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Everything posted by SkyRex94

  1. Interestingly none of both preview videos showed the map view ....
  2. I thought something like that is the case but i thought about that too. And infact Eeloo's SOI is HUGE in comparison with its size and mass, and such a SOI doesnt make any Sense near a massive Gas Giant (Or Eeloo would have to be on a far away Orbit from GG2) , so if it would become a moon its SOI probably has to shrink and that would cause conflict with all crafts in that cut away zone.
  3. Cause if Eeloo shall become a moon of a gas giant this gas giant cant be on an intersecting orbit with another giant, so Eeloo needs movement, IF they plan to make it a moon anymore -- see Huge Blue Horizon Thread-- but thats off topic...
  4. Or use the chance and do this Save-breaking update to implement some save breaking thing, like moving Eeloo. At the End most of the comunity will start a game right now with 0.24. So after all it would be a very good update to do save breaking things, as the least people will get upset about it.
  5. Since i doubt Rings will have physical impact, thus being only optics, they can add them after Scope Completion, but introduce GP2 (temporarily) without rings soon, too get Eeloo to final position.
  6. So 0.24 will nearly finish the mechanics for career( there will be tweaks but the system is implemented), 0.24 will maybe bring some new plane parts. What i think and want becoming the next goal as a 'mechanic' (to follow Squads scope completion policy) would be improved aerodynamics, maybe like FAR, at least more authentic than stock is now. And in that turn as it has also to do with atmospheres maybe making Reentry heat actually not only aestetics. If my theory about Eeloo movement and GP2 (Thread-Huge blue Horizon) makes any sense AND if 0.24 won't break saves i would hope 0.25 does and Squad takes the chance to move Eeloo and create a new Blue Giant. What is also left is some use for the Antennas. I would also want they start thinking about what to do with the different antenna-types and take them to senseful use. So : finish antmosphere behavior(Aero,Heat), Antennas for good use, and moving Eeloo to final SOI That would be the most obvious things were systems are finished, which already exist. Other things would be new additions and probably further away on the plan, if squad has one One of these additional mechanics i would like is the mentioned observatory or a spce telescope part to build a Kubble or KKepler, and i would like visual improvements (in terms of immersion, like impacts , auroras, vulcanos, geysiers, Rings, ...) but thats probably also further away.
  7. Yes Duna is Red. And Laythe and Vall are blue. But these are realistic colors of planets, unlike Purple. And we have purple on Eve so its unlikely to have two unlikely purple planets. I hope it won't become red but blue instead, but logically red, although Duna, is not so unlikly as purple is through Eve.
  8. Some more thoughts about the color of 2nd GG: You know i want it to be blue, but what are the posibilities and chances, leaving Novas Prototype besides: What it wont be: Purple/Pink: Uncommon for celestial bodies and we already have an unique purple Planet : Eve Black: Although i think it is physically possible, it would be rather boring to not see clearly clouds and the things that make these Giants good-looking Green: Jool is already Green, there probably wont be two GG with the same Color (Diversity and so...) Yellowish: Because its the analogy for our Saturn and Saturn is already yellowish and if it gets rings it would be too similar. Jool has'nt Jupiters color ether. So what would be left: Red-ish, Blue-ish or White-ish But i doubt white-ish makes sense, because i dont know which gas as an atmosphere would reflect all wavelengths back into Orbit, so i doubt its physically possible(and interesting) Leaving Red and Blue - ish as the most probable Options. I pointed out in the first Post how much i am for a blue one, but i can't see any reason to exclude Red. So what would you prefer and how would you imagine your personel GP2? P.S. lets start suggesting a good Name. "Satir","Safire" and "Syfye" came to my mind till now.
  9. Thanks for the reply. I did'nt encountered this approving System for new Members before in any Forum, thats why i wondered were my Thread was gone, because i wrote a little bit of Text and did'nt wanted to write it again But i think its a good system. Feel free to take a look and leave your opinion: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/85528-Huge-Blue-Horizon-Theories-about-the-7th-Planet But OT: Testing of several mods in my mod-testing-install to make a condensed List what i want in my new 0.24 Install. Everything is slowly coming together nice i think. I'm kind of a Stock+ player so no big part mods like B9 but some handy tools and improvements. If interested i can share my WIP List.
