So I've got an... interesting... bug. I'm playing a pretty modded game, but if I use any part from this mod, it will work fine at first. Eventually, some buttons will stop working, can't leave SPH, can't save or load crafts, etc. (I can usually still hit the launch button) If I launch the craft, it will generally work fine in flight, though twice all the UFO parts were see-though, any other parts seemed fine... when reverting to SPH... it causes a BSOD. Generally, with that being the case the first place I'd look is at my own computer, but I've spent 6+ hours straight playing the same save (nearly 3 years into the save), and zero issues until I try to build something out of the UFO parts and it is reproducible every single time I use UFO parts. The only hint I've got as to what might be the issue is when I try to load a craft that caused the BSOD, with zero changes, it gives me the following.
upon loading the craft... the issues occur again.
Is it possible TweakScale is causing the issue?