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Everything posted by SRiley77

  1. Hello all, I'm new to AVP, haven't been around KSP much for the last few years. I'm not sure if this is correct.. it doesn't look like the screenshots that have been posted elsewhere. It looks a little bit white compared to other screenshots.. which is why I'm asking if it's supposed to look like this. I'm running 1.10.1 with default settings. AVP (with 4K Textures), Scatterer, EVE, & Module Manager installed via CKAN. No other mods installed. I have looked at previous posts, but have not been able to figure out what may be going on based on those old posts. Any help or suggestions would be appreciated. Dropbox link to Player Log
  2. @TheRagingIrishman Your patch has worked on my end of things.. Thanks a bunch!!
  3. Sorry for a partial necro.. It would be nice if this could get a pass and review for 1.3. I certainly do like the idea of such a training operation. Both of these cause 1.3 to crash. I've had this happen in a very heavily modded install, and in a fresh install (Module Manager was the only addition).
  4. Sorry for the apparent zombie thread: in 1.2.1, I'm experiencing the same issues that a few folks above had reported. The plateau (with nearly the entirety of the Kosmodrome) vanishes at certain angles. What is usually only visible is the launchpads. The spawn point for the runway is underneath, so attempting to use it may cause the plane to hit the bottom of the runway, causing explosions. I hope that this mod can be updated to work in new versions. It is a nice launch point to have as an alternate to KSC.
  5. I guess that I should have done my own homework.. checked the config, it's showing a proximity to the waypoint of 500... which is closer than the attempted altitudes.
  6. I'm just wondering what the altitude & distance ranges would be for the fly over island contracts... I've been trying it, but can't get the flyover section of the contract to go green or get the waypoint to clear. Will those not happen until landing back at ksc?
  7. I'm running into the same problem. Turning off Historical Missions in MCE's settings menu solves the problem (it isn't any other type of mission that's duplicating). Running latest MCE with latest version of Contract Configurator with the following packs (all latest versions): Advanced Progression, Anomaly Surveyor, Scansat, Field Research, Historic Missions, Kerbal Space Station, RemoteTech, Tourism
  8. Thanks for the add and for the challenge! It can be tough keeping under 150 when trying to land on the island. Something like this can help improve my skills.
  9. My humble submission. Accomplished in .25 Mods used: MechJeb (for altitude details only) Aircraft is all stock parts. No parts lost during trip.
  10. I have several installs on my Win 7 machine... One mostly abandoned one for each version (I started late, at .23). For the current version, I have a modded one (for normal gameplay) and a "challenge" one (which is setup with approved mods for whichever challenge on which I am working). I have an archive of the .zip files downloaded from Squad which can serve as a vanilla re-boot if necessary.
  11. Where's time acceleration when you need it?
  12. I think that KSP would be an improvement over the animation that NASA is using... If only they were, and an "accidental" eva happened on the live feed... One can dream
  13. Even though this is from almost 2 months ago, I want to share previous kudos for making the old sound available. Like others had mentioned previously, I thought that the new breathing sound was a bug in the download. A toggle would be greatly appreciated. Keep up the great work with this mod, it is a must-have in my book!!
  14. Mine are traditional, and semi-boring (at least as compared to the above) 1 occupant capsules - Hephaestus Program 3 occupant capsules - Callisto Program I haven't really been beyond these... so I'm not sure where I'd go from there.
  15. I noticed the Mechjeb tab on your screenshots. If I recall correctly, Mechjeb treats itself as local control, where RemoteTech is concerned. I know that when I've launched satellites, and when I put the MechJeb unit on the orbital insertion booster.. I get the full RemoteTech time delay functionality.
  16. Rubber Ducky, If you're still floating around to see this: Thanks for your wonderful mod and your hard work.. best wishes for your time away, hopefully you'll return someday.
  17. Only tried it in .23.5 and .24.. but love the mod.. Keep up the good work!!
  18. Yes.. I manipulated my 23.5 installation with that code, gave myself remote tech capabilities on aies, bomp, impossible innovations, etc. I based my home-made cfg files on the AIES cfg files found earlier in the thread.
  19. Tested on Win7 - x86 - .24 32 bit.. confirmed container and "grab" functions working..
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