  10. Yes I know these plans. They were made ages ago. And besides Eeloo none of these bodies exist, wich means if they stick to this plan they can simply add the other moons after scope completion without breaking anything. But Eeloo is there today, most of the Community expects it becomes a Moon of GP2, so it has to be moved and if this will break saves, what i think it will, it would be the best plan to move it as soon as the next save breaking update. At least only with the new Giant and Eeloo beeing the only moon for now, but that would be the minimum to get to a state were they only have to add new planets and not modify/move old ones.
  11. I deinstalled local KSP Data from Steam to wipe out all mods and things and wait for a fresh install with 0.24 to beginn my new Space Program;) Besides i have a question: I tried to start a new Thread. How long does it usuallly tend to take till it shows up on the forums?
  12. Hello KSP-Community, i follow these Forums since i started playing KSP. I know there've been several Threads about GP2, but I have some Theories that were'nt fully mentioned yet and decided to create an account here to share them with you and ask for your opinion. And afterwards i would like to describe how i would imagine my personal ideal GP2. But first, the important things, the Theories: I think everbody agrees that the next planet will most likely be a Gas Giant. And it was mentioned that Eeloo will be a moon around it. Most of the community expect at least this to happen, so Squad will most probably do it that way. So second GG(Gas Giant) behind the Orbit of Jool with Eeloo as a Moon. Also was announced that Squad aims for Scope-completition first before adding new stuff, wich already exist(like planets). And fact is whenever they can they aim to not break saves with an update. # Here starts the Theorie, the new 7th Planet can't realisticly be on Eeloos orbit because Gas Giants wont be stable with intersecting Orbits. So Eeloos Orbit has to be erased and a new one has to be created fully behind Jool. Eeloo will change into the SOI of new GG. And that will probably break saves with everything related(Ships) to Eeloo intercepts and SOI. As it is probably easy to create the gas giant (no Surface, so only the outside looks) it would be preferable for squad to implement the new Giant as soon as the next save breaking update. They dont have to implement the Rings to that point (if it will have ones, but its high on the wishlists) because i suspect they'll be only cosmetical and not physically realy relevant. And they dont have to add more moons than Eeloo to this point, because they dont exist till now and they can add them later. So they can add everything later but probably they would like to implement 2nd GG and Eeloo's transition as soon as the next save breaking update. They just have to create a (temporarly) no-ring-Giant, wich should be the easiest planet creation of all ,and move another. I would wish that will be 0.24 but i cant predict that. I dont know if it will break saves. Now the wishing part. How would my ideal 2nd GG look like (Take Inspiration here Squad!!!): First properties: maybe ca. 10000km Radius but only slightly more Mass than Jool (Big but not dense. like Saturn) Orbit Radius ca. the Distance from Eeloos current Apoapsis from Kerbol, but nearly round , not intersecting Jool Name: Suggest a good one maybe starting with 'S' Optics: Color BLUE !!!!! I want it to be a blue Giant, it would be my Mission target Nr.1! Blue like Neptune, maybe a bit brighter and Rings, Blue Rings. And maybe some Big Storm like the Big Dark Spot Or the Big Red Spot in our System Inspiration: I dont want to be pic heavy, some more: http://www.zdf.de/ZDFmediathek/contentblob/1729624/timg485x273blob/6949378 our Neptune http://i.imgur.com/0fCDzz4.png The WIP GP2 http://th05.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2011/112/0/6/101125_gas_giant_by_avmorgan-d3ekt0l.png http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-6XgktZgsnQg/TdSaGb0TiHI/AAAAAAAABX8/TowtrDvr4cQ/s1600/BlueGasGiant.jpg http://preview.turbosquid.com/Preview/2014/05/25__12_10_05/ice%20moon.jpg95543c7e-d4d0-47ba-88d2-1218de8c72e2Original.jpg (the last could actually be nearly Eeloo infront of it) I hope my Theory is true, even if it will first be without rings and has only Eeloo as its moon, Eeloo would be my Vacation Target of Choice, imagine that (up) view from your eeloo Base far far away but realy beautiful. So two Questions: What do you think of the Theroy at least GP2 could come before Scope-Completition? And how would your ideal GP2 aka 7th Planet look like (hopefully BLUE atleast ) and what properties? P.S: English is not my native language, so feel free to correct me
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