So I was screwing around building a mun base. I am using KAS on 24.2 64bit with 64bit recompiled kas.dll ( by JeffersonFlight ) So I was thinking it would be great if I could use KAS to link station modules together with big Tubes (like the Fuel Line) using something like the stock Clamp-o-tron (renamed SpaceBase connector). You grab the end of the Clamp-o-tron and link to another look alike Clamp-o-tron. This creates a fat 1 meter tube between station parts. I can copy the fuel pipe fitting and rename the part and change the config so it creates a fat station tube with anew station texture. OK BUt I was trying to use a Clamp-o-tron model and when I use and select link. the tube link appears in the middle of the floor / ground about 2 meters in front of the kerbal and wont link with other Clamp-o-tron. I am guessing there are offsets for this in the config file but not sure were to go at this point. Asking anyone if they know so I dont spend hours working on it especially if wont work