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Everything posted by megatiger78

  1. 260: research begins on what will be the first spaceing machne
  2. that was intentional. we filled it with C4 to boost orbital velocity. you ate my pie?
  3. 259: frozen banned from forum games for all eternity
  4. the mud glitch is its new official name
  5. 2148: space probe form more aliens is found. chocolate and chezburgers run out again
  6. necromancy is disallowed. I gain 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000 points for being a forum rule follower (and it is multiplied by 300000000 from the over 9000 multiplier)
  7. 28: all kerbals try to kill gint nnas and force them of the planet for good
  8. 256: pacific rim robots ban all frozen content and mud after fighting them for all eternity, then inexplicably disappear. Kats declared most popular household pet on kerbin
  9. 2145: 800 years until 2945. the year where the 2945 constealations and the M50 and other spaceships come out
  10. ok so spirit is a ghost and can ghost the maritians. simple enough. seems easy to avoid
  11. 254: the last Kats resign as master of the kerbals and commit to being household pets
  12. spirit is dead because of mud. how does that make you feel sun? -oppourtunity, 2014
  13. 2142:world is fixed and frozen 2 fails because frozen is worse then darude-sandstorm.
  14. dollars? star citizen or space without a spacesuit
  15. Spinspinspinspinspinspinspinspinspinspinspinspinspinspinspinspinspinspinspinspinspinspinspinspinspinspinspinspinspinspinspinspinspinspinspinspinspinspinspinspinspinspinspinspinspinspinspinspinspinspinspinspinspinspinspinspinspinspinspinspin
  16. 5/10 I think I know you from somewhere
  17. 235: the Kats deploy troops on eve and kill all on the surface
  18. 232: the higgs drive rebuild ike. again. Kats return and prevent all uprisings
  19. 2112: cat empire re-established. aliens (called the Darude-sandstormians to mess with them) attack and war is declared
  20. 2108: cat empire reclaim English space and more. 2109: first contact is made with the aliens responsible for the Kansas Chocolate probe. negotiations scheduled in 2110
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