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Everything posted by Kingsix

  1. I nominate Tyler Raiz for Best KSP channel Overall. His videos and his missions rival Manleys in every way. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCeHMXQRT6D3o2sbfsqkpCcA
  2. I am going to have to say that this was an act of some greater Kerbal god to keep the Kerbal alive. I cannot reproduce the water event.
  3. I may have just found a bit of a bug with NEAR, but maybe its a bug with KSP 0.24. A particularly poorly planned mission of mine was headed down at about a 45deg angle to the water on an SRB. I figured Hadbel Kerman was a gonner. All of a sudden my rocket way flying under the water. I got rid of the SRB engaged the liquid engine and flew up and out of the water to safety. I must have been going about 300m/s when I hit and went down about 500m. NEAR is the only physics mod I have installed.
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