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  1. @Pointblank66 That sounds like it's working as intended (see excerpt below from the first page about ullage). A typical liquid fuel engine won't work if a rocket is in freefall, or a negative Gee situation from atmospheric drag, since the fuel would be floating around the tank instead of pressurized at the bottom of the tank to feed the turbopumps. You can stage ullage motors like Seperatrons to settle the fuel before staging the liquid engine. To turn off ullage requirements, you can change 'simulateUllage = true' to 'simulateUllage = false' near the bottom of '\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\RealFuels\RealSettings.cfg' using a text editor like Notepad++.
  2. Even for stock engines you will need Real Fuels and this mod. Real Fuels doesn't include engine configs, just tank configs.
  3. I'm guessing you can't install software on the school computer, but I've used simlabs FBX exporter to convert SolidWorks models so that I could load them in Unity (it has a free trial). http://www.simlab-soft.com/3d-plugins/SolidWorks/fbx_exporter_for_SolidWorks-main.aspx I've loaded fairly complex FBX files before without killing Unity, but it took a long time the first time I loaded the FBX into a scene. How are you importing SolidWorks models into Unity? Can you simplify your model before importing it or even delete parts of it that aren't visible once it's loaded in Unity?
  4. http://www.projectrho.com/public_html/rocket/surfaceorbit.php#rombus
  5. That worked for me in To the Mun via Minmus. I got a failure screen because my second rocket spawned inside the launch pad and exploded . I think I had to return to the space center so that I could load the save (due to the failure screen).
  6. In my opinion, 412s would be too high for a J2 analogue in KSP. IRL, 421s isn't a high hydrolox vacuum isp, only a little better than the RS-68, which is a launch engine (although much newer). Maybe just increase the thrust for the Skiff, it already has a better isp than the Skipper. Since there is only one fuel/oxidizer mix in KSP, I think it makes sense for an orbital engine to have a higher isp than a second stage engine. But if the Wolfhound keeps the 412s (isn't this really high for any KSP engine?), it should have a relatively low TWR (I'm on mobile, so I don't have the engine masses in front of me). One argument for higher than "realistic" thrust (but not OP TWR) for the Wolfhound is that it will probably be used for orbital insertion for an orbiter and lander combo. In KSP, with the small planets, insertion burns need to happen pretty quickly.
  7. @djr5899 , The mission demands/notes should be reviewable by clicking the top right button on the screen. I agree on getting into the onion. I think I went to all 4 sides before getting in.
  8. Thanks! I just changed Orbit, Landing, and Flyby from "completed" to "completedUnmanned". I guess the Manned or Unmanned was added in 1.1, or maybe even 1.0....I started this save in 0.90.
  9. In my current modded savegame (KSP 1.1.3), I can't select "The Eve Program" due to "Must not have performed a crewed fly-by of Eve" showing as false. But, I'm 99.9% sure I've never had any crew near Eve, only landed a probe. http://imgur.com/ENblnuJ Is there a way to force the strategy to be active ("cheat"), or to edit my save file so that I can select the strategy? If it helps, here are my output log : https://www.dropbox.com/s/cgubqhsc9cuykjk/output_log.txt?dl=0 and save file: https://www.dropbox.com/s/2c4ta34kt9yezgb/persistent.sfs?dl=0
  10. Also in the 0.1.2 release ZIP: The Dry Workshop CFG isn't updated (no TechRequired line), and the changelog only shows 0.1.0 and 1.1.1.
  11. Maybe it's the drag cubes? I never noticed the extra drag, but commenting out the drag cubes in '\VenStockRevamp\Part Bin\Para_Docking_Port.cfg' fixed the reentry heating and early chute cut problems I was having using RealChutes and FAR. I also noticed the bumper doesn't stay deployed on the Clamp-O-Tron MK-16XXL Docking Port.
  12. Did you use the online configuration tool from the OP? http://bit.ly/rfstockalike Just click on "engines", select you KW example engine, change the engine id, title, and any stats that need to change (thrust, tech level, type, etc). Then you can copy the output and save it as a .CFG. Unless that engine is an oddball (stock fuel switching, multiple thrust transforms)... If you're happy with the results in game, you can submit your config on the same page you created it.
  13. I think the Clamp-O-Tron MK-16XXL Docking Port (the 1.25m one with a built parachute) has an oversized collider. (Not sure if you are using that one since I can't see your image on my mobile.) For me, it heats up on top of my Mk1-2 during re-entry, even when I'm pointing retrograde, and it cuts the parachute when I'm probably 30 or more meters above the surface. Edit: Tried this out in a test install without 100+mods . The early chute cut only happens with RealChute installed, and only when landing over water... Very soon after the chute cut, the F3 menu says "Clamp-O-Tron MK-16XXL Docking Port splashed down hard and was destroyed".
  14. If you do, you might want to check out the fuel cells configs in Universal Storage. I think they use Oxygen and Hydrogen gas, so you would want to convert that to equivalent amounts of LqdOxygen and LqdHydrogen.
  15. I think it adjusts all atmospheres to 1.3 times the stock height. Kerbin's should extend to almost 91km. Did you install Sigma Dimensions?
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