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Everything posted by power5000

  1. Hello I'm having issues with the SRB over heating it seems that is generates far more heat than it diffuses.... any answers?
  2. Okay I don't understand how to calculate even a proximate about the advantage I would gain from a gravity assist and I've seen the picture on wikipedia about 2U+v but I don't get why it's 2U and what if you came in at a perpendicular angle?
  3. All of my atennas got reset with the update so i have no connections is there a way to fix this?
  4. So will this change how you find your decent speed? like normal parachutes have a drag co of 500 (deployed) and a craft has .2 so you multiply by mass and take avg ect ?
  5. Here is the log http://www.filedropper.com/ksp I have the science overview and station science those are the only science related mods I have.
  6. I'm still having trouble with the megnetometer I've deleted my install and re-installed still the science button does not appear.
  7. I am in Orbit. I had one in a 121KM polar orbit (I just slapped it on since I'm running with mission controller and I hadn't done science with it until then so it was a 2 for 1 deal. and my second is in a 100KM 0 inclination orbit since I thought that the inclination might be the cause. When I right click I only have the option to extend not get any science from it.
  8. Hello, Loving the mod but I have a few problems. 1. I can't seem to collect science with the magnetometer and 2. the .65 m and the 2.5m reactors or wrongly sized is that only my install?
  9. Hello, I'm just getting into reactors and generators and everything. I'm curious to how the internal temp, thermal power, and mw affect the use of generators and radiators. I basically want to know how to figure out how much heat my reactor makes compared how much heat my radiators will radiate. and how much thermal power my generator will use/ how much mw it will make. thank you in advance.
  10. so I finally got it done =) 4 sats at a orbit of 1 Mms works nicely each sat has 2 of the vanilla atenna and two of the first gen dishes spread apart by 90 degrees or 2,262,741 meters they have a orbital period of 1:52:46.8-1:52:46.9 they will be stables for a very long time =) I'm very pleased with these results =D I'm happy to be able to use remote tech again too thanks cilph you did an amazing job! on a side note what do the buttons do on the bottom left i've played around with them i know the 1st 3rd and 4th but not the second.
  11. ok thank you I'm only in 10th grade and only in the starts of geometry so I wanted to get my math checked thank you and that is very sad since I think the longest range atenna is only 5Mm...
  12. I think your problem isn't with thrust but wheel placement/wheel load take a look at this page http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/52080-Basic-Aircraft-Design-Explained-Simply-With-Pictures a little more than half way down it talks about wheel placement I found it very useful and hardly every have a spaceplane yaw off the runway anymore. =D
  13. I had this happen and thought it was worthy of post xD I was landing a probe and had two of these attached and the g's blew them off with INCREDIBLE speed xD
  14. I actually was poking around the tutorials section, and in the drawing board I found this... http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/40053-Estimate-the-duration-of-a-burn There is lots of math =)
  15. I was wondering how you would calculate how long a "burn" would take if you are given dv needed and isp/thrust/fuel rate or whatever else you need? I'm not sure if the thrust is equal to dv in a second so if your thrust is 150 would your delta-v change 150m/s? or some other number?
  16. Um actually I think my last post was incorrect before I think you just have to have two points to make a line value of time to fuel flow but i think it would continue to drain fuel.
  17. you should be able to do it yourself or here so open up ksp go to GameDate->kerbal science foundation->AdavnceSRB->parts->then segment A or B depending on which size you want. then select one of the cfg files and copy it into the same file. I chose A1 for this example. Go to the bottom where it says module. MODULE { name = KSF_SolidBoosterSegment MassFlow { key = 0.0 .075 key = 50.0 .075 } This says that it will use .075 tons of fuel at 0 seconds until 50 seconds (you can greatly customize this to go up down or from low to high to low thrust but this will be a basic example.) so we want the total time for the rocket to be 25 seconds so we will put MODULE { name = KSF_SolidBoosterSegment MassFlow { key = 0.0 .075 key = 25.0 .075 } well uh oh now we have a problem because the segments contain 3.75 tons of fuel and well be using .075 a second for 25 seconds if we do the math (.075*25)=we only get 1.875 well that is exactly half our fuel.... we want to use all of it.... so we need to change our drain to double or .150 because .15*25=which is what we want so our end result is MODULE { name = KSF_SolidBoosterSegment MassFlow { key = 0.0 .15 key = 25.0 .15 } so in your copied segment change the name and change the module like just right above and you should have a 25 second booster be aware that this will have twice the thrust. if you want it to be the same thrust you would simply lower the amount of fuel in the booster to half and keep the same fuel flow and change the time I hope this helps and I didn't confuse you message or reply if you have any questions =)
  18. I was wondering if it's common for the tanks to not display delta v and such using engineering mod or is it my install?
  19. yep, I was like oh hmmm 2 hours.... I'll launch a communication probe and then do two missions in the same amount of time.... so I switched missions, launched my probe then went back to the NT mission and it said I had 0 seconds of 2 hours and I was like darn.....
  20. so um is there any chance that we can get it to be able to change mission packs while the timers on missions still ticks or load all packs or something like that because it would be cool to actually leave our scanners in orbit while waiting and doing other things =)
  21. oh no that would be my stupid mistake of trying to designate it as metric tons. so I thought about it and may have made another mistake >.< so F=36750 q=75 ISP=50 Ve=490 delta-v = 1358 my error was that in the adv configs it tells you how much it uses and when so it has 0 .075 50 .075 So I thought it would be .150T but it's not because it's .075T a SECOND for 50 seconds so im sorry and I'm an idiot..... So our Thrust is .075t*50 (.075T for 50 seconds) or 36750 newtons q= 3750/50 or 75 (kgs/s) so our ISP = 36750/(75*9.8)=50 (seconds) the effective velocity = 50 * 9.8= 490 (m/s) the deltav=490*ln(4/.25)=1358.56
  22. thank you that would have helped a lot but I did miss something somewhere so I went back and looks at all the things and have revised and got something a little closer to what i'd expect REVISION!!!!! Ve= effective exhaust velocity M0= full mass M0= dry mass G0=9.81 F= thrust in Newtons q=fuel rate delta-v=ve*Ln(M0/M1) Ve= ISP*G0 ISP=F/qG0 So our Thrust is .150T or 1470 newtons q= 3750/50 or 75 (kgs/s) so our ISP = 1470/(75*9.8)=2. (seconds) the effective velocity = 2 * 9.8= 19.6 (m/s) the deltav=19.6*ln(4/.25)=54.3427389558997123
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