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Everything posted by DBT85

  1. You guys should look at the contract configurator mod. Most of these are easily doable!
  2. I went to Eve, Gilly, Duna and Ike while testing my new contract pack for SCANSat. I got the Gilly one wrong but all in all it was fun. Never been to any of them other than Duna before either!
  3. Nightingale, did I see correctly that you have a change ready to go for the next release to resolve this SCANSat issue as per your conversation with DM on Git? I've just been testing out two more of my missions (Eve and Duna) and had the Eve one be fulfilled again before I'd even started scanning. I wondered if a "disableOnStateChange = false" might be another short term solution. Incidentally, never been to Eve before, or Ike, so those two were fun! Cocked up the one to Gilly though.
  4. My SCANSAt pack has all bodies covered. Right now all the missions are unlocked so can be got at any time and the rewards are undergoing balancing. It's out there though https://github.com/DBT85/CC-CP-SCANSat/releases It's also in the CKAN as Contract Pack: SCANSat License The RemoteTech Contract Pack is licensed under CC-BY-NC-SA-4.0
  5. I just encountered a weird bug which I'm assuming is with SCANSat. I'm using the latest dev release. Got to 50% LoRes coverage over Kerbin with no problems. Hopped out of the ship to the KSC for 20 seconds, hopped back in and now its not recording new data and the "LO" text on the small map is Orange suggesting I'm too high, but right clicking on the actual RADAR Altimetry Sensor it says I'm at the ideal altitude. Tried turn it off and on again, tried rebooting KSP, tried changing altitudes. Nothing shifts it. I did just try to post the log but for some reason it didn't work. I do have a video of it though.
  6. Just encountered a bug while testing. I'm zoned out now lol. Fairly sure it was in SCANSat. Got to 50% coverage, everything ticking along fine. Went to the KSC for 20 seconds, went back to the ship and now its not recording new data. the LoRes text on the small map is orange suggesting I'm too high, but I'm at the same height I was when I hopped out. Nothing I did brought it back so we'll see. I'll attempt more another time.
  7. I do, its just a huge jump though as I was just outside SOI when I set a timer for Mun Pe and then hit time acceleration. When slowed down you can just about see it triggering at SOI change. Just completed the Minmus mission and it didn't do it this time. Will repeat the process again, I'm careful now to avoid time acceleration when crossing SOI and when near the duration expiring.
  8. If downloading and doing it manually, then they should be going into GameData/ContrackPacks/RemoteTech for the remote tech one. If CKAN is doing your downloads then it'll do it itself. Not that it should matter IIRC. Nightingale, I've managed to produce another version of my bug with the scan percentage, caught it on video. In this instance the Mun jumped from "need 50% Lo Res Altimetry yo!" to "Done it dawg!" as soon as I entered the Muns SOI. Hadn't even turned on the scanner or got into orbit yet, Mun map was still reading 0.0% complete. On my first try I couldn't get it to happen. I exited KSP, reloaded and started a new default career (exactly the same procedure as before), and then started the missions again. Kerbin was fine, Mun jumped as described above. Not yet redone Minmus to see if it does the same. I can't see where SCANSat stores its data in relation to individual saves so I'm wondering if maybe it's not purging correctly when the game it trying to remove/overwrite an old save.
  9. This is how I look at it. Realism - Not having a soup under 15km, pointy things being better than flat things. Fun - Me not needing a degree in Mathematics to slam Jeb, Bob and Bill into the Mun. The game can be both fun and more accurate at the same time. I only started using FAR a week or so ago and have had no issues at all with it. Deadly Re-entry has caused me more issues. Re-entry heat/speed damaging things really can just be an on off button. It affects it or it doesn't. Having two separate aero models that make things FLY differently is silly. I'd be happy right now if they just made FAR stock.
  10. Ahh ok. I'll attempt to make it happen again. I'll also run some tests with short durations and several scansat parameters to see them getting checked off.
