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Everything posted by Businfu

  1. Deadly Reentry!! Half the fun of going to space is trying not to die a terrible fiery death on the way home. Honestly can't believe stock implementation of reentry mechanics isn't a higher priority considering it's like the one thing that everyone and their grandmother has heard about space travel.
  2. First off, love the direction of this mod; price balancing and meaningful costs for kerbals are exactly what I've been wanting! I also dig the option to cancel all the goofy part test missions, they were always either overpowered or underpowered and I haven't missed them at all. Started a whole new career and it's been great. I did however notice a pretty big exploit (maybe already reported) that should be addressed. For the orbital scanning missions I'm assuming that the intent was to require a new satellite to be launched from the ground for each mission (since the first item on the checklist is to have a vessel on the launch pad). I completed the mission once in Munar orbit. However, I discovered that once I had a satellite with a scanner in Munar orbit, when a new version of the contract would pop up, all I had to do is select the sat in tracking station, warp through the required time, and then go to launchpad and put any random thing there and the contract was complete at no cost. Pretty big loophole, especially considering its worth like 110K and a ridiculous 75 science! Ended up doing it three times and then feeling like i was just cheating. I like that this mod is going for difficulty and meaningful decisions, and I hope you can come up with a good fix for this exploit. I'm assuming it works for any scan mission as well.
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