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Everything posted by megatiger78

  1. not moneys. I give the next poster all the moneys ever fired beyond the solar system.
  2. what? the illogic ki8lls the next poster.
  3. my keyboard... the next comment you post will get you banned for life.
  4. 8/10 nice idea on the second one, but still an ad.
  5. it is on 40k. you did not know I was studying that. next poster falls into the eye of terror (look it up)
  6. remember that master chief inside a dreadnought? my hill.
  7. we are dropping past warp 10! THAT IS TOO SLOW!
  8. 0/100 nothing, so FNAF still exists. FNAF is never made=FNAF 2 is never made=FNAF 3 is never made. pros: all the FNAF not made cons: none?
  9. I make the boosters twin-linked so we can re-roll the activation dice.
  10. error404 insert not found inserts aid error404
  11. actually it can go past sanic 10. (sanic one is 10000X warp 10)
  12. gets blood everywhere. inserts space marines.
  13. I replace the AIs with servitors, because Abominable Intelligence is HERESY!
  14. N.O.P.E. Universal Combinatory Large Electric Ant Rocket N.O.P.E.
  15. 50/100 to dead to appreciate, but someone like me but as a lizard man might be around. Walt Disney is still alive until 2060 = Frozen was never made = FANF also never made = KSP movie created = Disney does not buy lucasfilm = games workshop buys Disney = Space Marines movies made. Pros: really? you want to see the pros in that? cons: probably some other annoying Disney films made before games workshop buys them.
  16. just shut the internet down and take it over, then limit access to it. *BOOP* press the button to BURN THE HERETICS WHO NECROED THIS THREAD!
  17. space marines call the inquisition. BURN HERETIC, BURN! my imperium of man
  18. oxygen can kill people. I wish to explode all the fish.
  19. granted. kit grants free food or all. I wish people understand that putting wires around the earths core would generate free power.
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