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    Rocketry Enthusiast
  1. Yes, every update can break your crafts. You should always finish all missions you want to complete before updating. The game is only "stable" as long as you don`t update it. You could also take the route many others go here and have multiple KSP installs. One stable version you keep around for your long-planned career and another for experimenting on stuff that you keep up to date (you could also use that to test if the update breaks your crafts).
  2. With standard settings (100% heat) you can even do a direct return from Minmus without any heat shield, all parts with max temp of 2000 or higher should survive that. Mun return is not an issue at all. Actually I have a hard time finding any use for heat shields at all because they either aren`t needed or won`t help me since I explode either way. I have yet to find that sweet spot where they are needed and actually protect me from exploding.
  3. Thanks for bringing back the clouds Looks good, I only removed the lightning (looks too much like texture flickering imo) and increased sky brightness from DO to 50% (I don`t want space to be such a dark place all the time). PS: On a side note I don`t really like slogans like "this is the best graphics mod in the world". Sounds too much like cheap PR. Also if you are thinking about updating/providing different versions you should consider adding a version number.
  4. Just download the full version from the OP. The OP contains all information for all fixes provided by the mod. Also the other fixes won`t hurt you, I promise ^^
  5. Have you installed the stock bug fix modules? There are quite a few bugs with symmetry in the editor and this mod fixes many of them. I.e. if your issue looks similiar to what I posted here it will be fixed by installing the SymmetryActionFix module: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/97285-KSP-v1-0-4-Stock-Bug-Fix-Modules-%28Release-v1-0-4c-2-1-Sep-15%29?p=1763641&viewfull=1#post1763641
  6. If you use Jet engines the fuel is drained equally from all tanks disregarding all fuel lines and separators/docking ports. CoM shifting should only happen when you enter the rocket stage and by that time lift shouldn`t be an issue anymore. Then just pump some fuel forwards while you are in orbit to prepare for reentry. Are you running an older version or mods that change engine behaviour?
  7. Yes, they did explode due to overheating. The day after that happened FAR also decided to stop working in the VAB. It wouldn`t calculate any values or even display the debug voxels. Now I just removed FAR and everything is working fine. No overheating on the way to orbit at all. Looks like there is a bug in the newest FAR release :/
  8. I tried launching this strange rocket today with some radial attachment points near the top. I quickly found out that they disintegrate at 90 m/s already. When I reach that speed at 1-2 km height they heat up and explode in like 3 seconds. Yes they are placed pretty badly and have to take a lot of aerodynamic forces but melting at 90 m/s seems a bit excessive. This was my first test just to see how far I could go with this but this issue ended the trip a lot sooner than expected. Is this part of the new heating mechanic or is something in my game messed up? I`m not sure how I could protect them if this behaviour is intended...
  9. This is probably the problem. KSP definitely has an endless amount of things you can do in it but you can`t get these things immediately. Things in KSP take time and if putting time and effort into it isn`t your thing then KSP is not the right game for you. I`m actually surprised there is an infinite amount of things to do in TF 2. I thought it was just an arena shooter.
  10. I would really like it if we could choose if jet engines consume fuel by stage or the usual rocket fuel flow. The stage consumtion is great for pure planes but not so much for SSTOs that also carry a payload.
  11. Are you sure about this? It looks like the cfg references the model which references the texture. I would think the game loads the cfg and goes through the referenced files and does not load models/textures that aren`t referenced by any parts.
  12. Just tried this thing out and it will fly straight if you add two empty lfo tanks below the first of the same kind (making the top stage longer makes it more stable). Still spins out after the engine runs out of fuel though due to lack of control.
  13. For this kind of crash the most important factors are the amount of parts added by mods and the textures they bring with them. Keep the amount of parts low by removing everything you don`t need from the mod and compress the textures with the active texture management mod.
  14. Wow, this is crazy. Without the edge highlighting ram usage stays at 2.3gb the whole time. Is there any way to disable it only in-flight? I really like it in the editor but it`s obviously completely broken in-flight.
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