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Everything posted by Hunter0000

  1. DISCLAIMER: While I am a programmer by profession, I know almost nothing about KSP modding so it's possible this post makes some silly assumptions. I was a bit bored and did some digging about the cost of the Molten Salt reactor to try and figure out the high cost. The current cost seems to have been set by the 1.6.8 commit (https://github.com/sswelm/KSPInterstellar/commit/c255889321ff64995ae14dd6e8e7e496aeff3448) + entryCost = 74250 + cost = 742500 That commit looks like it split the Molten Salt reactor configs from it's old location (https://github.com/sswelm/KSPInterstellar/blob/master/GameData/WarpPlugin/Parts/Electrical/NuclearReactor3Spheres/LargeSaltReactor.cfg) which lists the cost as entryCost = 50000 cost = 71900 // 50000 + 300 * 73 While that old cost is not the 50,000 listed on the first post - the comment there seems to pretty clearly indicate it's derived by adding some factor. Looks like it might be the cost of 300 UF4? I've only looked at the Molten salt reactor here, but perhaps there were similar changes for other reactors that have off prices compared to the first post. Or perhaps they are simply off due to fuel prices - I'm not sure. Either way, is this cost intended? Is this just a misplaced zero or something?
  2. I've recently started an new career mode with Interstellar first the first time since the old (pre-KSP 1.0) version. I just got to the point where I am unlocking interstellar parts, and I've got some serious sticker shock going on. Are the prices listed on the first post meant to be accurate for the current version? Reactors are seriously more expensive than listed (not dealing with fuel here). I looked forward in the tech tree now and am seeing some seriously weird numbers - couple of examples: Type Unlock Cost Part Cost First Post Cost Molten Salt 74,250 742,500 50,000 Pebble Bed 100,000 371,800 100,000 Tokamak 600,000 600,000 600,000 DUMBO 150,000 164,800 150,000 Open Cycle Gas Core 600,000 542,200 300,000 There are a couple that match, like the Tokamak, or close to match like the DUMBO, but many are totally out of wack, especially the Molten Salt. In case any of them are known to have compatibility issues that I have missed, here is my current mod list (pulled from CKAN export):
  3. If you are comfortable with some save editing, I was able to recue Jeb from flying out of the solar system by uninstalling realchutes and removing the realchutes parts from active vessels in my save. Obviously if you're using realchutes on any ships that need them to land, you'll need to replace them with a stock chute instead of just deleting it. I was lucky - most of my active ships were probes and it turned out the only realchute part was attached to some debris in LKO (booster that went farther than intended). EDIT: After playing further with this file I experienced some seriously bugged quicksaves and recoveries. Save editing should always be done with backups... but be careful with this one. I'm going to continue pushing through to see if once all current craft are recovered the bugs go away. EDIT2: Full stop - as far as I can tell, this bugs the file forever, recovering all craft did not remove the quick load issues. Sorry for any false hope.
  4. I've encountered the dissapearing (or rather running away from the view) bug also. Here's a link to the log http://tny.cz/b9565a86 I've tried to temporarily remove other mods to shorten it, bur didn't have much luck. For reference, the ship in question is called 'Explorer I'. All I did was load up the ship via the tracking station, watch it fly away from my camera within seconds, then quit KSP. Additionally, I don't think there are any realchutes parts on this particular craft (could be mistaken). I can provide a save file as well if it's helpful, though I certainly don't have a nice isolated case where this is the only mod.
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