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Posts posted by OvenProofMars

  1. Just out of curiosity....

    As I understand the game mechanics (and, please, anyone correct anything I may have wrong):

    - There's a hierarchy of SOIs (Kerbol/planets/moons in vanilla, black hole/stars/planets/moons in starsytem) where the highest level always has/requires an infinite SOI.

    - Gravity of one body has no actual effect on another body. A body's orbit is determined by its major axis/inclination/eccentricity. Gravity affects ships but all bodies are on "tracks".

    So....if I'm correct with that, would it be possible for one to use starsystems to reduce the size and gravity of the black hole to effectively zero, though keep its SOI infinite, and use that point as the focus for a binary (or trinary or more) star system, with each star having the same orbital period (ie always opposite each other)?

    Just curious....I thought that having that option might make the realism players a little more happy than accepting a mini-galaxy.

    Really loving this mod & excited to see what evolves. :)

    Yes this would technically be possible, setting the black hole's mass to 0 solar masses would do that. But the orbital period of each star would be infinate, not sure how the game would react to that, nor do I seam how that woudl be more realistic. Black Holes with stars orbiting aroudn them are actually quite common in the universe.

  2. I am currently Uploading one of the solar systems that I made to dropbox.


    1. Ablate

    2. Ascension

    3. CZF30

    4. Sentar (Skelton, Erin ^Pock, Ringle, Thud)

    5. Urania

    6. Freezer (Titania)

    7. Inaccessable


    1. Fearless (Peabody, Brag)

    2. Kunar

    3. Kaiser (Don, Polo)

    4. Boris (Rocky, Natasha, Bulwinkle)

    5. Jabin

    6. Wot

    Is PF:Ce working properly for you?

  3. I'm planning on starting a new save, but i won't install this mod till it looks to be working better. how well does the existing save protection work with this? i'm alright with losing a few ships, especially if i can just spawn them back in.

    Also, are there any mods that you don't expect to ever be compatible with this? i saw earlier in the forum that RPM doesn't work, as well as Scansat, but i'd like to use both in my game.

    Well the mod is still in (early) development, and is mostly released for testing purposes. I wouldn't recommend it for starting a serous campaign yet. The new gamefixer I wrote does actually allow for the import of large save games now, but the vessel respawner solution is no longer in place. As for mod compatibility, this really depends on the mod I guess, and we've not yet landed in a stage were mod compatibility is one of our main concerns, although the end goal of course is t make it a seamless addition to the game. You have to understand that we're messing with the core of the game, and getting it to work completely right with the limited amount of information available might take a while.

  4. @OvenProofMars: maybe you could update the 1st post to put features/about on top, changelog below. As when someone want to take a look of what it is and just get changelog at first word, he/she may think => ":huh: mmm ok take a look at something else".

    IMHO, I prefer to know what is all about before details I don't care (super informative to know an issue has been fixed or a feature added before even knowing what is the purpose of the mod). Don't you think so ?

    Looks good and I really look forward to the ability to add planet in a more user-friendly way than PF CE. Kind of a create menu like the stock debug/misc menu, with "add a body", "edit a body", "remove a body" then choose orbit, parameter, import texture and eventually, if relevant, move to KittopiaTech terraforming tool to customize newly added body.

    Yeah, I was actually thinking about it myself this morning when I saw the landing page. I'll add the updates to a spoiler section or something once I get home. Planet generation should be a lot more friendly, or even more random generated. We have some ideas alreadyand are currently looking into the best way of creating planets.

  5. Yes, to Dolas, that was the agreement that me and Braininator came to.

    But adding your planets to the sun/black hole doesn't give any problems right? The reason they are not showing/working I suspect is that the PF:CE code starts slightly earlier, then tries to add the the new planet's PSystembody to the PSystembody of dolas, but that has not yet been created, or is at least not in PF:CE's dictionary.

  6. Make PF:CE planets for Corbo and Dolas (started by Megalodon 720)

    Make mod capable of creating planets (started)

    I just installed this prior to going to work, so does this mean that the new stars don't have any orbiting bodies or planets yet? Also are there science multipliers implemented? If there are could you put the multiplier information somewhere in your post? Can't wait to see where this mod goes!

    Currently my mod only produces stars. We're currently looking into the best methode to create planets. In the mean time Megalodon 720 is making a PF:CE planet pack for people to use, as it might take a while before we have planet generation fully implemented. As for science multipliers, that is implemented, and the general multiplier for each star can be changed in the config file.

  7. Similar to what happened before the update, the planets were invisible.

    Are you trying to add them to one of the new stars? Or sun/black hole? The latter should work I think. Once I get home from work today I'll write that plugin to move the planets to their new home.

  8. Isn't this something that any number of dastardly villains have tried to do?

    I installed this update, having odd bug - those little crew-window-things on the bottom right disappeared. May not be you, things have been randomly screwy, for some reason *eyeballs terrifying hole in space and time where the sun used to be*

    Those crew displays work on my end, and so do the EVA and IVA buttons.

    - - - Updated - - -

    That's why my game crashes when I launch it with 64bit. Well actually it freezes.

    What other mods are you running?

    - - - Updated - - -

    I've tested it with my DMP multiplayer save offline, which has around 300 vessels on almost all the default celestial bodies.

    Everything is working surprisingly fine and, ironically, the 3-4 vessels that were on Kerbol escape are now orbiting around the black hole on the correct orbit.

    Great work!!!!

    Thats good to hear :D thanks for testing :D

  9. Question... Why doesn't the star Kerbol and other stars have atmospheres? The sun does, and it is called the Corona.

    Kerbol's atmosphere should extend several thousand kilometers over it's surface, right? I wounder if there is another mod we could use that would determine that....

    As far as I know the ingame (rendered) sun exists of a spherical mesh, two flat corona meshes and a sunflare all which are present in the other stars. No real atmosphere is there as far as I know.

  10. I'm having 2 issues; one is gamebreaking, the other is minor.

    The gamebreaking bug is that occasionally the celestial bodies stop orbiting their parent completely. Fiddling with time warp seems to fix it, but I usually realize the issue when it's too late.

    The minor bug is that sometimes in the map screen, the Kerbin system appears at the center of the galaxy where the black hole should be. Zooming in on Kerbol seems to fix it.

    The orbiting problem is enough of a gamebreaker that I had to uninstall it. I'll be eager to reinstall once these issues are fixed.

    Yes, the orbitdrivers are not liking these kind of distances for some reason. My new version shoudl be more stable though.

  11. Not sure what Git GUI client you're using (Real programmers use the CLT XD)

    But you need to create a new "tag" (just use the version name like with the example I liked "Poke" (that's a CLT I develop/ maintain)) and then go on Github and make the tag a proper release with add ons, a change log, etc.

    I'm using TortoiseGit. I still dont really understand how to propperly use github :P

  12. Wow! This is really neat. I love the idea of having stars orbit some other object (Galaxy core, great attractor, maybe other stars/ star clusters?)

    If I may suggest something when it comes to your distribution chanel:

    You should really not include the .zip file in the repository but rather use the "releases" page. Like this: https://github.com/SpaceKookie/Poke/releases

    Didn't even know that existed :P thanks for the tip.

    Edit1: yeah I think the .zip files are really causing some problems on github :P

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