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Everything posted by Synighte

  1. My apologies, I performed a quick (and obviously unsuccessful) read of the previous couple pages and was unable to find anything about the issue before I posted. Thank you for the awesome mod and the response!
  2. I don't know if this is a problem strictly relating to FAR but on some capsule returns I am not getting an atmospheric braking from LKO. Since this directly affects the atmosphere I am thinking this mod may be the most likely culprit but it often ends with my craft slamming into kerbin and not being slowed down at ALL. It seems slightly random and a quick save/ quick load usually fixes the issue. I can also sacrifice one parachute which will help resolve the issue and makes it so the aerodynamic forces once again affect the craft. Has anyone else had a similar problem? EDIT: This nearly always happens with ships that I have to undock from another ship.
  3. What I find truly disappointing are the number of people in this thread who are upset (or dissatisfied) with a popular 'youtuber' giving publicity to a high quality game and to an interest in science, physics, or something beyond what may (or may not) be taught in schools. I am appreciative of any form of media which garners interest in science or encourages others to learn more about the world around them. This reminds me of a perfect South Park clip (you have been warned) about smugness and a false sense of elitism.
  4. I do not, but now that you mention it I used a small docking port to attach the rover to some fairings for its landing. EDIT: this particular build did not rectify the problem. Oh well, is there a way to cut and paste the ksp log in a spoiler somehow so I don't spam the forum?
  5. It is very lengthy, what should I be looking for (or how should I send the log), thanks
  6. I forgot to mention it is ONLY with this SPECIFIC rover, all other ships/craft are perfectly fine.
  7. I have a problem with remote tech/flight computer (or a specific bug) if anyone knows a work around please let me know! I am able to open up the flight computer window, but when I go to view queued actions it turns the window into a small grey little box. I cannot activate/deactivate any modules and the only actions I can perform are to move around (can't turn on the brakes on the rover). This is with one specific craft and no others seem to have the bug. EDIT: the flight computer also prohibits warp for this bug First window Second window, expanded and small grey window
  8. I am also experiencing a problem with Remote Tech. On an attempt to capture an asteroid I had my craft spin wildly out of control when I turn on the SAS. I am able to control it reasonably when I turn off the SAS. I am wondering if this is a problem with the delayed signal from RT2 fighting the new SAS of the .90 system. Any and all help is appreciated. Thanks! PS: this is the first craft I have had a problem with and I have not used any clipped parts. I attempted to install the latest versions of tweakscale and RT2
  9. Is it just me or is mechjeb's autopilot function for rendezvous incredibly inefficient (or am I just mech-jebbing wrong)? I personally have found mechjeb to be lackluster. I then tried mechjeb because I had multiple SSTO's to recapture old and very expensive inter-planetary probes and was tired of the longer than normal take offs and landings of large SSTO's.
  10. Just tried a restart on the client and it seemed to have cleared up the frozen in orbit bug.
  11. Hello I just encountered this bug: http://bugs.kerbalspaceprogram.com/issues/2349 The SSTO I used to launch my interplanetary vehicle blew apart and now the interplanetary vehicle itself is stuck in a frozen orbit around Kerbin. Are there any workarounds to this issue?
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