  11. Thanks for the help Hakan, sent you a PM about it remaining up to date. Nightingale, I've noticed something and am not sure if its a bug with SCANSat or the contract system. I just tested my first 3 missions in full (get lo res altimetry of Kerbin, Mun & Minmus), all locked using their requirements with real values for things. Each has a duration timer on the orbit to ensure a stable one, I've set it to be about the same duration as it takes to get roughly 50% of the scan done. For Kerbin and Mun, the timer elapsed slightly after 50% of the scan parameter was met, so the contract ended as soon as it did as you would hope. For me Minmus mission however, the timer was set about 2 hours short (testing). When the timer expired, the contract completed, despite still having to get another 15% or so of the data from the scan to complete the SCANsatCoverage Parameter in my contract. It even showed "get 50% lo res data from Minmus" as green, even though I was at about 35%! No maps for Minmus had been previously completed, so I'm wondering if SCANSat is reporting numbers weirdly, or if there is a problem with the contract somewhere. Maybe I'm using the Duration Parameter wrong and its just designed to end the contract as soon as it completes? // Any suggestions or corrections? Send me a note on http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/members/118151-DBT85 // This contract only work with Contract Configurator and SCANsat 9.0 name = ScanMinmus // Contract text title = Altimetry Scan of Minmus description = Heads up, Director. There is more work to be done. With the Kerbin scans coming along nicely and Mun scans underway, the team feel it's time we got some data about Minmus. We think it's very flat in places, but we'll know more once you've got us this data. synopsis = Send an unkerbaled vessel into a Minmus orbit, reach a 74km orbit with an 79.5 degree inclination and scan Minmus's surface with the SCAN Radar Altimetry Sensor. \n\nYou'll see a suggested orbit in the Tracking Station, but feel free to just hit the targets below. completedMessage = Excellent work. As expected Kerbins second celestial satellite is very flat in places, with some bumpy bits. The guys are already preparing a party in the mess. Free Ice Cream! // Target Celestial body - controls where the contract must be completed, has some automated // effects on numeric parameters (increasing science, etc.) targetBody = Minmus // Always offered by the R&D department agent = Research & Development Department // Contract rewards, Minmus multiplies by 3.125 in Normal mode. advanceFunds = 8960 rewardScience = 13 rewardReputation = 18 rewardFunds = 19200 // Can only be done once and offered once at a time maxCompletions = 1 maxSimultaneous = 1 // Prestige level 2 prestige = Significant // very likely to be chosen //weight = 10.0 PARAMETER { // Named for the Scottish physicist who predicted the existence of electromagnetic waves. name = Maxwell3 type = VesselParameterGroup define = Maxwell III disableOnStateChange = false PARAMETER { name = HasCrew1 type = HasCrew maxCrew = 0 minCrew = 0 } PARAMETER { name = HasPart1 type = HasPart part = SCANsat_Scanner minCount = 1 } PARAMETER { name = Orbit type = Orbit targetBody = Minmus title = Achieve an orbit with the following parameters minApA = 71210 maxApA = 77305 minPeA = 71103 maxPeA = 77219 maxEccentricity = 0.00217 minInclination = 79.0 maxInclination = 80 disableOnStateChange = false } // Once all of the above are complete, start the countdown. PARAMETER { name = Duration type = Duration duration = 3h 30m preWaitText = We need a stable orbit for at least waitingText = Orbit acquired, monitoring. completionText = Stable orbit confirmed! } } PARAMETER { name = SCANsatCoverage1 type = SCANsatCoverage targetBody = Minmus // Requires 50% SCAN coverage to complete coverage = 50.0 scanType = AltimetryLoRes } REQUIREMENT { name = All1 type = All REQUIREMENT { name = SCANsatCoverage2 type = SCANsatCoverage targetBody = Kerbin // Contract will not be activated until 65% of Kerbin has LoRes data maxCoverage = 100.0 minCoverage = 65.0 // The type of scan to perform. Valid values are from SCANdata.SCANtype. scanType = AltimetryLoRes } REQUIREMENT { name = SCANsatCoverage3 type = SCANsatCoverage targetBody = Mun // Contract will not be activated until 15% of Mun has LoRes data maxCoverage = 100.0 minCoverage = 15.0 // The type of scan to perform. Valid values are from SCANdata.SCANtype. scanType = AltimetryLoRes } REQUIREMENT { name = SCANsatCoverage4 type = SCANsatCoverage targetBody = Minmus // The contract will not be activated if Minmus has 50% LoRes data maxCoverage = 49.9 minCoverage = 0.0 // The type of scan to perform. Valid values are from SCANdata.SCANtype. scanType = AltimetryLoRes } } BEHAVIOUR { name = OrbitGenerator1 type = OrbitGenerator // Use this to generate an orbit with specific parameters FIXED_ORBIT { // Body for the orbit - defaulted from the contract if not supplied targetBody = Minmus // Actual orbit details. Note that REF represents the reference // body - but will be overriden by the targetBody. ORBIT // Minmus surface is SMA = 60000 { SMA = 133986 ECC = 0.0001 INC = 79.5 LPE = 90 LAN = 203 REF = 1 } } } } CONTRACT_TYPE:NEEDS[SCANsat]{
  12. Sorted my version file woes out. An extra comma bunging up the works. Then tried to add my netkan to the repo and got told it didn't match JSON (another comma), despite Netkan.exe having no problem with it. Never mind, just waiting to be added now. My pack, CC-CP-SCANSat (Contract Configurator-Contract Pack-SCANSat) is currently riddled with 10 exciting missions covering every body cept Jool (and moons), with fun optional parts for covering other moons and deorbiting old equipment. Currently all are unlocked so can be got at any time and the rewards are all out of whack as I've just set everything to be identical and let the games multiplier go crazy. Both will of course be changed soon along with more missions. Full details and links soon!
