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  1. I was getting the same problems. Temporarily remove your other large mods and let KSP load and have ATM cache AVP files. Once it is loaded, add your other mods (depending on how many you have you may have to do a few at a time). My only large mod was B9 so I removed it and KSP loaded perfectly with AVP and ATM. Then I added it back and I'm sitting now at 2.7 GB RAM (I think I ended up using basic and I'm not running open GL).
  2. Just thought I'd mention for anyone having issues trying to launch KSP with AVP and ATM, temporarily remove your other large mods and let KSP load and have ATM cache AVP files. Then add your other mods back. I also want to ask, is it possible to edit the frequency of the lightning? I feel like I'm watching a NASA timelapse video of the ISS when playing at normal speed.
  3. Thank you, thank you very much! I removed B9 since it was already cached, let KSP load up with everything else, then added B9 back and I was able to load up KSP! I'm not even running opengl and the RAM usage is only at 2.7
  4. I have tried both basic and aggressive, with and without opengl. It always gets stuck on the same file and its RAM is at 3.08 each time I have to end the process through the task manager
  5. Sorry, I've been using FAR since I can remember and I was a big time user of 64-bit KSP up until a few months ago when I stopped playing KSP.
  6. I tried opengl without ATM and it loaded fine, but it crashed when I tried a scene change, saying that I've ran out of VRAM. With ATM, I still get stuck loading on the same file and my RAM usage is unchanged, 3.08 GB, either with aggressive ATM, basic ATM, or ATM with opengl. So how am I supposed to get this working on 32-bit? Aside from B9, all of my other mods are just plugins. I could remove some parts from B9 but I doubt it'd be enough of a change. Really the only reason I'm back to KSP after several months of not playing is because I saw AVP, I like the better atmospheric effects, stock Kerbin with EVE is too plain for me now. And B9 and FAR are must haves for me.
  7. For some reason, FAR doesn't show up when I'm launching from the launch pad in 64 bit. I'm unsure if this is a related issue, but my control surfaces have no effect either, resulting in aerodynamically unstable rockets that always spin out of control. Also trying to toggle the CoL in the VAB seems to not work at all.
  8. I thought the point of ATM was to reduce the RAM footprint so I can have more mods and stuff?
  9. The output log does say that I've ran out of memory. I thought ATM was supposed to reduce the RAM footprint? How can I get this to load up on 32-bit then? It works fabulously on 64-bit, but for some reason FAR isn't loading at all for my VAB launch vehicles and my control surfaces don't work at all so my rockets always end up spinning out of control. I really want to get this working with 32-bit so I can determine if 64-bit is causing the issue or not.
  10. KSP still stops loading at boulderco\clouds\textures\aurora2 http://txt.do/oe6p
  11. How did everyone get AVP to work with ATM? Mine keeps getting stuck on loading boulderco\clouds\textures\aurora2.
  12. That would make sense. I was under the impression that the cap for KSP was around 3.5. I'll try aggressive now and report back in this reply. Update: Started up KSP with aggressive, it still got stuck on the same file and crashed. Started it up again to check its memory usage and it was at 3.07 again. Output log is still saying system ran out of memory.
  13. Windows 7 64 bit OS, 12 GB RAM (not much help with KSP 32 bit), i7 CPU I tried starting up with a fresh copy of 4-2, but now it became stuck on the aurora2 texture file again. The first time I got an error message saying KSP had to close and generated an error report. The second time I attempted running it, as was suggested with ATM, it became stuck again and I had to end the process myself after waiting for about 20 minutes while it wasn't doing anything. I don't have much experience with reading output logs, but this one is clearly saying that the system ran out of memory. I find that strange because going to the task manager when it gets stuck on the file it only has between 3.0 and 3.1 GB RAM usage. I don't know how to upload it in a concise manner. Edit: I'm also using basic ATM. I wonder if changing to aggressive will make a difference.
  14. Yes, with 4-2. I'm not sure what exactly is happening, since I don't get any crash report or logs. It just stops and sits there on one file and doesn't do anything else. My CPU is getting maxed out and I can't do anything else while it's sitting on the file aside from starting the task manager and ending the KSP process. I had a similar issue with 4-1 where it got stuck on a file. With 4-2, it got passed that file but it is now stopping a few files down the line. Some further info: My first run with 4-1 yesterday included all of my mods before downloading Astronomer's Visual Pack (AVP) and it ran fine. After I added AVP, it would always stop on a texture file (aurora2). Removing 4-1 and using 64-bit, KSP loaded properly. I updated to 4-2 today and it got past the file aurora2 and is now stuck a few files later, kerbin1, each time I load it up and giving it some time before I end the process (between 10-20 minutes). The files are under boulderco\clouds\textures\ I don't know what else I can add. Thanks for being patient with me
  15. My game stops loading and crashes when it gets to a certain boulderco file from the Astronomer's Visual Pack
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