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Everything posted by Wrecker013

  1. I love the mod, though I'm having an apparent issue wherein, on the KSC scene, hovering over the toolbar icon brings up no menu, and clicking on it causes an error to appear in the console of "Exception: ArgumentException: An item with the same key has already been added. Key: fb4b51ad". I'm assuming this is an incompatibility somewhere but I'm unsure with what. I can share my current mod list if it would assist.
  2. Forgive me if this is a stupid question, but I can't seem to find the information elsewhere. Is the current version of RemoteTech compatible with KSP 1.8.1?
  3. I'm certain this is quite a frequent subject, but I've not found information that pertains accurately to the situation I seem to be having. I have an aircraft that is quite stable in-flight, however, at speeds over 30 m/s on the ground, it will waddle from side to side on its wheels. While I can manage a take-off with that, landing is quite challenging, nevermind the fact that I'm trying to fly a plane that acts like that! Conventional wisdom seems to say it has something to do with the wheels being misaligned, however, I would swear up and down that the wheels are straight and flat. It would seem like to me that it has something to do with lift pulling the aircraft up but not enough to push it into the air without elevators nor at that speed. Notably, I use the FAR aerodynamic model. I'm aware the post is lax on explicit details to the design of the aircraft in question, but I don't have time to supply them at this exact moment. I shall endeavor to give them later. As a final note, the aircraft is constructed, structurally (nevermind the science instruments and storage) from vanilla parts that are supplied from the 'aviation' science node. Any help is appreciated, thank you.
  4. The continued thought between two particular mods that I'm still trying to decide between for KSP has irritated me to the point of needing a second opinion, since I can't seem to reconcile to any point on my own. The two mods in question are the life support mods USI Life Support, and TAC Life Support, and I cannot decide which one to use. On one hand, we have USI Life Support which also allows for the usage of the USI family of mods cleanly, bringing a significant amount of well-made content that is hard to pass up. However, the simplicity of USI-LS (although perhaps I've not progressed enough in a given game to understand its true potential) is acting as a bit of a turn-off for me. Additionally, it seems to be the less compatible of the two by virtue of the fact that TAC is more popular and seems to be considered first for compatibility in other mods, although none of this has necessarily been a problem yet (plus the lack of oxygen/CO2 as a dynamic somewhat irritates me). On the other hand, we have TAC Life Support, which regards a larger amount of resources to contend with and includes the aforementioned oxygen/CO2 issues, in addition to being more seamlessly integrated into things like Universal Storage. Furthermore, it doesn't have what I feel to be the strange support grace period USI does that I haven't found a way to remove, and stocks command pods with supplies as one would expect. But still, it lacks the accessibility to the rest of the USI content and is more simple on its options, as well as, I suppose I could say, the character of USI. Those are my observations anyway from my current perspective, and I don't know how to choose in a way that finishes the competition between the two for me once and for all. Any opinions at all are valued.
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