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Everything posted by megatiger78

  1. 1005: the Krepublic attacks the isl and falrons for stealing territory. (seriously crater coast owned laythe)
  2. wrong. Is there even another Silicon based life form? because silicon is the only element other than carbon I can think of that could be critical in providing life.
  3. 879.5: Klones are still in use. in the GAK (grand army of the Krepublic)
  4. >orbiter 1a fitted to a rocket now in mun orbit. >coming in to land. >wait the landing legs are pretty close together. >landing on a hill. >it fell over. >obtain rescue craft >miss target. >fall over again. >try minmus. >trip during salt flat approach gliding down a hill >just give up and design your own lander
  5. 897: the Khancellor is cloned. again. terrorists or whoever is sniping him learn to stop.
  6. 895: statement issued by Grand Khancellor: YOU CANT KILL ME! I'M IMMORTAL! - - - Updated - - - except probably not. just a lot of klones
  7. pacific rim is good. no one going to disagree with that.
  8. no silicon-based life-form of some kind.
  9. 10/10 but easy to see, just not to read
  10. 893: the Grad Khancellor orders an investigation into who the Grand chancellor was. (al.so Eeloo is shared between Krepublic and Cratery Coast
  11. I kill him with my guns from earlier.
  12. granted. it is caused by your death I wish for a new post in Kerbal History Remastered
  13. granted, but your new-to-forums-ness makes you under driving age. I wish to fly. without planes
  14. 2163: history ends as the last human dies.
  15. no. another unsentinet silicon-based life-form capable of forum posts
  16. no. I am silicon based and so therefore do not count as anything. another silicon-based life-form
  17. 889: the asteroid turns out to be gilly, which was bumped by a terrorist-controlled doom mun.
  18. 2161: humans go extinct from kraken exposure
  19. 887.3: the Krepublic backs of the mun and keeps Eeloo
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