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Everything posted by Kowgan

  1. I just came here to state, once more, my love and appreciation for your work, E-dog. Your effort is, and will still be much appreciated in the future. The new stock fairings won't replace yours in my saves!* Thank you. *Unless, of course, development and support to this mod ceases completely. And don't get me wrong, SQUAD. I love your work on the new fairings, but my personal preferences stays in this mod.
  2. Damn, Speedy! This looks completely awesome! I can't wait to try'em myself! Thank you so much for your work.
  3. I needed to cheat a little bit and add some considerable lift to my nose cone, so the CoL would be close enough to the CoM. But unfortunately, this shuttle design wouldn't work in any other way in KSP with NEAR. BUT ANYWAY! It works awesomely now! I can pull the nose up during final approach and do gentle touchdowns! I'm happy. Now, time to master those reentries.
  4. Well, what can I say? I feel ashamed for not paying attention to that description. Either it wasn't there when I first looked at, or I really didn't pay attention. Either way, my bad, and thank you guys for clarifying. It works like a charm.
  5. That looks like a great game, Blizzy! I remember playing a very old game just like this one, called Prisma. Wish you success. (and sorry for the off-topic.)
  6. Well, I've finally had time to test it, and unfortunately, it doesn't seem to work. :| When I hit the B button, it works like the stock way: Hold-to-brake. And nothing happens on log. But when I click the Brakes button, I get this on log: [Log]: [KSP Break Toggle (BreakToggle)] OnPress() Here's the full log. Thanks in advance for the support.
  7. No pics because no pics. But I've installed NEAR, and now I've gotta find a way to fix my shuttle orbiter aerodynamics, once again.
  8. Oh, you don't know how much I've wanted this to become true! Thank you so much, _selfishPerson!
  9. Particularly, I don't like the open space between the LES and the capsule caused by a decoupler. So, I've modified it to include a decoupler. fx_gasBurst_white = 0.0, -1.372544, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, decouple sound_vent_large = decouple// --- FX definitions --- { name = ModuleDecouple ejectionForce = 250 explosiveNodeID = bottom }MODULE The result is that I'll never use the staging button to activate it. Either I'll decouple it, or activate its engines through action groups.
  10. I'm basically on the same page here. Difference is that I haven't done all those accomplishments yet, but some of them just don't interest me at the moment. Right now, I'm trying to figure how to properly calculate a transfer burn (timing and acceleration) without map view, RasterPropMonitor or any other kind of auto-pilotish help. The intent is to find someone to do a GroundControl + IVAOnlyPilot style mission with the help of Telemachus. Anyway, I really envy these people who can play KSP every single day, and even livestream it, and always find different things to do. Sigh.
  11. What a superb work, Ensou and everyone else who's helping with it! Thank you very much for this mod. I've tested it with Muffler, and they're kinda compatible: Muffler muffles (!) every sound effect according to the current atmosphere level, but that means the IVA sounds get muffled as well. Personally, this isn't a problem for me. I like the results, but I don't know how differently the IVA sounds are affected in our world.
  12. Please, provide your output_log.txt, so we can help you.
  13. As long as they've fixed the memory leak and its subsequent crashes for x32 KSP, I'm good with the x64 removal.
  14. Tested the scanner, drills and converters. Maps update in real time, and parts are working as they should! Thank you very much for the effort, K7! It's really much appreciated.
  15. I've been so much into shuttles, lately.
  16. Welcome to the forums, Draculla. Do you have the latest Firespitter plugin?
  17. One kudos can't be enough. Thanks for the great video, Joe! The result is amazing!
  18. Why isn't this thread called RealBacon Bacon Systems yet? Pretty please!
  19. Unfortunately, I don't think many of us make videos of our own. I personally don't have enough internets to upload them, so this is my biggest discouragement.
  20. Nice! I'd love to contribute! I really want to see this happen. Here's an album with my first Curiosity Rover remake. Though, it has been made on .24.2. Everything below is .23. And my very first screenshot, actually. I didn't know about F2 back in time. Had to go there first! The similarity to Kerbin was killing me, and I had to know how close they were. Or rather, on top of the KSC flag. I'd love to see more screens. Keep'em coming!
  21. @Shadowzone: Nice Ringo Gigante station. My apologies in advance for the night time pictures. But today, I've rescued the scientist Desgar Kerman who was stranded in LKO. Secretly, I accepted that contract as an excuse to use my Shuttle design. Here's a few pics of the landing:
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