  13. Am I right in recalling the Shuttle SRBs using the first variant there? Also iirc it burnt from the top down?
  14. With no patched conics, when you burn toward where Mun is going to be, the map won't show you anything other than your orbit around Kerbin. You could actually be on a trajectory to slam right into Mun. With patched conics, when you burn to where the moon is going to be, the map shows you your encounter and how the Mun is going to change your flight path, you can then adjust accordingly. Getting to Mun without it is doable but not unless you know when to burn and how long for (as Mun rises over the Kerbin horizon, burn prograde for about 860m/s) getting anywhere else without them is a pain in the butt.
  15. Thanks guys, will look at it in the morning. Tearing my hair out this afternoon with it! I did have it as three separate numbers, I practically copied one from another mod and made the appropriate changes, rather than starting new.
  16. So I've finally got my CC-CP-SCANSat pack ready for an initial rollout, got AVC compatible and working fine, even got the netkan working when not including the AVC part. Can I get it to work with the AVC part? No. Bad version file. Grrrr.
  17. I've honestly contemplated a Scott Manley compilation video of people on camera saying "Hello, I'm Scott Manley" as a little tribute. I think I say it nearly every time I start watching his videos.
  18. Shame lol something something not checking the logs something something. Thanks
  19. Any chance of increasing the eccentricity display to be a few more decimal places to match Inclination?
  20. Took me a good chunk of Monday to get into it and work out what I was doing! I've done little bits of code before with my website and a timecode calculator for work so I'm mostly out of my depth. My brother is head of webdev and IT for Iglu.com though so you'd think I'd pick stuff up EDIT: Is it possible to put a requirement into a parameter? So for example, This optional parameter within a contract will not be available to the player unless they've unlocked the required part. I've tried this code in the contract and everything is displaying exactly the same as it would without the requirement. Not sure if I'm just doing it wrong or if its not looking for requirements within parameters. PARAMETER { name = Option1 type = All title = (Optional 1) Take a SCAN Multispectral Sensor and gather Biome data from Eve optional = True // Parameter rewards rewardScience = 10.0 rewardReputation = 10.0 rewardFunds = 10000.0 PARAMETER { name = SCANsatCoverage3 type = SCANsatCoverage targetBody = Eve coverage = 25.0 scanType = Biome } REQUIREMENT { name = PartUnlocked1 type = PartUnlocked Part name that needs to be unlocked. part = SCANsat_Scanner24 } }
  21. I just made my own branch and pull request on a project for the first time! Just a minor display correction to fix this
  22. Thanks for the change NavyFish. As I said in the Modding Mondays thread, this and Engineer are the only things I won't boot KSP without! As for the stock bar, its needs the ability to hide some mods, folders, resize, move etc.
  23. Yes. Yes. Yes. Do not hold your ideas and designs back by trying to make things work that were based on a bad starting model.
