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Everything posted by megatiger78

  1. no you had 5 years and tecnically there were a series but not of bionicl get on the toa of hype hypetrain
  2. yes we do. also have you thought about using hypelosions to power the hype 08 train?
  3. TO MUCH SOUPCEPTION!!!!! waiter seriously get our of my soup NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. the megaverse now devoid of hills, I raise a bionicle army and invade all planets with hills in the universe. that includes GreeningGalaxy's universe
  5. 4050:KIONICLE is named the best selling thing on kerbin. 4051: the new warp travel is discovered to be more ethical then the phantom force boosters that were revers-engineered into a warp drive.
  6. THEN WE WOULD HAVE A COMPLETE GAME what if ksp didn't block caps
  7. then history would die. what if danny glitched the real universe
  8. 23. hire danny kerman to destroy the universe with his glitchhyness
  9. then science would be done. what if I could have thought of a what if
  10. I make robots to make hils and send them back in time
  11. the it would go faster. what if the arth was thrown out of orbit and the solar system?
  12. that's the random soup waiter seriously out of my soup
  13. the megaverse/hillverse is still here. my hillverse
  14. 4033: kego anouncesthe retun of its 5 year absent series, KIONICLE
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