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Everything posted by CDK

  1. I also like that! Download link? Sorry. I don't want to be hard on you.
  2. Can somebody close this thread for now? http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/97521-Question-Where-do-I-get-a-new-LEGO-Mindstorms-NXT-2-0-kit-for-a-cheap-price
  3. I guess I'll just get NXT 1.0. - I guess this thread can be closed (might re-open it).
  4. Hi Majorjim you've helped me a lot with a lot of things, do you want to be a member of EFC (or partner if you have a rocket building company)?

  5. Hello, and welcome to KSP Forum santigokof!

  6. Bob Fitch used Infernal Robotics so the solar panels could move. I'm probably going to make an updated one with Infernal Robotics.
  7. .25 is already out. Why can't we post .26 threads now? It's actually coming pretty soon because time flies by fast. Probably sometime in February 2015 at the soonest.
  8. Thank you Rich for creating this forum to close and move etc. threads! It's very helpful!
  9. Are you saying that NXT 1.0 and​ 2.0 are the same? (That's not what you just posted in the quote, I just made it a more simple version of what you might have said)
  10. Can somebody pa-llleeeaaasse reply (I'm not trying to be rude)?!
  11. Can somebody close this thread? http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/97587-Question-How-do-you-add-a-reputaion-comment-and-make-that-person-have-points
  12. I've tried making one and did not work (with structural panels). - - - Updated - - - Can you make a download link?
  13. Just kidding! I do want some replies though.
  14. USI Kolonization Systems__________________________________________ This is not the main page. Click here to get to the link to the correct page. Not Working? Click here to maybe solve your problem (only works on Google Chrome).
  15. Now...more replies? I don't care 99.9%. 100.100%.
  16. Cool rover. That looks like a long time of building to make that rover.
  17. Good job! This is really cool! I think I will build a satellite booster drop from a plane which hopefully ​be cool.
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