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Everything posted by megatiger78

  1. how do I quantum vascular then? that sounds less complex.............
  2. hype time yet? - - - Updated - - - alsxo relase is Tuesday so maybe TOMORROW
  3. and it has a built-in nuke that can explode on contact with atoms!
  4. that squid thingy...... IS DEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (by next part)
  5. the hypemuseum has just stated that the hypeworks will open and the "Hyping Scotsman" (the name that is going to be welded onto the side in a few hours) will be kept there. the great hypehall now contains a replica of hype 07.
  6. When it comes into contact with underwaer
  7. no. spore 2 will have actuall space stqage orbital mechanics at first.
  8. 3002: the last remnants of the Krepublic/Kempire/Kandolorians die out. turns our the Kandalore system is more dangerous then they thought. 3003: a 50-kerbal mission goes missing, on a trajectory set to land in 5000. direction suggests landing may take place on planet Krepublic remnant fled to
  9. how do you send to the future? anyway...... 1258: ALL KERBALS DIE TEMPORAILY UNTILL 3000 1999: see above 2999: see 2 above 3000: kerbals wake up
  10. 1138: universe-wide 10000000000000000000000000000 years of nothing begins
  11. I really need to get into this 40k stuff....
  12. 1136: the first docking of two ships is finally accomplished. even s the kerbals prep to leave. KSP citizens hibernate and will waken in the future, after the mysterious being known was "player" finds them
  13. SSTARM (single stag3e to asteroid redirect mission)
  14. because the kestrel hit his head and took it off
  15. 103: when Disney miovies have X rateing things in them and are STILL rated 3
  16. 1133: the last Klone dies alone on a hill.
  17. I shoot it from orbit. next poster dies of old age anticipating me attacking them.
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