  24. Ahh ok thanks I'e just started on GitHub and have struggled through trying to learn what I need to eventually do something with this. Took me a few hours but I'm getting there. EDIT: Me again, Any option to set a "destroy" parameter? Thinking about having a de orbit option on a contract to bring down an old satellite but the item would get destroyed. Maybe the best I can do is to use the Reach Situation parameter. I've been tinkering with it and wonder what I'm doing wrong. I've specified which craft to deorbit (option 1 in this code) but when in the game it doesn't mention Maxwell I apart from in the title which obviously isn't actually being checked. Could it because Maxwell I doesn't exist in this save yet (I've not run the contract that puts Maxwell I unto orbit) that the game doesn't know about it and so isn't including it? // Any suggestions or corrections? Send me a note on http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/members/118151-DBT85 // This contract only work with Contract Configurator and SCANsat 9.0 name = ScanKerbinMultispectral // Contract text title = Multispectral Scan of Kerbin description = Thanks to your grand effors in collecting science so far, the folk in R&D have managed to whip together a SCAN Multispectral Sensor from some old toilet rolls and some sticky backed plastic. Time to test it out and at the same time, retire the old Maxwell 1 Altimetry scanner we launched all those weeks/days/hours/minutes ago! synopsis = Send an unkerbaled vessel into orbit, reach a 495.2km orbit with an 79.78 decgree inclination and scan Kerbin's surface with the SCAN Multispectral Sensor. You'll see a suggested orbit in the Tracking Station, but feel free to just hit the targets below. \n\nAlso, deorbit Maxwell 1 and let it burn up in the atmosphere. completedMessage = Stunning, through the advances with this scanner we have identified 9 different biomes for further study. I wonder if Mun has biomes? // Target Celestial body - controls where the contract must be completed, has some automated // effects on numeric parameters (increasing science, etc.) targetBody = Kerbin // Always offered by the R&D department agent = Research & Development Department // Contract rewards, Kerbin multiplies by 1.25 on Normal mode. advanceFunds = 10000 rewardScience = 10.0 rewardReputation = 10.0 rewardFunds = 10000.0 // Can only be done once maxCompletions = 1 maxSimultaneous = 1 // Prestige level 2 prestige = Significant // very likely to be chosen //weight = 10.0 PARAMETER { // Named for the Scottish physicist who predicted the existence of electromagnetic waves. name = GeoEye1 type = VesselParameterGroup define = GeoEye I disableOnStateChange = false PARAMETER { name = HasCrew1 type = HasCrew maxCrew = 0 minCrew = 0 } PARAMETER { name = HasPart1 type = HasPart part = SCANsat_Scanner24 minCount = 1 } PARAMETER { title = Achieve an orbit with the following parameters name = Orbit type = Orbit targetBody = Kerbin minApA = 492204 maxApA = 498314 minPeA = 492101 maxPeA = 498106 minEccentricity = 0.0 maxEccentricity = 0.00214 minInclination = 79.28 maxInclination = 80.28 disableOnStateChange = false } // Once all of the above are complete, start the countdown. PARAMETER { name = Duration type = Duration duration = 1d 3h preWaitText = We need a stable orbit for at least waitingText = Orbit acquired, monitoring. completionText = Stable orbit confirmed! } } PARAMETER { name = SCANsatCoverage1 type = SCANsatCoverage targetBody = Kerbin // Get 50% coverage to complete coverage = 50.0 scanType = Biome } PARAMETER { name = Option1 type = VesselParameterGroup title = (Optional 1) De-orbit Maxwell 1, our first SCANSAT satellite optional = True vessel = Maxwell I // Parameter rewards rewardScience = 10.0 rewardReputation = 10.0 rewardFunds = 10000.0 PARAMETER { name = orbitend type = ReachSituation targetBody = Kerbin situation = SUB_ORBITAL } } //REQUIREMENT //{ // name = PartUnlocked1 // type = PartUnlocked // // Part name that needs to be unlocked. // part = SCANsat_Scanner24 //} REQUIREMENT { name = SCANsatCoverage2 type = SCANsatCoverage targetBody = Kerbin // Maximum coverage that must be reached before the contract is valid. maxCoverage = 49.9 minCoverage = 0.0 // The type of scan to perform. Valid values are from SCANdata.SCANtype. scanType = Biome } BEHAVIOUR { name = OrbitGenerator1 type = OrbitGenerator // Use this to generate an orbit with specific parameters FIXED_ORBIT { // Body for the orbit - defaulted from the contract if not supplied targetBody = Kerbin // Actual orbit details. Note that REF represents the reference // body - but will be overriden by the targetBody. ORBIT // Kerbin surface is SMA = 600000 { SMA = 1095200 ECC = 0.00016 INC = 79.78 LPE = 70 LAN = 15 MNA = 1.55872660382504 EPH = 31.3999999999994 REF = 1 } } } } CONTRACT_TYPE:NEEDS[SCANsat]{ EDIT2: AHAHAH, sorted it And it worked! Wooo.
  25. Another possible issue Nightingale? I have a long title on a optional part of a contract and its bleeding onto a second line, however, I'm seeing "incomplete" at the end of each line. Not sure its anything you can resolve if its the game side. Also is there a) any way to do line breaks any way to comment out large sections easier than adding // before each line? For example, when removing a requirements to test the contract. c) an ability to generate several orbits within one contract? d) ability to add "accepted contract xyz" as a requirement?
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