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Posts posted by sober667

  1. Firing test of future Ka fueled atmospheric engine. turn up your volume. :D

    wow amaizing

    i wonder one think abot landing crane + drill + engine wil be any way to drill be more off center while drilling? its clearly Estetical becouse mounting engine under the drill makes drill clipping in it... a litlle bit bud idea is avesome we could buildrealy compackt lander Karbonite-powered and scope.. is awesome idea and look al parts are just elegant nice choose of colours

  2. Are you sure about that? I just did a quicksave while flying my plane and it worked fine. Crashed, hit quickload, and there was my plane flying again.

    quick save -yes swich to other vehicle - NO if something go into atmosfere more than 2.3km from ur active vessel is vanished end of story only thinks that can do it they must be landed

    if u wana absorb fram jool atmosphere u need to fluby and stabilize orbit outside of atmosfere( u could do it just outside so delta v needed will be fractial and u will earn it easly from karbonite)

  3. HL airships needs a stationkeeping feature. Slow to a stop, hit a switch, and if you can keep it powered with EC for a minute or so it assumes you've got the power to consistently run stationkeeping fans and creates an invisible joint linking all airship envelopes to the ground like a launch clamp and marks the ship landed.

    How epic a karbonite harvesting cloud city would be...

    hmm is posible to throw something like insane long anchor(like from KAS) to " simulate" landing on the surface of jool? or is posible to land with ANYTHHINK on jool?

  4. For those who have the pass-throught-parts-and-ground bug: the experimental build of WaveFunctionP effectively fix it (there: https://github.com/WaveFunctionP/KSPInterstellar/releases). Didn't tried with my full bundle of mods, but clearing the GameData folder (leave Squad and NASAmission or verifify cache integrity after deleting everything) and installing this build fix it for 0.24.2.

    Thanks to WaveFunctionP!

    i have a lots of mods( staying at 24.0 rigth now) and dont work for me

    even if i instalinng on new copy better work for me "original" one rigth now

    i will try on 24.2

  5. So I have this problem and I have no idea why I cannot find anybody else having it. The issue is that that if you normally were to launch your satellite you would see a green line connecting to your KSC(the red dot) but I don't see the connection happening. Also I have a connection with my KSC no matter where I am in the solar system. I cannot pick my target(as I don't have that option on any of the dishes and antennae). It works as if only half of the mod was installed. I do have a couple of mods installed alongside this one.

    i have same problem icancto give list of mods that u use i use interstellar mechjeb kas and some others but only with parts ( on fresh copy with no other mods work good)

    i check new game still dont work properly

  6. That would be a type. The basic idea is that each tier is equal in cost to that of the size below, but one tier above.

    So something like 3.75 fission/2.5 fusion/1.25 antimatter all should be roughly the same cost. And each size is roughly 5 times the cost of the size below. I was assuming each size is 4 times the output, which left a progressive increase in cost up the sizes and tiers. I had a lot of values to edit and I was mostly doing it in my head as I went along.

    It's rough because I know that soon I will be flattening the power progression soon, while also cutting a good bit of part and functionality bloat, and I didn't want to waste effort balancing against numbers that are going to be very different soon.

    u mean chenging values of power? its not good becouse all parts are balanced to be power compatibile so changing cost its ok but if u lower power output on any part it will broke balance and make some parts unusable pepole who make this mod have a lots of work with balancing it so please work only with prices or u could mess it up

  7. The new update will remove all hard dependencies, and will no longer interact with Hullcam in any way. It now uses its own camera system.

    AFAIK, this is a problem with the game's imprecisions at extreme distances (the infamous floating point errors). When you consider the extreme distance being simulated between the two planets, I'm actually super surprised the result looks as good as it does. Do note that VisualEnhancements seems to worsen this effect as it's drawing another layer or two on top of the planet.

    So what about KAS? will it remove to or we need to wait to new wersion or hotfix?

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