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Everything posted by DBT85

  1. Forgive me, I think its the mass of them reducing my dV not the thrust acting in the opposite direction being included in the calcs.
  2. I have no idea if this is even possible, but I like the idea of certain building upgrades being granted for certain missions, almost like a governmental funding of the programme provided targets are met. So for example. Orbiting Kerbin might earn you the first Tracking Station upgrade. You could evn say it had to be 3 missions in a row achieving orbit and successful return. Planting a flag on the Mun and returning the pilot to Kerbal might unlock the first VAB upgrade. Doing the same on Minmus could then unlock the first Launch pad upgrade.
  3. This might sound stupid, but is it possible to add in the option to ignore Seperatrons in the dV calculation? At the moment when you put them on the ship it negatively affects the DV, but obviously once the Seperatrons fire (assuming they are used to separate stages) they are no longer connected to the active ship, so I don't care what dV they'll have.
  4. When despite your apparent experience, this happens on your first mission in a new career.
  5. I watched a YouTuber on Hard mode try and do this for about an hour today, so you're not alone! I'd not realised how reliant I was on manoeuvre nodes to do anything and as yet haven't done this myself in the new career mode. As sal_vager said, get into orbit around Kerbin, and as soon as you see the Mun pop up over the horizon burn prograde, that should help get you there. My first Mun landing was with a 1 man pod, a 200 tank and a 909 engine with 3 legs, so you're definitely going there with bigger ambitions than I did!
  6. I'm wondering about the possibility of getting some building upgrades as part of mission rewards for the career. So for example, Orbit Kerbin gets you the tracking station upgrade to get your patched conics. Landing on the mun and minmus and returning with data would get you your manoeuvre nodes, etc. Now I'm also thinking about a series of linked progressive contracts, more like a story I suppose. A bit like the altitude record ones that unlock once you hit 5k, 11k etc. "Put a SCANSat in xyz orbit", then once complete put another one in the same orbit but delayed 90 degrees. Or even "We need a relay network, put 4 sats in XYZ orbit with this much separation"
  7. It's only the first video in that series. He doesn't have great internet but moved to doing 720p after enough requests. He's far from Scott Manely levels of expertise and regularly gets it horribly wrong, but he also doesn't bore me to death.
  8. I've not yet gotten to the point of putting satellites up for a contract, I'm still cocking up basic launches and orbits without the manoeuvre nodes lol. My plan however is to re-purpose satellite contracts once the contract is complete. So, if I got a polar contract, put the required kit on board to use it for SCANSat for example. Or if one of the equatorial satellites, some of the parts to help me use Remote Tech.
  9. The latest versions reintroduced the need to have a part on your craft to get the data in Career mode. You can turn it off in the settings.
  10. Only planet I've been to is Duna. Sent a ship out there some months ago and attempted to land and botched it. The pilot was fine but his ship was destroyed. Hoping to catch em all in my new save.
  11. Found some nice videos on Youtube yesterday, he's also doing a series with mods. So far, the most enjoyable 0.90 hard mode I've seen. Not too long, cuts out the gunk and is enjoyable to listen to.Thus far from the very liuttle I've played on my hard mode career is, a) Achieve the contract and nothing more. Specifically for the altitude records. If you go for Orbit on the first launch you'll miss a bunch of contracts offering you money to hit about 5 different altitudes. I miss the manoeuvre nodes a LOT, can't wait to unlock those again. c) You don;t have to accept all contracts, decline the stupid ones. d) Don't kill Jeb by forgetting to put a decoupler in and then watch him burn up on re-entry.
  12. I killed Jebadiah :-( Playing FAR, DRE and some other mods on Hard in career for the first time. Got a mission to use a stack decoupler in orbit and buggered up the launch and therefore the reentry so the entire ship 'sploded taking Jeb with it. Such an easy mission too. Reminding me that I can balls up even the simplest of launches lol. Not having the maneuver nodes either! Arghh!
  13. Not sure that anything exists already, but setting a minimum time between landing and re launching for your Kerbals would be a cool way of suggesting they actually need training for their new mission. Maybe tie it to the max quantity of Kerbals you're currently allowed too so that when you only have 5 available its maybe 3-4 days, but with a fully upgraded ATC its like 15 days or something?
  14. Ah Ha. I was just encountering the same problem and narrowed it down to your mod and you've already found the culprit! thanks!
  15. I've swapped CKAN to use a mirror now to avoid this as suggested in the CKAN thread. Doesn't get hammered as much it seems.
  16. Just getting back into KSP after a few months away and I'm so pleased to see CKAN has appeared to help me manage my mods! So much easier than faffing around.
  17. I don't like to play without Kerbal Engineer and Docking Alignment Indicator at the moment. Only played with FAR, Remote Tech, DRE for about 40 minutes this morning! Also, try CKAN for your mods.
  18. I've not played with the contracts enough to know if this is there or not, but when using things like Remote Tech and Scansat it would be nice if you were offered those contracts to actually flesh out your solar system properly rather than just random "build a satellite and put it in this orbit" type stuff.
  19. This morning before bed (night shifts!) I got my first taste of Ferram Aerospace research, Deadly Re-entry and Remote Tech. Hoping to get some hours in this week when I'm off!
  20. Look at the popular KSP Tubers and see what you can glean from them. I like Scott Manley because he not only knows the game, but also infuses his videos with interesting tidbits from real space programmes and also doesn't sound like a bum sitting in his mums basement. He's enthusiastic, knowledgeable and clear with what he's doing. If you want to make videos for complete newcomers, don't use any mods, keep it simple and explain everything as if they are 10 and know nothing about orbital mechanics at all, because they probably don't. If you want to make videos about using mods, be clear, include links, explain what it does and why its useful/cool.
  21. Hopefully Bodrick shall return, but he's not posted since October
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