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Everything posted by Idrryl

  1. Never really thought about this, but I guess they are romantic rivals? Doesn't matter really, Val was first to the Mun, Jeb was first to Minmus, but Natalee Kerman was the first to Duna
  2. Mine is about 5700 with RSS/RO, but it crashed way too often. Now I've got about 170 because I removed most of my part mods (1.0 outdated most of them so I decided to drop them all together)
  3. I like all of the moons, specially Vall and Tylo (btw, every time Tylo is mentioned I get the chills, it's such a hard place to land on). But I also like the Mun because of it's craters, I usually use it as a testing ground for landers The one I like the least is Ike, it's has a boring topography and always gets in the way.
  4. Mine was in 0.18 or 0.19. I didn't know quicksave existed so it was a lot of frustration. I tried to land about twenty or so times. The final manned lander was on a rocket called Spacer IV (don't ask) which was just a double Jumbo FT with a Mainsail, on it where a couple of SRB, then another, and then a couple of FT-800 and LV-T 30s. No mods on that install, as you can probably guess. But I eventually got there with Jeb, unfortunately for him, he was stuck there for a long time until a rescue mission came.
  5. I love the new effects, they should've been implemented a long time ago. It is a bit of a framerate killer, though, but only if you're on an older machine. Wow, that's dark... o.O
  6. The sad thing is that the funding NASA had with Apollo is lost, and they ain't getting it back. Don't get me wrong, I would love to see a Mars landing in my lifetime, but I don't think NASA alone will be able to do it. On the other hand, SpaceX is ambitious. But I think they won't be able to do this alone, not by a long shot. I think this mission would require NASA-ESA-SpaceX collaboration.
  7. My Jeb is competing with Val to see who's going to Duna
  8. I actually find Dres to be really interesting because it's all alone out there. It's a hard place to get to, but it gives me a greater feeling of achievement than going to Jool or Eve.
  9. I've been using them since 0.25 when they were just another mod, brilliant piece of work. That probe setup sounds interesting for bringing your rocket back, kudos to you.
  10. I can't contain this hype. I'm just gonna leave for like, fifteen minutes, to refresh my thoughts. Hopefully it'll come out 'till then.
  11. 75 pages to go, come on, we have to reach 400
  12. My internetz is not fast enough for this xD
  13. Woo, record number! Now come on Squad,give us 1.0
  14. Are you crazy? You can't mod the Hypetrain now we're moving at hyper velocities, no, don't -- *static*
  15. My girlfriend also made a Hypetrain http://instagram.com/p/td2R63Jsjt/?modal=true
  16. C'mon 0.25, c'mon 0.25... Looks like I won't be sleeping tonight
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