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Everything posted by megatiger78

  1. the toa hype are probabley the toa nuva evolved again....... they ride the hype train to shoot the enemy with HYPELOSION BLASTERS
  2. 3/10 no idea what it is also hypelosions are the results of quadruple track drifting
  3. 10/10 do you have a spare hype train?
  4. the small pyramid is a laser that fires on the next poster
  5. I get of the death star and activate planetary annihilation commanders, and they dox-rush the next poster
  6. the toa hype are the coolest. none has them. yet. hopefully lego reads this and makes them.
  7. 4030.1: first is sucked into the black hole. curious forces make it a inifinite energy crystal...
  8. I still am in the megaverse, a universe of hills. my hillverse
  9. if we have connfrimation we NEED THE HYPETRAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OR THE TOA HYPE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. 4028: they all merge. 4029:kerburture discovers the probe has been passed down though jebs family for thousands of years. 4029.1: ground up mun rocks are discovered to be pure poison
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