF:CE in combination with my mod. I'll upload the version without the fixes that should work fine on 0.23.5 and 0.24, but I wouldn't use it for anything else but testing, as it will eat any ship in a low orbit around a planet.

  20. I see. Let's hope people manage to keep Planet Factory alive then.

    I meant that the real-life solar neighborhood is not exactly a flat surface (

    ), and as I'm one of the realism-oriented players, I'd like to customize the other stars to be in more believable positions relative to kerbol. If that can be achieved through config, that's great and exactly what I wanted. I wasn't asking you to make any changes to your default configuration, just wanted to know if your mod could handle such an option ;)

    Although the real neighbouring stars seem to be on vastly different planes, their relative inclination to the center of our milky way is probably within one degree. Most of the universe's structures are either completely round (stars, planets, old galaxies) or flat disks (star systems, galaxies. The latter is due to the fact that any system will preserve any rotational energy but will allways have one plane with more directional energy, resulting in a flat shape over the course of time due to collisions.

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