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Everything posted by parzr

  1. What are your launch weights Maccollo? My craft is becoming increasingly absurd, but somehow I thought LVNs and Ion where taboo. Am I seeing that right, you have "Vectors" attached to your "Mammoths" ? That's brilliant.
  2. ok, have to move my engines to surround the tank more then its more a look thing for my craft.
  3. Can the payload be fuel that is sloshed around to balance the craft but otherwise unused?
  4. Thats some crazy stuff sdj64. I like the Eve gliding most. It all looked like a logistics and planing nightmare.
  5. There is no restriction to infrastructure beforehand except fuel; and that only changes what level you would complete in.
  6. Is a scientist/engineer with autopilot enough to meet this qualification? they just tell the computer if its safe to land there in real time
  7. Switch from Onion to Asparagus. Use <alt>f5 to make save files so you can go back and correct.
  8. The rules say SSTO, does this mean staging is allowed after getting into orbit?
  9. Thanks for all the extra advice, ill try zooming out. that makes sense. Only running MechJeb on the craft. have TAC fuel and Hyperedit installed but that's probably not the issue. It is 1428 parts so.... yeah.
  10. Hi guys, Has anyone figured out how to reduce frame-rate issues at launch with larger crafts? I just built a budget performance machine that I thought could handle anything. the VAB is no issue whatsoever, but launches are as laggy as ever. if it matters, Im running with system monitor open and my launch is only useing about 10-15% of my CPU (i7-5820k) and 3.5gigs of my 8g of ram. the VAB uses about 20% CPU and 4.5 gigs of ram. reverting flight has also crashed the game twice too. with how cleanly the VAB worked I expected launches to be the same
  11. Woo-Hoo!Thanks. Yeah, looks like I was using fuzzy math; my prime goal for that mission was actually the K-prize so your accolades are appreciated There's 274 parts in that beast and with most graphics settings at 50% or less it was still bad. On the ascent I set the nav-ball at about 15° and walked away from the computer with little more than an eye on it for a good 30 min. I did try to use large items and she could hold together with 3x physics warp if in a stable position. The abusive number of Vernor engines helped.
  12. Here is my Gigantor. 90.9 tons of payload to orbit and 100% reusable. She took a number of attempts both getting it to orbit and more trying, getting home. I put a good 10 Vernor's in the nose to allow me to glide with the nose pitched up. http://imgur.com/a/wXrVB#0
  13. Thanks for that Nao. So the aim is closer to maximizing the barest minimum weight at launch, to get the payload to orbit, by percentage; and assuming you're not just transferring out all your fuel as said payload.
  14. I humbly submit my entry. I come up with 56.87%. I didn't see the rule about the in game stats page till just now and can revert to take them if the Mec-Jeb page isn't acceptable. I'm still trying to fly it to the ground for a landing and the K-prize. My payload is 90.9 tons of fuel/ox to orbit, in a double long MK3 bay. (2.5 Big Orange tanks) http://imgur.com/a/eDvNP#0
  15. Thanks, Im kinda a fiend for killing 2 birds with one stone and wanted to hit both in the same run so thanks for keeping me in urs.
  16. sdj64 Nice to see you take this on, I'm doing a clean save hard mode and may document Jool5 when I go for it
  17. Its been done by others. Its not expressly in the rules but isn't against them either.- - - Updated - - - Some of us are keeping it going.Your lander there has too much clipping for me. The ones around the engine don't bother me but the lander can is loaded with fuel
  18. Its not the same challenge as before. Ziv is bowing out as it is anyway. We figured this could be a place to post links to our achievements until someone starts a new one.
  19. You could just make a "post 1.0 hall of fame" at the bottom of the OP too and just give it the disclaimer. Its almost like a cross over of a discussion thread but its still a challenge that will be loosely moderated so shouldn't change its location - - - Updated - - - Sorry, in my haste to answer Ziv I didn't read this. that doesn't sound bad either if you want the job. honestly im impressed with the amount of work Ziv put into this one.
  20. You've obviously run the most popular challenge Ziv. don't feel bad that your life has to move on and up Maybe you can just give a history of where the challenge started, where it went and let it govern itself as a place to post our epic journeys to Jool and beyond.
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