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    Curious George
  1. @denken Thanks for this! I was going mad, but the Process Explorer helped
  2. Thank you very much! The problem went away after I reinstalled all my mods. May have been an outdated dependency EDIT: @blackheart612, I have found one more problem with the latest version: Every time I stage the Interstage decoupler something explodes and the upper stage starts spinning like crazy. Since nothing breaks I can then stabilize and continue my mission. None the less, it would be nice if it didn't explode I tried setting the decouple force to 0, adding and removing sepatrons but nothing helped. I see no errors in the log or anything like that. Hope that is sufficient for a bug description and that you (or someone) can help me out here Thanks!
  3. Just a thank you from a fan, that's some amazing work!
  4. Thanks million, @blackheart612, I love this mod, it makes my KSP complete A few findings with the 3.0 version for KSP 1.1: In the VAB, after right clicking a Kerbodyne part, the context menu is broken (opens an infinite amount of menus, saying "New text here") When staging the interstage fairing, it explodes (seems like the decouple force is way too high, maybe?) Sometimes (or even, often) the engines do not apply any thrust, even though they consume LFO Sometimes I can't steer the craft, even though anything else seems to work (maybe same problem as above, cannot apply any force at all?) I don't have time to test any further now (it's 1 o'clock in the morning here, RL calls), but I hope it helps Cheers!
  5. Tried out the new version yesterday and I'm really liking it. Still, I'd love to be able to jettison the fairing, but not decouple the fairing base at the same time. How can I achieve that? I have only unlocked the lowest tech fairings (1.25m) so far, is that just a feature for higher tier parts now? Or do I need to go in and change/add config files? If so, can someone give me a hint on where and how I'd have to implement that? I have programming skills and am a fast learner, but I have never modified anything in KSP until now x) Thanks!
  6. The Mk1 Lander Can is not working correctly for me. I can select it from the part menu and attach it to a node, but I'm unable to select it (or even get the right click menu) afterwards. Also, it seems to be 2.5m instead of 1.25m? Anyone any idea why that could be? Sorry if I overread something.. I have some other mods installed, but no other part revamp mods and no TweakScale either. Cheers!
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