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Everything posted by megatiger78

  1. Kritan. (obvious) Nuklear satellite thing to change orbit of minmus. rocket mark 420.
  2. PS4, then on PC. according to the YouTube comments a while ago
  3. I'd crash it into the KSP forum servers, so this thread could die.
  4. this is one of the top space sims in the world. 3rd or fourth place, with SC and ED in the top, not sure in what order. ksp is either third or fourth as well.
  5. I think it broke my Microsoft office.
  6. do not show the magic bolder this video:
  8. how do I rocket? I am clicking but nothing happens?
  9. well.... the gmod workshop is going to die then...
  10. I have no idea what I am doing. - - - Updated - - - seriously what do I press?
  11. 30 TO THE NEGATVIE! (this will end in year 1337420)
  12. probably my next meal. that's convenient. this will appear in the next newly updated game you play on the 27th, that is about space, and is not containing humans, and replace it completely, as soon as you click the launch button. it is impossible to outwait this.
  13. . but your PC is corrupted for no reason I wish for spees mahreens.
  14. not if we can post in locked threads. then we are near-moderators. demimods?
  15. also forum games. all the forum games.
  16. inb4 locked post! (also, jool need asteroids too. lots of them. just randomly spawning already in orbit.)
  17. *BOOP* *BOOP* *BOOP* *BOOP*..... press for spees mahreens.
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