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Everything posted by parzr

  1. ShadowZone's mission looks good. I'm still frustrated when no resources are shown. His mission was enough of a plesure to read and even watch (with some skipping) that Ill give it my vote.
  2. each refueling should minimally have your vehicle at launch and just before docking. Showing staging isn't that important (but sometimes its cool to show off a few), unless your margins are very tight. - - - Updated - - - - - - Updated - - - Here is my new attempt. Stock Rover that can reattach for the new Biomes 2 Copulas 2 Hitchhiker units 10 kerbals Half the weight of my first successful attempt. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/116613-Parzr-Jool-5?p=1861012#post1861012
  3. My latest attempt. Seeing the space station challenge I wanted to try a few things that had been on my mind. My intent was to make my craft 1/3 the weight of my first super mission. Then we got .90 and Kerbals needed EXP and dedicated crew for each skill. We also got more Bioms. so I ended up at 1/2 the weight of my first mission to Jool but a stock Detachable rover and room for many science. [This being my second time through, regrettably once my rovers proof of concept was realized, I stopped collecting Science. But lets assume the Kerbals didn't find it boring and just forgot to take pictures.] The other aim of this mission was to illustrate the need for the resources page and many screen shots. Hopefully future submissions to Jool5 (and other challenges) will have them more. --Launch while clean took 3 attempts to find the sweet spot for shutting down main engines for the LVNs. -- Tylo took 6 attempts total the first having to revert back to Laythe to better manage my separation and the rest a low altitude suicide burn with a steep learning curve. --Vall took around 10 attempts to land on a mountain with a low altitude suicide burn (good thing I learned on Tylo?) --at Pol I tired to get a gravity assist to leave but couldn't get Tylo on the correct side. Id love any advice on reducing Delta V (without long gravity assists) if anyone wants to offer them. http://imgur.com/a/Yyg2H#0 Version: .90 Mods: MechJeb and TAC Fuel 10 Kerbals 1 Launch 0 Refueling everyone slept comfortably, even kept 2 seats empty for the Scientists in the lab. If I where to redo this mission, I'd Put Science equipment on my tanks that where left in orbit. regrettably this was not done.
  4. I would like to submit my entry. My goal was to make a station better than my previous Jool 5 mission at 1/3 the weight. I did it at 1/2. making a reusable stock rover was a fun challenge too. Still figuring out points, but here's my clear break down anyway. The Jool multiplyer doesn't take into account landing on all its moons but this was how I wantted to spend my mission. Tons in LKO = 1014 = + 101400 --Tons in Jool orbit = 684 = + 68400 ----Tons in Laythe orbit = well, now it just gets complicated. do I do this for every moon? the rules say each celestial body with everything attached ----Laythe = 325 = + 32500 ----Tylo = 281 = + 28100 ----Vall = 52 = + 5200 ----Bop = 56 = + 5600 ----Pol = 52 = + 5200 Tons at launch = 4583 -Minus- -9166 237234 Kerbal on station = 10 + 1000 Comfortable seat = all 10 kerbals had a comfortable seat + 2000 Manned Science lab = true + 500 Snacks = false Life support = false Entire station and its rover landed on all moons with all 10 kerbals. IDK 1k per moon or none because its the whole station and not a dedicated craft? All crew got home safe = + 1000 No harvesting No life support made orbit around and landed on; Kerbin, Jool(no landing), Laythe, Tylo, Vall, Bop, pol. ----- Is this just X3 or do we count each time I landed and launched from a moon as separate occurrences? Mods used are MechJeb, and TAC fuel. http://imgur.com/a/Yyg2H#0
  5. I agree on both. The issue I keep running into is that we need a pic with the resource page up just before every burn. I'ts not hard, when I keep seeing posts that neglect it Im left wondering why. So much time and effort goes into the mission, documentation and the storyline why not make it easy on the judges too?
  6. Your mission looks cool and your report is fun to read, but there really isn't enough info to verify your fuel consumption.
  7. Looks good to me. You sure it its 2001 and not Event horizon? anyway. planing, building, assembly, and flying must have all been challenging
  8. The challenge is already far easier than Ziv had originally intended. The value of the rule of law should not be questioned or criticized here.That said, having an empty can would meet that requirement for extra weight. Where's your mission post? Edit: your signature line probably doesn't help build confidence.
  9. Its just peer reviewed and a good place to post the accomplishment. Take a screen shot just before every new Burn, have the resources tab open and post away. Ziv is on hiatus.
  10. by all means can u link ur thread? My interest in the game is morphing more into the technical and anything to help is appreciated.
  11. I'm not well enough versed in calculating dV to figure it out mathematically. I was going to use quantities/(t/w)/dV on the back of an envelope; is there a formula you use? on the surface every stage appears legit though the closer the call the more in plausible.
  12. do it and post it. Always have the resources page up and take a screen shot just before each new fireing of the engine showing the maneuver nodes. It it can be peer reviewed at least we all respect how well and long Ziv kept the chalenge going so don't mind helping him bow out gracefully:D - - - Updated - - - strictly speaking it's not in the rules. panels and struts are "massless items" so maybe add .66 tons per Kerbal in superfluous items?
  13. This is simply fastest escape speed not fastest time from launch to escape?
  14. Perpetual motion machines won't work on Jupiter any more than earth. Anything that gets power must give it back somehow and without 100% efficiency will drag.
  15. that's AWESOME! my lander is 1,200 tons and I'm going for jeb level and science level in the same trip. However, I've just gotten it alone into orbit with no staging and completely empty. Need to fuel it, transfer, land and ... You know... Do the mission. Love your parachute solutions too I gave up on them for the weight of my lander.
  16. Jeb level requires 5 kerbals minimum and comfortable habitat for the interplanetary journey. there is no requirement for a pod per-se on any lander, but you need something to get a crew report.Edit: The rules don't specify and it would be Ziv's call but he probably intended a crew report in the science packages. He has made very minor allowances for Jeb level but its so posed to be harder than the rest and just adding a few science items to a level 3 isn't that difficult.
  17. Yeah, some people could be posted in the OP after the rules as approved judges and leave appeals/veto to Ziv. I know a few of us have chimed in to help out; and we are happy to help keep a thread fun, that we also found fun. The challenge wouldn't be near what it is, where not for everything Ziv has put into making it valuable.
  18. lets assume you have 1 hour a day. what can you do in 12 days? If you're able to do it to Ziv's satisfaction in that time I'd be impressed. This challenge went ghost for its first 2 months, not because people weren't trying but because it was harder and more fun than anticipated and they where refusing to give up.
  19. Setting up around a moon requires a Hohmann xfer to the moon and then to the fuel barge. unless your tug has enough to not need to come back, you're better off aerobreaking enough for Jool capture and then again for Laythe capture on the next available orbit. Still learning but kinda like most things, you can save money if you're willing to expend time and effort.
  20. NO, that's what I meant by its plausible and I wanted to be clear that it does look good so don't be discouraged. But Ziv likes to see the fuel before/after descent (top right corner), the vessel weight and thrust if the D-V is not available so he can calculate it. He's usually willing to work with you. just wanted to give you the heads up so you can do what you can and get your accolades earlier I've been known to over think stuff too and don't want to come accross as speaking for Ziv. With how well built your mission design post is, he may be satisfied with that.
  21. your mission looks cool and is well documented as well as your mission log. Ziv will probably want to see the vessel info. though it does all look plausible.
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